Thursday, June 19, 2014

Positive Energy

This is your daily card reading for Thursday, June 19th/14.  Your card today, was drawn from the 'Magicial Mermaids and Dolphins' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue ( with all the rain recently in central---and especially southern---Alberta, people here may soon be sighting mermaids and dolphins!  Prayers to those in the areas that are seriously threatened with flood conditions...)
Your card is the 'Positive Energy' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Surround yourself with positive people and situations, and avoid negativity.
Your manifestation work is going wonderfully well.  By drawing this card, you're encouraged to take the process to an even higher level by going on a 'negativity diet." This means avoiding negative influences as much as possible.  Avoid negative discussions with yourself or others.  Turn off television and radio programs with negative themes, and stay away from violent movies...This negativity diet will cleanse you of any hidden blocks that could slow down the manifestation of your dreams---or prevent them from coming true at all..."

My message for you today is this:
Remember that I have spoken here many times about the powerful manifestation energy of GRATITUDE.  When you are in gratitude, you are not focusing upon what you do NOT have, but rather, upon what you DO have, blessing you in your life.  Today's message is an adjunct to that .  As Esther Jno-Charles says, "What you focus on expands.  So focus on what you want, not what you do not want."  Hold the positive expectation that what you desire is on it's way to you!  Hold yourself in 'higher vibration' with intention, in order to attract your desires more readily.  If you follow my daily readings and teachings you will know that I have come to a place where I choose not to label ENERGY as 'positive' or 'negative', which feels judgmental to me, but rather 'higher' or 'lower'.  However you 'label' these experiences, the point is to strive to engage with people who bring the same 'positivity'; and situations which support and align with your desired outcome(s).  'Like attracts like', is another common phrase that illustrates how similar vibrations are attracted to one another.  So consciously choose to reach for high vibrational energy in order to pull in your desired aware of where you hold your thoughts in this regard, and the people and environments that you expose yourself to, in this regard.  Avoid people and experiences that may pull your energy down and out of alignment with where you desire to be.   This is not about being in 'judgment' of another, but about CONSCIOUSLY seeking a specific vibration that is in alignment with yours, and with your desires.  This, too, is an integral aspect of the manifestation process...
Blessed be... 

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