Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Receiving & Awakening

This is your daily card reading for Wednesday, June 18th/14.  Two cards dropped out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your cards today are the 'Receiving' card (pictured on the left) and the 'Awakening' card (pictured on the right).  Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are:
"Energetically, you are beginning to draw in the loving people you need to help you move forward on your path and in your life.  These people offer you both emotional and spiritual support---so that you may see and feel your own value in the world.  Remember, you have just as much of a positive effect in their lives, as they do in yours.  While what you have to give is very important, it's just as important that you allow yourself to receive too.  In doing so, you are creating a beautiful energy exchange of growth and support for all."
"This is a powerful card.  You are now entering into a complete awakening:  to your higher self, your intuition, your gifts, your role on the planet and the Divine plan.  The opening of your heart-center is allowing your inner vision to see more clearly.  In turn, this is empowering you on many levels, both energetically and intuitively, to walk your path and do what you have come here to do.  Your Awakening will subconsciously call out to others to step into their own Light as well."

My message for you today is this:
As always, it is clear why these two cards dropped out of the deck together for you today.  As I lay my hand upon the 'Receiving' fractal art card, the message that came forward for you is to TRUST that you are and have been receiving Divine guidance through synchronistic events in your life, as well as the thoughts and feelings that you have been experiencing in those 'quiet moments'.  Pay attention and give your 'awareness' to those moments when an animal messenger presents for you, or a person re-enters your life or is drawn into your life...those circumstances that you just KNOW have been orchestrated and that you couldn't have 'planned' if you'd tried!  Understand that, on some level, you DID draw this into your life through your thoughts, desires, prayers, etc.  Be RECEPTIVE in all ways...know that you are worthy and deserving and VALUED.
The image in the center of the 'Awakening' fractal art card appears to be a 'third eye'---that chakra center where we 'psychically see'---and yet there is so much more expressed in this image.  As I lay my hand upon this card, the message that comes forward for you is a reminder that you have ALWAYS been walking your Divine path, whenever you have approached what you are engaged in from a heart-centered place.  Your 'Life Purpose' is NOT a destination, but rather, how you conduct yourself on your journey here on Earth. Having said that, you CAN choose to live your life more CONSCIOUSLY and determine that you will be brave enough to share your Heart openly.  You can CONSCIOUSLY choose to be authentic in sharing your unique gifts and abilities with Love.  What have we come here to do?  We have come here to express Love out into the be courageous enough to open our Hearts, and express our authentic, Loving selves for the greater good of All.  The 'Receiving' and 'Awakening' cards have presented for you today to validate that you ARE being guided and supported; that you ARE worthy and valued; and that the urging that many are feeling during this pivotal 'shift in consciousness' that we are and have been experiencing is an AWAKENING.  YOU are here for a REASON and you know that to be true on a whole new level now.  How beautiful is that?
Blessed be...

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