Monday, June 9, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Monday, June 9th/14.  Your card sprung out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is the 'Commitment' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are being asked to make some sort of commitment.  It is both a promise and a responsibility.  This could be in connection with a relationship...the Commitment card can also point to other types of commitment such as; starting a new business, planning a vacation with friends, signing up for classes, or taking on any type of long-term project.
This commitment is a binding one, and you will not be able to get out of it easily should you change your mind later.  This is signified by the bow-like symbol in the fractal image on the card.  Whatever the case may be, this commitment does hold soul lessons and was planned before you came here.  This does mean that it is either good or bad, but simply means that this is a fated event.  You, and the others involved in the situation, are fulfilling your soul agreements with each other.  This card can also be calling you to make a serious commitment to yourself whether it is to lose weight, quit smoking, start a yoga class, or go for some healing sessions...
You may be wavering in your decision about a certain commitment.  Lean towards the idea that this might actually be the right thing for you to do.  Spirit usually replies to the things which are most important to us at the moment.  This card can act as a validation that you are heading in the right direction."

My message for you today is this:
The flower pot in which your card was placed for the photo today, was lush and FULL of blooms last week, and then we had that few days of INTENSE wind, which literally blew blooming branches right off the plant, leaving it not so lush anymore!  Commitment means to continue to strive toward blooming, even when the winds blow. If you look at the plant in the photo, you will see the new buds that are already striving to fill the space left open by the destructive winds.  This plant is NOT going to be deterred in expressing its beauty!  No wind is going to stop it from presenting its best self to the world!  As Cheryl Lee says in her message above, COMMITMENT is 'both a promise and a responsibility'.  The 'promise' part, carries the energy of LOVE, both for yourself and others.  The 'responsibility' part carries the energy of tenacity and perseverance and determination---knowing that some days the sun will shine warmly down upon you and some days the winds may blow, and that in both instances, you carry on with your commitment.
Commitment does NOT feel burdensome, when it comes from a Soul-filled can feel exciting and rejuvenating and joyful!  Commitment DOES require effort, however.  So, be prepared to take action and to adjust your actions on those 'windy days'.  Know that the Universe truly wants to support you, particularly regarding Soul based commitments.  Call upon your Guides and Angels to guide you, support you and to lovingly assist you in honouring your commitment.  While we all have a multitude of various levels of commitments that we make in our lives, I know that a specific upcoming commitment came to mind for me when I drew this card.  What specific commitment comes to mind for you today?  Do not over think in the first thought that comes to your mind.  THAT is the commitment that the Universe is drawing to your attention today.  Pay attention, and then like the plant in the picture for your reading today, consciously pledge to that COMMITMENT, giving it the LOVE and effort that it requires to 'bloom'...
Blessed be...

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