Friday, June 6, 2014

Lady Nada ~ Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter

This is your daily card reading for Friday, June 6th/14.  Your card today jumped out of the 'Ascended Masters' oracle card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Lady Nada ~ Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"The issue that you're asking about involves a significant woman in your life such as your mother, wife, girlfriend, sister or daughter.  The first person who comes to mind is correct. Any unhealed feelings that you carry toward this person could be blocking or slowing the manifestation of your dreams, as well as leading to imbalances.  This is a perfect time to call upon God, your guides, and angels to release any toxins associated with past or present female relationships.  This process opens the way for healthy relationships with women, including your own feminine energy."

My message for you today is this:
We are now in the cosmic energy of Mercury Retrograde, as Mercury went retrograde today and will remain there for a 3 week period.  I have often referred to Elizabeth Peru, of 'DeltaWaves', whom I rely on as an excellent resource about cosmic energies and their effect upon us.  While some have given the energy of Mercury Retrograde negative connotations, Elizabeth expresses the positive aspects of this energy (which I like and appreciate)!  I want to share what she had to say in a recent posting on her Facebook page (just search 'Elizabeth Peru, Delta Waves, on Facebook to access her page, and if you 'Like' her page, you will receive her informative postings) about this particular Mercury Retrograde period...

"~Hey what a big energy there is right now. Can you feel it?  Are you getting all excited?  the Sun is going off, the planets are all intersecting at strong angles to one another/Earth and Mercury is about to turn retrograde.  Phew...All fantastic celestial helpers influencing us to get our 'human' lives into gear.  As above, so below  :-)  Let's go...
~All communication is about to be thoroughly overhauled.  Get ready to check and double check everything and love the clarity this will bring you!
~Think back over the past two weeks, since May 23.  What themes have you been working with?  Over the next three weeks you will be getting daily opportunities to get to the bottom of whatever has been bugging you and finally clear out the old for good. Yay."

So...considering what Elizabeth has to say about the current energies, no surprise that this particular card presented for you today!  I LOVE the synchronicity of the Universe!
The Ascended Master, Lady Nada, whose name refers to the 'sound of silence, where peace is found', works with Saint-Germain and Archangel Michael.  Her skill is in assisting us to bring about a  balance between male and female energy.  We are NOT referring to male and female energy in regards to gender, but rather the masculine and feminine energetic attributes that reside in both genders.  Although it may seem contraindicative, Mercury Retrograde and the chaotic energy it often brings CAN assist us in bringing BALANCE into our lives, by first pushing us to recognize the imbalances that exist!  We can only change what we are aware of...  
Today, on the first day of Mercury Retrograde, you are being asked to bring to your conscious awareness, a relationship issue with a female figure in your life... Do NOT overanalyze---simply trust in the first person who pops into your mind, or as Elizabeth suggests in her posting, call to mind a theme that has been prevalent for you over the past 2 weeks, leading up to this Retrograde.  You are being supported, cosmically and by Lady Nada, in healing and bringing into balance the diparaties within this relationship.  Did you know that you can ask your Guardian Angel to commune with another's Guardian Angel to assist with bringing about a peaceful and harmonious resolution with another?  Set the clear intention for BALANCE, ask Lady Nada, and your Guardian Angels and theirs also, to assist you in finding peace.  As always, remain aware, and take guided action.  Understand that PEACE and BALANCE do NOT imply that this will necessarily suddenly become a nurturing, loving, mutually satisfying and deep relationship---some things are not meant to be.  You are merely seeking peace, balance, resolution and a means of moving forward in a positive way for the Greater Good of All.  Utilize the wonderful energy and support being offered to you at this time!  Expect positive results!
Blessed be...

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