Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Your card today is drawn from the fractal art deck that my friend Melanie brought to me last September, the 'Return to Spirit' deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is the 'Caretaker' card and my first thought as it dropped out of the deck was, "Melanie...a beautiful caretaker of the crystals".  The stunning amethyst piece in the picture above is another one of my most treasured crystals and, yes, it came from Vitality Crystals as a beautiful gift from my husband a few years ago.  Cheryl Lee's message for the 'Caretaker' card is this:
"You are an endless giver.  If anyone has a need, or requires assistance in any way, you are right there to help.  Essentially, you are an Earth Angel.  Every life you touch is made better--whether you know it or not.  Your heart is big, and the support and love you give is bigger. You are one of the souls who are here to either nurture the world or the people in it. However, there comes a time when we have to consider our own needs over others.  We have to make our own well-being a priority, even if that means it may not please others.  You have to come first right now.  Although it may feel as though it is going against your very nature to do so, it is vital that you put yourself first.  Your physical and emotional well-being needs to be nurtured and maintained. This ensures that when you do give to someone else, what you give has substance...You are a beautiful soul with much to give, and a beautiful soul who deserves to receive.  If there is something you need, or if you could use a little assistance, Spirit is encouraging you to allow others the opportunity to give to you.  You know from your own experience how good it feels to give.  So now you need to give the ultimate gift, and allow someone else to give to you.  It's time to allow the caretaker to be taken care of."

My message for you today is this:
Notice in the fractal art image of the card the two complimentary halves that make the whole of the image...this denotes the BALANCE that is necessary of GIVING and RECEIVING to achieve a level of WHOLENESS.  It was pointed out to me recently, 'how can you offer a drink to another if your glass is empty?'  Many Lightworkers believe that it is in giving of themselves that they are in their 'Higher Selves', and this is true on a certain level...when you are sharing your own unique gifts in service to others, there is no greater 'high', and the Universe supports and celebrates this.  Having said that, we ARE in this physical experience and we live in a Universe which operates on Universal Laws, one of which is the Universal Law of Balance.  As you give, so must you receive...there MUST be an exchange of energy or depletion of the source is the result.  In order to be at your Highest Self, you must replenish yourself.  I love Cheryl's statement in her message above, "Your physical and emotional well-being needs to be nurtured and maintained. This ensures that when you do give to someone else, what you give has substance."  That is the key, Lightworker...by indulging in self-care, you are virtually caring for others because making your best Self available to others serves them also!  A slightly different way to look at why it is so important to take good care of yourself, and one that is often easier for Lightworkers to embrace!
We ALL need to be taken care of at certain times...indeed, it is a SELFISH act to insist upon being the CARETAKER at all times, because not only do you deplete yourself in such a way that you cannot fully share your gifts with the World, but you also deny another the beautiful experience of giving...  Take good care...to do so serves us ALL!
Blessed be...

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