Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Our Upcoming Trip to Brazil!

Tomorrow, January 29th, my husband and I leave for Brazil to visit our 'kids' who are currently living there!  We will be leaving behind the snow and winter scene pictured above for the next 3 weeks and spending time in the warmer climate of coastal Brazil, near Vitoria.
I will not be posting your Daily Card Reading over the next 3 days, as we will not be arriving to our destination until January 30th and I am giving myself Friday to 'settle in' and just BE with my kids, who I am so excited to see!!!  I intend to post your Daily Card Reading when I can while I am away...so please continue to watch for these postings...  
Blessings to you,


Your card today is drawn from the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Faith' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"I have faith in God to heal this situation...
The question that you're asking involves a situation that is testing your faith.  Nonetheless, this card indicates that more faith is needed.  Everything will resolve itself in a Divinely ordered way over time, even if presently no solutions are in sight.  Prayers are often answered in unexpected ways, as will the case for this situation...Have faith, Dear One, so that you can enjoy each precious moment on your pathway to your beautiful tomorrow."

My message for you today is this:
To have faith means to believe in that which we cannot yet 'see' or experience in the usual way that we experience in our physical existence.  To have faith means to move up out of our physical selves into our Higher Selves and to trust in our belief that 'ALL IS WELL', whether physically present or not, at that exact moment in time. Faith is a vital component to any spiritual practise or work, and yet many find that it is the moments when they most require FAITH to move forward, that it feels most elusive.  The fact is, we ARE in this physical experience and it is difficult to navigate our way through all these earthly experiences walking completely in faith, although there are those who have, regardless of extenuating circumstances.  Jesus was one such Soul, as was his mother, Mary.  Mother Mary has stepped forward for you today to remind you that there IS support and love available to assist you in reaching for FAITH when you need it.  Mary agreed, after having crossed over from this physical lifetime to serve as an Ascended Master and to assist those of us here on Earth.  Today she determines that she is available to you to help to shore up your Faith and your knowing that everything is as it should be even if that does not feel evident to you at this exact moment.  Trust in the future and in the loving Universe.  Allow yourself to feel embraced in FAITH...feel the peace and calm that residing in Faith brings you... Even if you are only able to hold yourself in that space briefly and not consistently right now, that is ok...  Call upon Mother Mary to surround you in that nurturing, loving sanctuary.
Blessed be...

Monday, January 27, 2014

Persistence ~ Lugh

Your card today is drawn from the 'Ascended Masters' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Persistence' card, which is aligned with Lugh (pronounced Loo), a Celtic sun god whose name means, 'the shining one'.  Doreen's description for Lugh is this:
"...Legend says that Lugh was renowned as a master of many crafts including art, poetry, and healing.  Call upon Lugh to help with mastering anything you're learning, as well as for enjoying bountiful harvests of abundance."
Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Through persistent action and positive thinking, your dreams are manifesting into form.  This is a time for you to stay persistent.  Give any discouragement to Lugh and the angels, who will buoy your faith and give you signs of your progress..."

My message for you today is this:
You've no doubt heard the phrase, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
So it is as we work toward the manifestation of our goals and dreams.  Whatever comes to mind for you right now as something you desire to manifest in your life, understand that in achieving and mastering that, you need to persist and continue to take the steps necessary toward that end.  The only misstep is not to take a step!  Even if you step off the path temporarily this can simply serve as a reminder and indicator about how to move forward in a different way. Some of the steps can feel a little steeper or more challenging than others, but it is at these times particularly that you need to keep your end desires in sight, understanding that each step brings you closer. Sometimes, too,  it may feel as though you are light heartedly skipping your way toward your goal...relish these times for the encouragement that they offer and persist in skipping onward!  
Lugh has presented for you today to remind you that he and the angels are available to support and encourage you in expressing yourself out into the world in the wonderful, unique way that you are meant to.   Understand that the ease of the steps taken forward will vary but it is in continuing to move through those steps toward your vision that you will achieve all that you desire!  Nothing was ever accomplished because someone gave up.  Our greatest desire in this physical lifetime is to have left feeling that our time here on Earth made a difference...it takes persistence to take the necessary steps toward making a difference in whatever way that is meant to be expressed through you. Persist in your unique expression, knowing that the Universe supports you in doing so.
Blessed be...

