Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Path of the Soul

Your card today is drawn from the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish, and your card is the 'Path of the Soul' card!!!  Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This is a complete opening of the Heart Centre.  Your will and the Divine Will are merging.  This is the next step in the journey to Ascension, operating fully from a place of Love.  Trust each and every step you are guided to take, even if you do not understand it in this moment. There may be times that you will feel overwhelmed with all you've been given.  You are in full flow with intuitive guidance, creative ideas, tasks and undertakings.  You may experience a mix of emotional and physical occurrences, but know that this is a natural part of the process."

My message for you today is this:
Wow!  Talk about the 'power card' of the deck revealing itself to you today!  You are being called to STEP INTO IT, however 'it' is presenting for you at this moment in time!  I can absolutely resonate with this in my own life, as opportunities have been presenting to me in ways that I could not have scripted for myself if I tried, but what is also interesting are the 'challenges' that are also presenting simultaneously...  Just yesterday morning I had an exciting and inspiring discussion with my husband regarding an opportunity that had been presented to me in taking my spiritual work in a direction that I hadn't previously considered...we both felt the excitement and potential of this being a new avenue of 'being of service' for me and I was feeling empowered by that...completely in excitement energy! Then later in the day, I was presented with a circumstance that brought some very painful dynamics to the surface within our family that left me feeling disempowered and I had to wonder why this had presented for me to deal with at a time when I was truly striving to 'step into it' from a self-empowered place...  I share this with you because it illustrates that our path is rarely entirely smooth and obstacle free, even as we strive to 'be of service' in the ways that we are guided to.  It is at such times that we need to understand and accept that following 'the path of the soul' means stepping forward in FAITH...that we WILL indeed encounter moments of self-doubt, and that in those moments we need to trust that 'all is well' as long as we are coming from a 'heart-centered place of service'.  Have the courage to express your unique and beautiful Soul in the way that you are meant to!  When you encounter trials along the way, do not let them deter you from your path, if you know in your heart that you are headed in the direction that you have been guided to take.  Remember that ascension means 'to rise above'...so rise above any obstacles, or move them aside, or pass them by, and continue on your 'path of the Soul', because to do so serves ALL...
Blessed be... 

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