Monday, January 13, 2014

Firefly ~ Spiritual Inspiration and Hope

Your card today leapt out of the 'Animal-Wise Tarot' deck, authored by Ted Andrews.  I chose this deck, because we are moving into the Full Moon energy this upcoming Wednesday, and quite frankly, I was just guided to work with this deck today!  Animals are amazing messengers to us, and in my opinion, Ted Andrews had been the consummate resource in the specific energies and dynamics and messages of animals, prior to his passing in 2009. With his passing, we lost an astute and devoted spiritual leader, of diverse aspects of metaphysics, but especially in relation to our connection with the animal world. His book, 'Animal Speak' remains one of my most loved resources that I refer to consistently, in addition to his book, 'Animal-Wise' and of course, the 'Animal-Wise' deck that I have drawn from today (it was among the first card decks that I owned and worked with).
Your card today is the 'Firefly ~ Spiritual Inspiration and Hope' card, and Ted's message for the card is this:
"Fireflies or lightning bugs are magical symbols or inspiration and hope.  They are the promise of accomplishment through hope and efforts, reminding us that we have laid the appropriate groundwork and from it will spring great reward.
Fireflies are small beetles that give off light, usually from the hind end.  They may light up while flying or while resting in vegetation.  The blinking or flashing of the lights is performed for short periods, and each species has a distinct rhythm.
For the most part, the flashing rhythm is performed to attract a mate, who responds with a corresponding rhythm.  It is part of the mating ritual that will extend the life of the species. For those to whom the firefly appears, it is time to trust in your own rhythms, both physical and spiritual.  Our hopes will begin to manifest and our ability to inspire will grow.  Fireflies remind us that there are others who will respond to us and who are like us.  They flash with similar creative rhythms. They will make their presence known soon, making our life more creative and healthier.
Fireflies generate light without heat, a process of chemistry and physics that is still baffling to science.  Their tiny lights reflect wonderful opportunities to make the seemingly impossible a reality, inspiring wonders that will be flickering and manifesting around us.
This is a wonderful time to jot down all of those creative ideas that are flickering in our mind at this time.  We needn't worry about what to do with them now, for just by taking them out of the mental realm, their creative force is released into our life and they will provide inspiration that will affect us for a long time in the future.
The firefly looks ordinary during the day, but by night they sparkle. flickering like a star. They hold the promise of accomplishing our goals.  Spiritual gifts are awakening.  We are on the right path, and there are strong spiritual forces around us.
When fireflies appear, people begin to reassess their former opinions and perspectives.  We begin to shine and to sparkle.  Opportunities to fulfill dreams, to inspire wonder, and to awaken greater hope will begin to flicker strongly within our life."

My message for you today is this:
I seldom include the message of the author of your card for the day in it's ENTIRETY, but today I was COMPELLED to!  I believe Ted's message for us, through the Firefly, is actually expressing the energy we are moving into in 2014!  This is a major arcana card within Ted's deck, and major arcana (as opposed to the minor arcana) cards within a tarot deck generally speak to the 'bigger picture' aspects of our lives.  Your card today absolutely feels like a 'theme' for movement into the upcoming year.  I love how Ted states, "...the promise of accomplishment through hope and efforts."  This is must have faith and trust but also put in the effort required to shine your Light, and if you look back over your readings thus far this year, you will find that you are being URGED to SHINE YOUR LIGHT!  Firefly has presented for you today to reiterate that!  I am in deep gratitude to Ted Andrews for his 
message for you today...I hope that you can feel the power of it, as I do for you!
Blessed be...

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