Friday, January 24, 2014

Tourmaline ~ Inner Peace

Today is Melanie Anderson's Memorial Service...my husband reminded me this morning that I should see this as a celebration of her life, and that truly helped me to shift my perspective about 'getting through' today.  This is a day to gather and HONOUR all that Melanie brought to so many lives...I am in deep gratitude that myself and my family were among them!
The photo above is of the fountain that my husband created at Melanie's.  I have already shared with you that my husband was facing some pretty serious health challenges a few years ago, and how Melanie supported us in his healing, including guiding him through the creation of this fountain.  When my husband asked Melanie to select the stones to comprise his fountain, Melanie told him that was up to him to do and to just 'go with your gut' when you choose them.  He began with the centre supporting piece and sphere.  It is raw garnet, which Melanie said at the time was very rare to find as the central piece of a fountain, but my husband loved the 'earthy' feel to it. The clear quartz sphere you see rotating in the water in the photo above was part of the package.  Then, Tony walked around the shop and simply selected and placed in his basket various 'rocks' he felt drawn to, as Melanie had instructed. Although he would still push for my help or Melanie's help in his selection, at times, Melanie would keep reminding him that it was HIS fountain and would redirect him to choose for himself.  When he had chosen them all, Melanie then went through his selection and explained to Tony the properties of the various crystals he had chosen, as they 'built' the fountain together.  Of course, he had chosen crystals that would absolutely support him in the healing he was working his way through at the time!  The garnet piece that Tony had selected as the central portion of his fountain holds these properties, according to Naisha Aishan:  "Garnet's energy helps cultivate a sense of physical security, safety and abundance.  It stimulates the base chakra and the heart, allowing for the manifestation of one's heartfelt desires in the world.  It helps alleviate worry, panic and fear and assists one in maintaining a sense of calm and grounded connection to the present.  It allows one to perceive the absolute support of the Universe and its provision for all of one's needs."
So, you see how well my husband chose for himself!  He chose the perfect central stone for his fountain, simply by 'going with his gut' as Melanie had guided him to do.  And so it is for ALL of us when working with crystal energy...trust in your intuition...'go with your gut'...
A wonderful teaching that Melanie shared with many!  Thank you, Melanie!  Blessed be...

Your card for today dropped out of the 'Crystal Ally' deck, authored by Naisha Aishan.  Your card is the 'Tourmaline ~ Inner Peace' card, and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"When Tourmaline appears to you, you are being told that the answers you are seeking will appear when you stop living for the past or the future, and begin resonating with the vibration of Inner Peace.  It is in the moment that we create and live through joy.  By living in the current moment you are able to release the emotional patterns you created in the past, and create each moment as you wish it to be.  You will not find your answers in the future, and you will not find them in the play of the past.  You will only truly discover yourself when you disconnect from the roles you may have created for yourself and those around you.  This can occur when you accept peace with yourself and the world. Seize the moment and become like Tourmaline; emanating peace, joy and healing.
Chakra: Heart
Affirmation: I live and create in the moment."

My message for you today:
When we are embroiled in grief we are attached to the past. This is not to judge, for grieving has it's own process and the various stages of grief should not be denied because to allow ourselves to experience and move 'through' the grief is the healthiest way to move forward. 
Tourmaline has presented today to remind us that to REMAIN in the past does not serve us. We are advised so frequently these days by various spiritual leaders to be in the 'NOW'...yet in this physical existence it is difficult not to be pulled somewhat to the past as well as the future, and in fact it is necessary to project our thoughts forward in order to navigate our way.
What is being shared with you today is that, when you are striving to centre yourself and to find peace and healing, do not drop into regrets of the past or fear of the future, but rather do your best to breathe into the present moment.  In truth, that's all any of us have any control over anyways....   Today, give yourself the gift of  peace...take a moment to be in the moment and just breathe...
Blessed be...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Amethyst ~ Divine Connection

Wow!  The amethyst piece above was a beautiful gift to me from my husband a few years ago, and yes, he purchased it at Vitality Crystals & Fountains!  I am honouring Melanie throughout the daily card readings this week, and so I am using the card decks that Melanie brought into my life, including the Crystal Ally card deck that your card is drawn from today. I honestly already had it in my mind to take the picture of today's card with this lovely amethyst piece that takes up residence on our fireplace mantle, prior to drawing the card for today...then what card flies out of the deck as I am shuffling, but the 'Amethyst ~ Divine Connection' card!  I am in such gratitude!  Perfect!  Do you see the Light shining on the amethyst?  I had been feeling particularly 'low' this morning, thinking of Melanie's memorial tomorrow afternoon, and many feelings were rising up in me.  Clearly, the Universe is there to support us, if we just allow...yes, the pain is still there, but there is now Light shining upon it and easing it...  You just never know exactly how that support will present to you, just trust that it IS there for you.  I say, 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'!

