Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Beginnings ~ Petrified Wood

Your card today is drawn from the 'Crystal Ally' card deck, authored by Naisha Ashian.  Your card is the 'Beginnings ~ Petrified Wood' card. Featured in the photo above, is my incredible piece of petrified wood that I acquired in Tucson last February.  I will be drawing from the Crystal Ally deck for the remainder of this week in honour of Melanie Anderson, our crystal angel! 
 Please indulge me as I share another memory of Melanie with you today, that came to mind as I was taking the picture above. My husband and I are blessed to own a vacation home in Anthem, Arizona and we currently spend 6 to 8 weeks there, spring and summer, as well as a week or 2 in early February, so that we can take in the Tucson Rock & Gem show, which is overwhelmingly amazing if you ever have the opportunity to go!  Melanie's parents winter in Arizona, and so she has made a quick and frenetic trip down there over the past few years to attend the Tucson show and to make major purchases for Vitality Crystals & Fountains.  In February 2011, my husband had returned to Canada to work, following our Tucson Rock & Gem show adventure that year, and I stayed behind in Arizona for an additional week, but toward the end of that week I received word that my husband had become seriously ill and had been admitted to the hospital.  As I sat anxiously in the Phoenix airport, waiting to board my flight to Calgary and desperately trying to 'keep it together', I just prayed for strength and support to see me through.  Then, who do I see walking in front of me, having just disembarked from the Westjet flight from Calgary, but Melanie!  It was perfect!  I have already shared with you that Melanie had been there for Tony & I from the beginning with some health challenges he had been facing, and so she knew his health history and I didn't have to go into a whole explanation to her, because she already knew 'our story'.  I did not need any 'drama' at that time, or anyone 'over-reacting' so that I would feel more vulnerable than I already did.   When I told her why I was flying home she was calm, centered, positive and compassionate and I just felt completely supported, knowing that my angels had helped this to happen, and had placed her in my path!  We hugged and I felt her strength and support flow into me, and I was grateful for our paths having crossed!  Let me say that Sky Harbour is a very big airport and the odds of my having seen Melanie there were pretty slim, but I know that my angel team made it happen, because it was exactly what I needed at that moment.
I say 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'...  Thank you for allowing me to share this beautiful memory of a friendship that supported me in many ways...

Naisha's message for the 'Beginnings ~ Petrified Wood' card is this:
"Petrified wood has come, with it's message of roots and beginnings, to remind you of the knowledge that you carry deep within yourself.  By accessing this knowledge, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your path.  You can find new ways of relating with the other beings with whom you share your world, no matter what their kingdom.
As you move more deeply into your own awareness you may access information of your ancestors and your past lives.  Honour where you have been.  Your path has given you the strength and the knowledge to be where you are now.  On your path you have learned so much.  Now it is time to honour your beginnings, old and new.
Petrified Wood can also herald a time when you will be taking steps upon a new path. Recognize this new path as a new beginning in your life.  Release the old and allow this new direction to establish itself firmly in your life.  A new direction is being indicated to you now.
Chakra: Root
Affirmation:  The roots of my experiences nourish me deeply."

My message for you today is this:
I have always found Petrified Wood to be a very 'grounding' stone.  I personally use Petrified Wood when I feel the need to ground myself in the physical and to feel centered and secure and 'rooted'.   Petrified wood has presented to us today to remind us of the foundations that exist and that have existed in our lives, that are necessary in order to achieve growth. Honour your foundations and the experiences that have brought you to this place of growth and change.  The tree or flower that is the visible manifestation relies on it's roots to nourish and anchor it.  Otherwise it would not be able to reveal itself in all it's glory, through all it's stages.  
I just realized the reason for my having placed the powerful piece of Petrified Wood that you see pictured above, in my kitchen where most who enter our home gather, and the place that would be considered the 'hub' of our home.  It is to acknowledge and honour the 'roots' of our family...all who have gathered there over the past 25 years, and all who WILL gather there in the future as our family circle grows and expands.  Our 'children' are adults now and have ventured out into the world (2 of them are currently living in Brazil!), and I have this saying displayed in our home:  "Family ~ Like branches on a tree...We may grow in different directions, but our roots remain as one."  
What 'foundations' have you laid to anchor you into this time of growth?  Don't 'overthink' this, just allow whatever 'comes to mind' to come forward and then honour and acknowledge it.
Petrified Wood has presented for you today to offer it's 'anchoring' energy as you move through the changes that are inevitable in your life, and as a reminder to honour that which has come before, for bringing you to where you are at this moment.
Blessed be...

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