Friday, January 17, 2014


Your card to close out the week is drawn from the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is the 'Blossoming' card, and Cheryl's message for the card is this:
"Even simply questioning your life or trying to figure out where and how to move forward---moves your energy and aids in opening you to your higher awareness and Divine purpose. Continue with this.  Don't let your human mind, with its limited point of view, tell you that you're stuck or not progressing.  It isn't true.  You ARE opening, you ARE flowing and your soul IS blossoming!  Keep your faith, in both yourself and Spirit.  Know that you are on the perfect path and that you are opening to your highest potential---one step at a time."

My message for you today is this:
This is the #37 card in this deck, and in Angel Numbers, the #37 means~"You are on the right path and the ascended masters are encouraging and helping you along the way." You have been guided with your readings this past week to understand that you ARE being asked to share your beautiful self with your own unique abilities and talents, and that you are supported in doing so, not only by the ascended masters, as indicated here, but also by your own guides and angels and also the saints and angels, as Saint Hildegard presented for you yesterday. Understand that you ARE supported!
As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, the image and message that was presented to me was that, when a flower blossoms, it unfurls itself one petal at a time, and that there is beauty in each stage of the flower unfurling itself.  Honour yourself as each petal unfurls in your blossoming! Understand that blossoming is meant to be a process...if you were to witness a flower blossoming when filmed with a time delayed camera, you would see that the flower does not instantly explode from the form of a bud to being in full bloom.  The simple act of unfurling itself is gradual and gentle and part of the incredible beauty lies in the flower revealing itself in each facet of it's blossoming.  DO NOT feel that you have to 'have it all together' before you reveal and share your unique talents and abilities with the truth, you will NEVER have it all together, because you are constantly growing and unfurling and that is the way that it is meant to be!  
Blessed be...

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