Naisha's message for your card today is this:
"When Amethyst enters your cards your Higher Self is sending you a message.  Be alert for opportunities, messages or signs that may indicate the direction your Higher Self and highest guides are preparing for you.  These signs may come in the form of intuition, a hunch or a 'gut feeling.  Perhaps a new book, relationship, or job may be coming your way that will take you further down your path.  Whatever the means, you are being sent a wake-up call, and a message to prepare for the working of the Divine in your life.  Amethyst may also be telling you that you entering into a new state of Divine Connection.  By opening to and acting upon guidance and intuition that you receive, you are cultivating a relationship with the Higher mind.  Amethyst has come to aid you in creating a firm connection with Higher levels of consciousness.  This Ally's energy will help to stimulate your innate psychic abilities, so that you can become a true channel for the Divine to manifest in your life.  Open yourself to the energies of Amethyst, and prepare to manifest a new relationship with All That Is.
Chakra:  Crown chakra
Affirmation:  I am open to Divine guidance."

My message for you today is this:
As I indicated in what I shared with you about how the Amethyst card literally flew out of the deck for your reading today, I understood CLEARLY that this was not a 'coincidence', but rather a message from the Divine about more than just the Amethyst card presenting so synchronistically for us today.  Light and Divine connection is always available to us, even when we are feeling surrounded by shadows...in fact it is MOST available to us then, if we shift our awareness and then ACKNOWLEDGE and show gratitude for the guidance and support that is being offered.  Amethyst has come forward for you today to remind you that connection to Higher Self IS accessible for you; to assist you in making that connection; and to affirm that you must follow through on the messages and guidance that are provided for you in order to further nurture and develop that relationship.  TRUST. ALLOW. BELIEVE. RECEIVE.  Take guided action!  Express your gratitude for having the loving presence of the Divine as a 'conscious connection' in your life!  
As Naisha states so eloquently in regards to 'consciously connecting':
"Amethyst reminds one that asking for Divine Guidance is only the first step. Trusting one's guidance enough to act upon it is the crucial next step that many of us do not follow through on.  When a friend does not listen to you, you will stop speaking of important things to that person, assuming that they do not value what you have to say.  It is the same on a universal level.  If you do not value the guidance that you receive from Divine sources, those sources will cease to communicate with you.  You can show your willingness to grow by acting upon the inner guidance that you receive through your Divine connection."
I would add that, in my experience and opinion, it is NOT that the Divine isn't always attempting to be in connection with you, and that the Divine will shut down communication if you don't acknowledge the messages being sent your way, so much as that your RECEPTIVITY to what the Divine is attempting to share is lessened and the connection is weakened.  When you make yourself open in connecting to the Divine, strive to be accepting of the guidance, and thereby take the initiative to FOLLOW THROUGH on that guidance, you make your connection a strong one!  What Naisha is referring to above is that, the effort you put into a relationship determines the quality of it.  Amethyst has presented for us today to remind us to make the effort to commune with our Higher Selves...to do so only enhances your experience here in the physical!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Beginnings ~ Petrified Wood

Your card today is drawn from the 'Crystal Ally' card deck, authored by Naisha Ashian.  Your card is the 'Beginnings ~ Petrified Wood' card. Featured in the photo above, is my incredible piece of petrified wood that I acquired in Tucson last February.  I will be drawing from the Crystal Ally deck for the remainder of this week in honour of Melanie Anderson, our crystal angel! 
 Please indulge me as I share another memory of Melanie with you today, that came to mind as I was taking the picture above. My husband and I are blessed to own a vacation home in Anthem, Arizona and we currently spend 6 to 8 weeks there, spring and summer, as well as a week or 2 in early February, so that we can take in the Tucson Rock & Gem show, which is overwhelmingly amazing if you ever have the opportunity to go!  Melanie's parents winter in Arizona, and so she has made a quick and frenetic trip down there over the past few years to attend the Tucson show and to make major purchases for Vitality Crystals & Fountains.  In February 2011, my husband had returned to Canada to work, following our Tucson Rock & Gem show adventure that year, and I stayed behind in Arizona for an additional week, but toward the end of that week I received word that my husband had become seriously ill and had been admitted to the hospital.  As I sat anxiously in the Phoenix airport, waiting to board my flight to Calgary and desperately trying to 'keep it together', I just prayed for strength and support to see me through.  Then, who do I see walking in front of me, having just disembarked from the Westjet flight from Calgary, but Melanie!  It was perfect!  I have already shared with you that Melanie had been there for Tony & I from the beginning with some health challenges he had been facing, and so she knew his health history and I didn't have to go into a whole explanation to her, because she already knew 'our story'.  I did not need any 'drama' at that time, or anyone 'over-reacting' so that I would feel more vulnerable than I already did.   When I told her why I was flying home she was calm, centered, positive and compassionate and I just felt completely supported, knowing that my angels had helped this to happen, and had placed her in my path!  We hugged and I felt her strength and support flow into me, and I was grateful for our paths having crossed!  Let me say that Sky Harbour is a very big airport and the odds of my having seen Melanie there were pretty slim, but I know that my angel team made it happen, because it was exactly what I needed at that moment.
I say 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'...  Thank you for allowing me to share this beautiful memory of a friendship that supported me in many ways...

