Friday, January 24, 2014

Tourmaline ~ Inner Peace

Today is Melanie Anderson's Memorial husband reminded me this morning that I should see this as a celebration of her life, and that truly helped me to shift my perspective about 'getting through' today.  This is a day to gather and HONOUR all that Melanie brought to so many lives...I am in deep gratitude that myself and my family were among them!
The photo above is of the fountain that my husband created at Melanie's.  I have already shared with you that my husband was facing some pretty serious health challenges a few years ago, and how Melanie supported us in his healing, including guiding him through the creation of this fountain.  When my husband asked Melanie to select the stones to comprise his fountain, Melanie told him that was up to him to do and to just 'go with your gut' when you choose them.  He began with the centre supporting piece and sphere.  It is raw garnet, which Melanie said at the time was very rare to find as the central piece of a fountain, but my husband loved the 'earthy' feel to it. The clear quartz sphere you see rotating in the water in the photo above was part of the package.  Then, Tony walked around the shop and simply selected and placed in his basket various 'rocks' he felt drawn to, as Melanie had instructed. Although he would still push for my help or Melanie's help in his selection, at times, Melanie would keep reminding him that it was HIS fountain and would redirect him to choose for himself.  When he had chosen them all, Melanie then went through his selection and explained to Tony the properties of the various crystals he had chosen, as they 'built' the fountain together.  Of course, he had chosen crystals that would absolutely support him in the healing he was working his way through at the time!  The garnet piece that Tony had selected as the central portion of his fountain holds these properties, according to Naisha Aishan:  "Garnet's energy helps cultivate a sense of physical security, safety and abundance.  It stimulates the base chakra and the heart, allowing for the manifestation of one's heartfelt desires in the world.  It helps alleviate worry, panic and fear and assists one in maintaining a sense of calm and grounded connection to the present.  It allows one to perceive the absolute support of the Universe and its provision for all of one's needs."
So, you see how well my husband chose for himself!  He chose the perfect central stone for his fountain, simply by 'going with his gut' as Melanie had guided him to do.  And so it is for ALL of us when working with crystal in your intuition...'go with your gut'...
A wonderful teaching that Melanie shared with many!  Thank you, Melanie!  Blessed be...

Your card for today dropped out of the 'Crystal Ally' deck, authored by Naisha Aishan.  Your card is the 'Tourmaline ~ Inner Peace' card, and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"When Tourmaline appears to you, you are being told that the answers you are seeking will appear when you stop living for the past or the future, and begin resonating with the vibration of Inner Peace.  It is in the moment that we create and live through joy.  By living in the current moment you are able to release the emotional patterns you created in the past, and create each moment as you wish it to be.  You will not find your answers in the future, and you will not find them in the play of the past.  You will only truly discover yourself when you disconnect from the roles you may have created for yourself and those around you.  This can occur when you accept peace with yourself and the world. Seize the moment and become like Tourmaline; emanating peace, joy and healing.
Chakra: Heart
Affirmation: I live and create in the moment."

My message for you today:
When we are embroiled in grief we are attached to the past. This is not to judge, for grieving has it's own process and the various stages of grief should not be denied because to allow ourselves to experience and move 'through' the grief is the healthiest way to move forward. 
Tourmaline has presented today to remind us that to REMAIN in the past does not serve us. We are advised so frequently these days by various spiritual leaders to be in the 'NOW'...yet in this physical existence it is difficult not to be pulled somewhat to the past as well as the future, and in fact it is necessary to project our thoughts forward in order to navigate our way.
What is being shared with you today is that, when you are striving to centre yourself and to find peace and healing, do not drop into regrets of the past or fear of the future, but rather do your best to breathe into the present moment.  In truth, that's all any of us have any control over anyways....   Today, give yourself the gift of  peace...take a moment to be in the moment and just breathe...
Blessed be...

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