Thursday, June 26, 2014

Stepping into Stillness

This is your daily card reading for Thursday, June 26th/14.  Your card today was drawn from the 'Gateway Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Denise Linn.  Your card is the 'Stepping into Stillness' card, and Denise's message for the card is this:
"My power is born in the majesty of silence...
Take a moment to enter into the silent, deep place within you.  Be still.  Let everything go, and focus on what is truly important.  Imagine spiralling down into the source of your essence.  Breathe deeply.  Allow your body to relax into the present moment, the here-and-now.  Deep within you is an inner sanctuary.  Having this inner peace, however, doesn't mean that there isn't chaos or disharmony around you.  It means that no matter what is occurring in your life, you can observe it from a place of stillness. Surrender to the the sweet energy of quietude; avoid the temptation to embrace the drama and urgency of life.  Affirm that you have all the time you need.  Power is born in stillness, and your potential is dramatically expanding in the majesty of silence."

My message for you today is this:
Of course, I know that there is no such thing as coincidence---only synchronicity.  When I awoke this morning, I opened the book by Panache Desai that I am currently reading, 'Discovering Your Soul Signature', and today's chapter was titled, 'Ever-Present Truth'.  In this chapter, Panache alludes to the very basic use of breath to be in the moment---to find that peaceful, quiet place within you.  I just love how he states on page 136 of this book:
"I have yet to meet a human being who is talented enough to breathe in the past.
Nor will I ever meet a human being gifted enough to breathe in the future.
All we can ever breathe in is the here and now.
Perfect!  Over recent years, the term, 'To be in the NOW', has become very popular.  This really means to be FULLY PRESENT in your life---neither residing in the past or in the future, but in what is happening right NOW.  When you focus upon your breath, you cannot help but have your attention on that very moment!  It is in this stillness that we are most connected to our Higher Self---to our inner guidance system---to our intuition.  The misconception is that, you must have yourself squirrelled away in a quiet area, with no outside distractions, in order to achieve that state of 'stillness within'.  Of course, that is easier.  You can, however, drop into stillness within yourself, even while you are fully engaged in the world around you and all that that entails.  You've no doubt heard the term, 'Just breathe...'  We are often advised, at times of distress or agitation or, in fact, while experiencing ANY emotion urgently, to 'Just breathe...This is no coincidence or platitude! Focusing upon your breath CENTERS you and brings you into the present moment---it is CALMING.  When we are experiencing strong emotion, our breathing pattern changes---yet, when you draw your attention to your breath, and to adjusting it yourself, in that very moment, YOU take control, rather than having the external circumstances take control of you.  You find your 'inner sanctuary' that Denise refers to.  It is from this place---this Higher Self place---that you can best react to whatever circumstance you find yourself in.  It is important to 'step into stillness'---to meditate in whatever way that means for you, in order to be fully in touch with ourselves and our inner guidance---but it is also important when you are moving throughout your daily life to acknowledge that you have the power of your breath to assist you in attaining a 'calm amidst the storm' state, if you need to.  Keep in mind that, to reach for a state of stillness DOES NOT mean that you deny your feelings and experiences---only that you choose consciously how you will react to them!
Therein resides true self-empowerment---and it all begins with your breath!
Blessed be...

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