Monday, June 23, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Monday, June 23rd/14.  Your card today, was drawn from the 'Messages From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  This was the very first angel oracle card deck that I owned.  I purchased it, after having had my first angel card reading done for me, by the dynamic duo of Carol and Daverna, well over a decade ago. The experience was life altering for me!  I had the great pleasure of reconnecting with Carol yesterday at the Spiritual Farmer's Market at Vitality Crystals & Fountains in Bowden, where I was a vendor.  I expressed my deepest gratitude to Carol, for all the glorious learnings she brought into my life, beginning with that angel card reading!  I dedicate today's reading, with love and gratitude to Carol and Daverna, as beautiful Lightworkers who Lit, and continue to Light the way with humour and grace and sanctity.  Blessings to you!
Your card today is (quite perfectly!) the 'Arielle' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"New psychic and spiritual experiences are changing the way you view the world and yourself.  Allow your spiritual gifts to open---through study, prayer, and meditation.
It's not your imagination.  You really are psychic, and you have been connected with the spirit world.  These mystical experiences are occurring due to your increased spiritual openness, and because you have asked about your angels and your life's purpose.  I am part of a large group of angels assigned to help those of you who have spiritual gifts.  We will send you additional Earth helpers in the form of spiritual teachers, books, and classes so that you may further open up to your spiritual abilities.  Please don't be afraid of your gifts. Although you may have been teased or punished for being psychic in your childhood or past life, we will help you heal any fears that you may have about being psychic or spiritually gifted.  Just ask for our help, and it is given.  The earth needs your help right now.  We ask that you regularly send the Divine love and light within you toward those who need it most. Simply hold the intention of sending beams of loving energy toward any place, plant, animal, person, or situation, and it is done.  We thank you for your Earth angel assistance."

My message for you today is this:
I have often shared that, it is my personal belief that we are ALL psychic.  Set aside, for the moment, the connotations that that word brings up for many---replace the word 'psychic' with the word 'intuitive', if you prefer (as I do).  We are all born with the innate ability to make the 'conscious connection' to the Divine.  Having said that, just as with any of the potentials and possibilities that we incarnate with, some may have a greater aptitude for certain skills and abilities than others.  In addition to that, just because you were born with a certain 'gift', you will not become proficient at it, unless you practise and develop that ability.  If you are born with an aptitude for sports and athletics, and you have the physical and mental attributes required to play, say basketball, at a professional level---yet you do nothing to develop your skills in that regard, then your abilities lay dormant and unexpressed.  In short, it requires effort and commitment to fully express any gifts you may have out into the world.  This is true, also, in developing your ability to be in 'conscious communication' with the Divine, if you have the gift of making that connection at a heightened level.  Although it is my belief and understanding that ALL are psychic, not all have the same propensity for making the connection in the same ways.  Arielle is presenting for you today, to assist you with learning and growing in your personal means of 'making the connection'.  She honours that it is your Divine right and privilege to do so.  Ask her to bring to you the learnings, teachers and experiences that will support your spiritual growth in the ways that it is meant to happen for you.  Understand that, your spiritual growth is not a DESTINATION, but a JOURNEY.  It is an ongoing evolution of your Soul...
Blessed be...

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