Monday, January 20, 2014

Nature & Tribute to Melanie Anderson

It is with shock and deep sadness that I acknowledge that a beautiful Lightworker and dear friend, Melanie Anderson, has crossed over.  The sacred space that she created at Vitality Crystals and Fountains on the family farm in Bowden and her loving presence there will be missed by so many and I am among them...  I am in deep gratitude for her friendship, support, guidance and Soulful connection to crystal energy.  Melanie taught me about so much more than crystals. She 'encouraged' me to participate as a vendor at the 'Spiritual Farmer's Markets' that she hosted over the past couple of years...really pushed me lovingly outside my comfort zone...and I am forever grateful to her for that, because those events were joyful experiences for me!  Melanie was there for my husband, Tony, and I during some serious health challenges he encountered a few years ago and we both love her for her guidance and support in utilizing crystal energy to assist him with his healing.  We have a treasured crystal fountain in our home that my husband created at Melanie's shop under her tutelage...she suggested Tony place the word 'healing' under the fountain and we absolutely felt the healing energy permeate our home.  My beloved Labradorite in the photo above is one of my most cherished crystals that I acquired from Melanie (and there have been MANY!)  Melanie knew well my penchant for almost every visit to Vitality I was drawn like a magnet to the Labradorite pieces that happened to be in the shop at that time, to the point that she gifted me a raw piece of Labradorite on one of my visits there to appease me!  While I KNOW that Melanie's Soul is soaring and that she will continue to shine her Light upon us, her physical presence will be sorely missed.  My heart goes out to her husband, Scott, her sons, Ethan and Eli, and to Cathy, her 'right hand' and dear friend, at Vitality Crystals & Fountains.  Melanie, the lives you touched are innumerable...I am so grateful that mine was one of them...  With love and gratitude, my friend...I will watch for your shining Light...

In honour of Melanie, your card today was drawn from the 'Path of the Soul' fractal card deck. Melanie introduced me to this deck a few years ago.  I would not have considered working with 'fractal art' cards had she not brought them to my attention, and I felt an instant connection with them when I began to work with them.  The author, Cheryl Lee Harnish, has created 3 fractal art decks to date, and her most recent, 'Return to Spirit' was brought by Melanie to my home for me last September.  The card that flew out of the deck for you today is the #25 card, the 'Nature' card.  Notice the angelic, ethereal look to the is the perfect card for today's reading.  Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"It is time to return to nature and reconnect.  Enjoy the scent of flowers.  Walk quietly by the ocean.  Hug a tree and get rooted in the core of Mother Earth.  It is time for a look within. Nature will bring you back on track. Watch, listen, breathe and connect.  Feel the pulse of life streaming throughout, fully and naturally.  Through our heart we are connected to all things, including our Higher Self.  Sit, quiet your mind, place your hand on your heart, and connect. It is here that you will find your Truth."

My message for you today is this:
Nature can be very healing and that is what Mother Nature is offering up to us today.  If you are one of those whom Melanie's life touched, and you are experiencing the shock and grief of her physical passing, allow Nature to embrace you and to send you her healing energy. Allow Mother Nature to help you to heal your heart...
Of course, crystals come to us from Nature...they are a gift from Mother Earth to assist and support us in our physical lives.  The resonance and energy that crystals carry serve as a gateway in accessing various vibrational spaces; in acting as an energetic 'protective' shield; and also in drawing out and releasing certain energies from our personal energetic systems. Through Melanie, crystals are presenting as a beautiful aspect of Nature to assist you today. Allow your intuition to guide you in embracing crystal energy for that is one of the things that Melanie believed...that while certain crystals absolutely carry a certain resonance, how they resonate with our own energies varies from person to person.  Go with what you feel 'drawn' is as simple and profound as that...drop from your head to your heart and utilize the crystal energy that 'speaks' to you in supporting you through any major life changes you may be experiencing.  Crystal energy is available to support you in whatever way you need.
This card is the #25 card in the deck.  In Angel Numbers, the number 25 means, 'As you go through major life changes, expect the best and your optimism will be rewarded'.  What this means today is that we are to 'look up' in regards to major life strive to see the blessings within the situation; to do our best to focus on the positives and all the good that has been brought to our lives; and to know that in spiritual Truth, 'all is well', even if we can't 'see' that yet...
Blessed be...

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