Sunday, June 1, 2014

You Are Safe & Healthy Lifestyle

This is your daily card reading for Monday, June 2nd/14.  This photo was taken in our beautifully blooming apple tree (yep, I climbed a ladder for you!)...seems that as soon as the trees came into leaf, they also broke out in bloom!  EVERYTHING feels accelerated, these days! Your cards today are from the 'Archangel Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  The 2 cards that dropped together out of the deck for you are the 'You Are Safe' card, aligned with Archangel Michael, and the 'Healthy Lifestyle' card, aligned with Archangel Raphael. Doreen's messages for the cards are:
You Are Safe~ 
"Archangel Michael: 'I am protecting you against lower energies, and guarding you, your loved ones, and home."
Healthy Lifestyle~
"Archangel Raphael: 'Eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep, and exercise regularly for optimal health."

My message for you today is this:
HOLY MOLEY!  Did any of you feel the INTENSE energy over the past weekend??? WOW!
No surprise that the 'power house' Archangels, Michael (the supreme protector) and Raphael (the angel of healing) have made themselves available to us at this time!  I had found myself feeling VERY lethargic and very, very sad, most especially on Saturday.  I understood that this was NOT related to my current life circumstances, and I was actually very critical of myself for feeling this way.  There are so many events coming up in June that I have been excited about, and that I KNOW will be soul-filled experiences, yet I could not seem to 'talk myself out of' feeling sad and tired and uninspired.  Then, as the Universe will do for us, if we pay attention, I was given the support I desperately needed.  It began yesterday, with a small white feather floating gracefully down in front of me, 'out of thin air', as I was in our front yard, planting my bedding out plants.  I took a moment to give thanks, even in my state of 'sadness', as I knew it to be a sign of support. Later, I was scanning some Facebook postings, when I came across one by Elizabeth Peru, of Delta Waves, a spiritual mentor from Australia whom I follow, and whom I have spoken of before.  Her posting began with: 
"Dear Empaths, you may be feeling a big wave of sadness and pain erupt this weekend.  So many people worldwide are releasing their old hurts and shames. Empaths (those whose psychic talent is feeling) pick up on this and feel their own bodies go through the same gut wrenching shifts. Ask yourself if what you are feeling belongs to you or not? Honour, listen to, and act on the voice of truth within you..."
I was identified as an empath, early in my spiritual learning, although I had no knowing at that time what that meant. As I learned what it meant to be an empath, it explained so much of what I had experienced in my life, and continue to experience.  I share Elizabeth's posting with you now, because she is wonderful at explaining the cosmic energies that we are influenced by here on Earth.  Just having someone identify for me what I had been experiencing, helped me to feel better and to work at releasing it. I trust that if I experienced it so powerfully, there must be others out there who also had been feeling 'out of sorts' and wondered why.  Know that you are not  'at the mercy of' these cosmic energies, and that 'knowledge is power'.  The Universe longs to support you on your journey, and so, at such times as when the energies are as strong as they were recently, the powerful Archangels, Michael and Raphael, make themselves available to us to assist and support us.  How empowering is that?  Archangel Michael is excellent at clearing away any lower energies you may have taken on inadvertently, and also protecting you.  Archangel Raphael has presented to remind us how important it is to take good care of our physical selves, particularly during times of stress or distress.  Practise 'extreme self care'.  Spend some quiet time in nature and allow her healing energy to embrace you; take a sea salt bath and clear your energy field; hydrate and feed your body with nutritious foods; rest, if you are tired, rather than simply trying to 'push your way through it'; indulge in whatever brings you some level of peace and comfort.  Call upon Archangels Michael and Raphael to support you and know that 'this too, shall pass'.  These energy shifts are necessary as we societally release old hurts and make room for greater happiness, but we need not 'suffer through them'.  Accept the support that the Universe offers you at these times, and step out of self-judgment for not feeling 'happy' all of the time!  We are MEANT to experience the myriad of emotions that this world has to offer, but we are not meant to RESIDE in them...allow them to flow through you, and to be released.  The intense energies of this past weekend are already receding...  All is indeed, well... June looks to be a wonderful month!
Blessed be...

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