Monday, June 30, 2014

Opportunity Knocks

This is your daily card reading for Monday, June 30th/14.  Your card today was drawn from the 'Wealth & Wisdom' oracle card deck, authored by Jaden Sterling.  I am proud to call Jaden, 'friend'...he is a wonderful spiritual advisor/mentor!  Check out his Facebook page, 'Jaden Sterling Wealth & Wisdom', and his blog talk weekly radio show, 'Soul to Profit' radio.  You'll be glad that you did!  Your card today is the 'Opportunity Knocks' card, and Jaden's message for the card is this:
"The Universe is bringing you many new opportunities right now!  Being diligent in choosing which one to focus your energy on will benefit you greatly.
Clear out old beliefs, cluttered drawers and anything that no longer serves you to make room for the beautiful opportunities coming to you.  New opportunities flow to those who create space for them, stay open to them, and allow for them.  You will receive tremendous benefits from opening the door when opportunity knocks."

My message for you today is this:
As I was typing up Jaden's message for you, it came to me that I need to clear out and organize the closet in my sacred room downstairs.  It is in this sacred room that  I conduct my Akashic Records Consultations for clients, my Reiki table is in that room, etc...and I truly love the space! Every item that is on display in that space, has meaning to me and has been placed with intention.  Then, there's the closet!  At one time, the closet was organized, but as my spiritual work and teachings have expanded, I must confess that I have given little attention to 'the closet' and all that it holds!  It has become a 'catch all' for materials that are not very organized, but are 'out of sight'!  I am at a new stage of growth in my spiritual business and practise, offering some exciting opportunities and possibilities, ahead!  I understood as I typed Jaden's message that, in order to move forward in the best possible way and to focus my attention on what I am meant to, I must first clean and organize that closet and purge it of all that no longer serves me!  I have been seeking to understand how I am meant to balance the personal/family/travel aspect of my life, with my spiritual work, and I now understand that that closet, which currently houses aspects of both, is a METAPHOR for my 'sorting all of that out'!  
How does Jaden's message today relate for you?  We are coming to the end of 'Mercury Retrograde' energy.  We have had things that we need to deal with, brought to the surface and revealed to us, over this energetic period.  As Mercury Retrograde comes to conclusion, now is the time for action--July will be an 'action month'.  When opportunity knocks, answer the door!  Discern whether or not the 'guest at the door' is one that you wish to invite in, or if a different 'guest' would serve your life better.   You have the right and responsibility to make this choice for yourself!  Of course, you cannot invite in that 'guest at the door', if you have not first made room available...a full house can't accommodate a new guest!  What do you need to do to make that space available, both physically and metaphorically?   Once you've prepared the space and made it available; open the door when opportunity knocks; be discerning about what/whom you invite in; and when you've invited in an opportunity, trust that you are supported in moving forward with it!  This can be a very exciting time for you!
Blessed be...

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