Naisha's message for the 'Beginnings ~ Petrified Wood' card is this:
"Petrified wood has come, with it's message of roots and beginnings, to remind you of the knowledge that you carry deep within yourself.  By accessing this knowledge, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your path.  You can find new ways of relating with the other beings with whom you share your world, no matter what their kingdom.
As you move more deeply into your own awareness you may access information of your ancestors and your past lives.  Honour where you have been.  Your path has given you the strength and the knowledge to be where you are now.  On your path you have learned so much.  Now it is time to honour your beginnings, old and new.
Petrified Wood can also herald a time when you will be taking steps upon a new path. Recognize this new path as a new beginning in your life.  Release the old and allow this new direction to establish itself firmly in your life.  A new direction is being indicated to you now.
Chakra: Root
Affirmation:  The roots of my experiences nourish me deeply."

My message for you today is this:
I have always found Petrified Wood to be a very 'grounding' stone.  I personally use Petrified Wood when I feel the need to ground myself in the physical and to feel centered and secure and 'rooted'.   Petrified wood has presented to us today to remind us of the foundations that exist and that have existed in our lives, that are necessary in order to achieve growth. Honour your foundations and the experiences that have brought you to this place of growth and change.  The tree or flower that is the visible manifestation relies on it's roots to nourish and anchor it.  Otherwise it would not be able to reveal itself in all it's glory, through all it's stages.  
I just realized the reason for my having placed the powerful piece of Petrified Wood that you see pictured above, in my kitchen where most who enter our home gather, and the place that would be considered the 'hub' of our home.  It is to acknowledge and honour the 'roots' of our family...all who have gathered there over the past 25 years, and all who WILL gather there in the future as our family circle grows and expands.  Our 'children' are adults now and have ventured out into the world (2 of them are currently living in Brazil!), and I have this saying displayed in our home:  "Family ~ Like branches on a tree...We may grow in different directions, but our roots remain as one."  
What 'foundations' have you laid to anchor you into this time of growth?  Don't 'overthink' this, just allow whatever 'comes to mind' to come forward and then honour and acknowledge it.
Petrified Wood has presented for you today to offer it's 'anchoring' energy as you move through the changes that are inevitable in your life, and as a reminder to honour that which has come before, for bringing you to where you are at this moment.
Blessed be...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Your card today is drawn from the fractal art deck that my friend Melanie brought to me last September, the 'Return to Spirit' deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is the 'Caretaker' card and my first thought as it dropped out of the deck was, "Melanie...a beautiful caretaker of the crystals".  The stunning amethyst piece in the picture above is another one of my most treasured crystals and, yes, it came from Vitality Crystals as a beautiful gift from my husband a few years ago.  Cheryl Lee's message for the 'Caretaker' card is this:
"You are an endless giver.  If anyone has a need, or requires assistance in any way, you are right there to help.  Essentially, you are an Earth Angel.  Every life you touch is made better--whether you know it or not.  Your heart is big, and the support and love you give is bigger. You are one of the souls who are here to either nurture the world or the people in it. However, there comes a time when we have to consider our own needs over others.  We have to make our own well-being a priority, even if that means it may not please others.  You have to come first right now.  Although it may feel as though it is going against your very nature to do so, it is vital that you put yourself first.  Your physical and emotional well-being needs to be nurtured and maintained. This ensures that when you do give to someone else, what you give has substance...You are a beautiful soul with much to give, and a beautiful soul who deserves to receive.  If there is something you need, or if you could use a little assistance, Spirit is encouraging you to allow others the opportunity to give to you.  You know from your own experience how good it feels to give.  So now you need to give the ultimate gift, and allow someone else to give to you.  It's time to allow the caretaker to be taken care of."

