Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Your card today was drawn from the 'Goddess Guidance' oracle card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Aphrodite' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Allow your inner feminine wisdom and dynamic beauty to rise to the surface.  Cherish its power and meaningfulness.  No matter whether your physical body is male or female, you have an inner femininity that nurtures you and guides you with its intuitive principles.  Now is the time to become aware of, take excellent care of, and celebrate your magnificence!"

My message for you today is this:
Aphrodite is a Greek goddess whose passionate and loving energy is aligned with the planet Venus.  Aphrodite is the epitome of feminine energy; yet she highly encourages the balance between feminine and masculine energy, understanding that we are comprised of both.  Aphrodite is an excellent Goddess to work with, for both men and women, as we are fully engaged in the 'shift' from a world that was predominated by masculine, competitive energy to a world that embraces the feminine, cooperative domain more readily.  Remember that neither masculine nor feminine energy are 'good' or 'bad' in and of themselves---both are necessary aspects of our existence.  It is simply that the world had been too firmly entrenched in the masculine, competitive energy---denying and not expressing the feminine, cooperative energy that is also necessary in acquiring a healthy balance in our lives.  We are currently in a shift to change all of that!  Call upon Aphrodite to assist you in moving through this ongoing shift with ease and grace, and to passionately and lovingly move forward in expressing your Divine self out into the world. Recall that in your message yesterday, you were reminded that to stand in your own power in no way negates or lessens another---this is the true expression of self-empowerment from the perspective of feminine energy. Celebrate yourself and you bring Light to the world!
Blessed be...

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