Thursday, June 5, 2014

Mary Magdalene

This is your daily card reading for Thursday, June 5th/14.  Your card today was drawn from the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Mary Magdalene ~ Unconditional Love' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Love yourself, others and every situation--no matter what the outward appearances may be.
Message from Mary Magdalene:
I'm not what most people thing, yet to defend myself would be to sink to a lower level than I feel comfortable with.  I am one with the Divine, just as you are, and it is here that I choose to reside.  The lower levels of human bickering, judgment, and chaos are just that: lower levels.  I choose to do my work from the level of the higher consciousness, where love reigns supreme.  It's here where the most good can be done, and I urge you to do the same.  Where you dwell in consciousness is where you truly dwell.  So, focus your thoughts on the good things that you can find in people, and rise above all appearances otherwise."

My message for you today:
Mary Magdalene is a Goddess who has suffered severe condemnation and judgment, both during her time here on Earth, and in the Gospels, thereafter, at times.  Her relationship with Jesus was a close one--she was one of the first that he appeared to upon his resurrection--yet, there have been innuendos about other aspects of her persona that have not painted her in a good light.  Mary Magdalene has presented for you today, because she profoundly understands the need for self-love and self-acceptance and also the DEEP need for forgiveness as a means to healing your OWN Soul, rather than those who may have hurt you.  She admonishes you that, if you have experienced or are experiencing, judgment or condemnation from another, DO NOT be drawn into that energy and then engage in judgment and condemnation in return!  To do so only pulls your energy down to that lower level, as Mary Magdalene describes it.  You NEED NOT embrace those that judge you into your inner circle, but do not waste your time or energy engaging in retaliation, either. What are the chances that you are actually going to change that person's opinion of you, and in the biggest scheme of things, how much does that person's opinion really matter?  What ultimately matters is that you follow your own Light...your Inner Light...and strive to live your best life.  THAT is the means by which you disprove misconceptions or misrepresentations that you may have experienced... You've heard the saying, 'To live a great life is the best revenge...'  Use your energy in living your best life, and rather than dwell in the energy of hurt, do you best to forgive and release.  
Today's message is a little 'heavier', and I believe that is because we are coming up on Mercury Retrograde, which is a cosmic phenomenon that energetically is great for 'clearing our closet'!  You know how great it feels when you get an old cupboard or closet cleared of what no longer serves you...  Spiritually, Mercury Retrograde is supportive energy for clearing the closets of our Soul!  It's energy can feel somewhat chaotic at times, but can be completely about positive movement forward, if you choose to approach it as such.  Be cognizant about the people and situations that arise for you over the next 3 weeks, and consciously choose to 'clear that closet', from a position of self-love and acceptance.  Mary Magdalene has presented for you today to guide you through the Mercury Retrograde energy for your Greater Good...  
Blessed be...

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