Friday, May 30, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Friday, May 30th/14.  Your card today was drawn from the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Integrity' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"I trust my ability to know what is true for me...
You drew this card because the situation you're asking about involves someone's integrity. This card comes as guidance to pay attention to your body's signals, because you sense whether someone is being honest.  Mother Mary is a wonderful role model of gently and lovingly demanding that others live truthfully.  You can do the same with the people in your life.  You can also avoid those who aren't acting with integrity.  Either way, trust your gut feelings to steer you toward individuals who tell the truth and who 'walk their talk'.  This card also asks you to tell the truth yourself, even if you're uncomfortable with the possible reaction.  Prayer can guide your words, give you courage to speak up, and help create a healthy atmosphere of honest communication."

My message for you today is this:
I am guided to share how the process of selecting your card for your reading each day happens for me...particularly for your card today.  I intuitively choose a deck for your reading, and as I shuffle the cards, a card 'jumps' or 'drops' out of the deck.  Today, I chose the 'Saints & Angels' deck, and the 'Mother Mary' card jumped out of the deck.  I knew intuitively that that was not the card for the day, but that I was to now use the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, and when I shuffled it, the 'Integrity' card jumped out.  As soon as the card drops out, I begin receiving messages to share with you, but I always share the author's message for the card first, knowing that there may be something in that message that the reader needs to hear, also.  Now...on to your actual message for the day!
The message for you today is really about being 'true to you'.  This does not mean that you have to stand on a soapbox and proclaim to all the world your belief system---rather that you 'walk your talk' and live your own life according to your beliefs.  Remember that there can be strength in silence, and that it is what you honestly hold in your heart and live by that determines your integrity. Still, there are times when you need to express yourself and in these times, call upon Mother Mary and her beautiful nurturing energy to assist you in lovingly expressing WHEN you need to, WHAT you need to.
Understand that you have invited into your circle of family and friends, a myriad of people, and that you have invited them in for a reason. It is not necessary that all of these people embrace fully ALL aspects of who you are in order to enhance your life.  I have various circles of friends who each bring wonderful experiences into my life, and I know that it is the same for you.  The point here is that you always be integral to who you are, and if something doesn't feel right for you, you need to honour that. Remember what has been shared with you so many times this week---to stand in your power in no way implies the need to disempower another.  Being true to you also in no way implies that you need not honour someone else's truth---only that you make the choice whether or not you wish to include that person in your circle.  True integrity comes from a loving, compassionate place of self-empowerment.  Your Higher Self KNOWS what is true for you, and this is often expressed through how you feel in your attention. Honour yourself.
Blessed be...

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