Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Your card today is drawn from the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Faith' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"I have faith in God to heal this situation...
The question that you're asking involves a situation that is testing your faith.  Nonetheless, this card indicates that more faith is needed.  Everything will resolve itself in a Divinely ordered way over time, even if presently no solutions are in sight.  Prayers are often answered in unexpected ways, as will the case for this situation...Have faith, Dear One, so that you can enjoy each precious moment on your pathway to your beautiful tomorrow."

My message for you today is this:
To have faith means to believe in that which we cannot yet 'see' or experience in the usual way that we experience in our physical existence.  To have faith means to move up out of our physical selves into our Higher Selves and to trust in our belief that 'ALL IS WELL', whether physically present or not, at that exact moment in time. Faith is a vital component to any spiritual practise or work, and yet many find that it is the moments when they most require FAITH to move forward, that it feels most elusive.  The fact is, we ARE in this physical experience and it is difficult to navigate our way through all these earthly experiences walking completely in faith, although there are those who have, regardless of extenuating circumstances.  Jesus was one such Soul, as was his mother, Mary.  Mother Mary has stepped forward for you today to remind you that there IS support and love available to assist you in reaching for FAITH when you need it.  Mary agreed, after having crossed over from this physical lifetime to serve as an Ascended Master and to assist those of us here on Earth.  Today she determines that she is available to you to help to shore up your Faith and your knowing that everything is as it should be even if that does not feel evident to you at this exact moment.  Trust in the future and in the loving Universe.  Allow yourself to feel embraced in FAITH...feel the peace and calm that residing in Faith brings you... Even if you are only able to hold yourself in that space briefly and not consistently right now, that is ok...  Call upon Mother Mary to surround you in that nurturing, loving sanctuary.
Blessed be...

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