Thursday, January 9, 2014

Positive Change

Your card today is drawn from the 'Ascended Masters' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Positive Change' card, which is aligned with the Ascended Master, 'Paravati'.  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Your likes and dislikes have changed, and you've outgrown situations that once appealed to you.  These are positive developments signalling your spiritual growth.  Some of these situations are blessings in disguise, as they're pushing you to make necessary and positive changes.  You may feel pushed beyond your comfort zone as multiple areas of your life shift and flux, yet the Universe always stands ready to support you with whatever you ask for.  Let go and enjoy this ride, because it is truly for the best."

Doreen's description of Paravati is this:
"Paravati (sometimes spelled 'Parvati') is the Hindu goddess of mountains, marriage, and households.  Legend says that Shiva the Hindu god was grief stricken following the death of his first love, Sati, so he retreated to a mountain cave.  When Paravati was born in the mountains, Shiva fell in love with her devotion to helping the planet.  They became united in love and had a son, Ganesh.  Call upon Paravati for solace and solutions to any seeming problem, especially if you're meditating in the mountains."

My message for you today is this:
Ascended Masters are available to us as supreme spiritual teachers and healers.  They may or may not have lived a lifetime on Earth, but have agreed to serve as guides and support to us as we navigate our way through this physical lifetime.  As with the angels, Ascended Masters are governed by Universal Laws, including the 'Law of Free Will', which means that they are unable to intercede in any way without our having asked.
Paravati has presented to you at a fortuitous time!  We ARE moving into a period of positive change, should we commit to following the guidance available to us in stepping more firmly onto our spiritual path, and living our life from our Higher Self.  I know that MANY of you can relate to the message above stating, "Your likes and dislikes have changed, and you've outgrown situations that once appealed to you."  Such was 2013...major SHIFTS occurring both within us and around us!  This will continue into 2014, but in a less tumultuous way...
Call upon Paravati when you feel pushed to make changes that you KNOW to be in your greater good, but that feel challenging to you in some way. She has presented to you today for that very reason!
Blessed be...

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