Friday, January 3, 2014

The Emperor ~ Archangel Michael

Your card to close out this awesome week was drawn from the 'Angel Tarot Card' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.  Your card today is a major arcana card from within the deck...'The Emperor ~ Archangel Michael'.  (Interesting that I was considering using the 'Archangel Michael' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue, for your reading today!)
A tarot deck traditionally consists of 78 cards, 22 of which are 'major arcana' cards and 56 of which are 'minor arcana' cards.  The minor arcana cards are further divided into 4 suits which are numbered ace through 10, plus the court cards.  Rather than 'suits' the Angel Tarot deck has designated the 4 suits as the 4 elements of fire, water, air and earth.  Doreen and Radleigh have aligned each of the major arcana cards within their deck with an Archangel. Typically, the major arcana cards represent significant and 'big picture' events or circumstances, while the minor arcana cards represent the 'details' within the issues.  Some choose to separate the major and minor arcana cards within a deck to work with them separately...I choose to keep the deck intact and to work with it as a whole...your major arcana card today dropped out of the deck in it's has been a 'major arcana' kind of week!!!
Doreen & Radleigh's message for the card is this:
"It is important to cultivate logic, discipline, and order right now.  This card signifies that although your dreams are valid and sound, they still need guidelines and organization so that they can manifest properly.  Create a detailed plan for how you'll proceed, and maintain kind but authoritative control over how that plan is implemented.  Feel empowered to take a leadership role in your career and any projects you're working on.  Structure and order are your friends as you move from the preparation stage into the execution of your plans. Believe in your ability to be a positive and diplomatic leader.  Get organized so that you can be more effective.
Additional meanings of this card:  The desire to be a success.  Stability.  Making wise choices.  Security.  Government agencies. Law enforcement.  The respect of others. Fatherhood."

My message for you today is this:
With the Super New Moon on the first day of the New Year falling in the middle of this week, it is no surprise that you have been asked to get clear about your intentions!  In your reading yesterday, the need to take guided action was alluded to.  Today, that aspect of achieving your desired outcome is advocated strongly!  Merely setting goals is not all that is required in achieving those goals...taking action is a very necessary component to any kind of success! You DO have the support of the Universe, and if you consciously make the connection to your 'Higher Self', you will be guided with the knowledge of how best to move forward.  Set your intentions, ask for guidance and then proceed by taking guided action.  The 'Emperor' card is a major arcana card, meaning it represents a 'big picture' aspect of your life right now.
You are being reminded that when you set intentions, and make a plan, the Universe aligns with that energy---but here's the thing---you are also being reminded to relax about how your 'plan' will unfold.  This card is not a 'little details' card---so you may be surprised, at times, about just how the Universe supports you in the implementation of your goals.  When Doreen and Radleigh state, 'Feel empowered to take a leadership role in your career and any projects you're working on', my take on that for you today is that the focus is on the word EMPOWERED.  I feel that the 'leadership role' you are being asked to take on today is in reference to how you will conduct YOUR OWN life at this time. Perhaps this will morph into you serving as a leader to others, either by example or by actually teaching, speaking publicly, etc.; but first you must stand firmly and confidently in your own life circumstances and actively create your own experience.  Simply put, 'get all your ducks in a row', to consciously create the experiences and projects you desire for yourself in 2014!
Archangel Michael, whose name means, 'He who is like God', is the supreme archangel and he represents strength and protection.  He is also said to assist us with any and all aspects of our life purpose.  Archangel Michael has stepped forward for you today and so, call upon him, as well as your guides and guardian angels, to support you in creating a plan and taking the necessary steps to bring your desired outcome(s) to fruition.  Stand in your own your own leader and your own most enthusiastic cheerleader!  
To do so brings your Light to the World...let's all do our part to make 2014 the YEAR OF LIGHT & LOVE! (one lovely 'leader' at a time!)
Blessed be...

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