My message for you today is this:
Notice in the fractal art image of the card the two complimentary halves that make the whole of the image...this denotes the BALANCE that is necessary of GIVING and RECEIVING to achieve a level of WHOLENESS.  It was pointed out to me recently, 'how can you offer a drink to another if your glass is empty?'  Many Lightworkers believe that it is in giving of themselves that they are in their 'Higher Selves', and this is true on a certain level...when you are sharing your own unique gifts in service to others, there is no greater 'high', and the Universe supports and celebrates this.  Having said that, we ARE in this physical experience and we live in a Universe which operates on Universal Laws, one of which is the Universal Law of Balance.  As you give, so must you receive...there MUST be an exchange of energy or depletion of the source is the result.  In order to be at your Highest Self, you must replenish yourself.  I love Cheryl's statement in her message above, "Your physical and emotional well-being needs to be nurtured and maintained. This ensures that when you do give to someone else, what you give has substance."  That is the key, Lightworker...by indulging in self-care, you are virtually caring for others because making your best Self available to others serves them also!  A slightly different way to look at why it is so important to take good care of yourself, and one that is often easier for Lightworkers to embrace!
We ALL need to be taken care of at certain times...indeed, it is a SELFISH act to insist upon being the CARETAKER at all times, because not only do you deplete yourself in such a way that you cannot fully share your gifts with the World, but you also deny another the beautiful experience of giving...  Take good care...to do so serves us ALL!
Blessed be...

Monday, January 20, 2014

Nature & Tribute to Melanie Anderson

It is with shock and deep sadness that I acknowledge that a beautiful Lightworker and dear friend, Melanie Anderson, has crossed over.  The sacred space that she created at Vitality Crystals and Fountains on the family farm in Bowden and her loving presence there will be missed by so many and I am among them...  I am in deep gratitude for her friendship, support, guidance and Soulful connection to crystal energy.  Melanie taught me about so much more than crystals. She 'encouraged' me to participate as a vendor at the 'Spiritual Farmer's Markets' that she hosted over the past couple of years...really pushed me lovingly outside my comfort zone...and I am forever grateful to her for that, because those events were joyful experiences for me!  Melanie was there for my husband, Tony, and I during some serious health challenges he encountered a few years ago and we both love her for her guidance and support in utilizing crystal energy to assist him with his healing.  We have a treasured crystal fountain in our home that my husband created at Melanie's shop under her tutelage...she suggested Tony place the word 'healing' under the fountain and we absolutely felt the healing energy permeate our home.  My beloved Labradorite in the photo above is one of my most cherished crystals that I acquired from Melanie (and there have been MANY!)  Melanie knew well my penchant for Labradorite...at almost every visit to Vitality I was drawn like a magnet to the Labradorite pieces that happened to be in the shop at that time, to the point that she gifted me a raw piece of Labradorite on one of my visits there to appease me!  While I KNOW that Melanie's Soul is soaring and that she will continue to shine her Light upon us, her physical presence will be sorely missed.  My heart goes out to her husband, Scott, her sons, Ethan and Eli, and to Cathy, her 'right hand' and dear friend, at Vitality Crystals & Fountains.  Melanie, the lives you touched are innumerable...I am so grateful that mine was one of them...  With love and gratitude, my friend...I will watch for your shining Light...

In honour of Melanie, your card today was drawn from the 'Path of the Soul' fractal card deck. Melanie introduced me to this deck a few years ago.  I would not have considered working with 'fractal art' cards had she not brought them to my attention, and I felt an instant connection with them when I began to work with them.  The author, Cheryl Lee Harnish, has created 3 fractal art decks to date, and her most recent, 'Return to Spirit' was brought by Melanie to my home for me last September.  The card that flew out of the deck for you today is the #25 card, the 'Nature' card.  Notice the angelic, ethereal look to the card...it is the perfect card for today's reading.  Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"It is time to return to nature and reconnect.  Enjoy the scent of flowers.  Walk quietly by the ocean.  Hug a tree and get rooted in the core of Mother Earth.  It is time for a look within. Nature will bring you back on track. Watch, listen, breathe and connect.  Feel the pulse of life streaming throughout, fully and naturally.  Through our heart we are connected to all things, including our Higher Self.  Sit, quiet your mind, place your hand on your heart, and connect. It is here that you will find your Truth."

My message for you today is this:
Nature can be very healing and that is what Mother Nature is offering up to us today.  If you are one of those whom Melanie's life touched, and you are experiencing the shock and grief of her physical passing, allow Nature to embrace you and to send you her healing energy. Allow Mother Nature to help you to heal your heart...
Of course, crystals come to us from Nature...they are a gift from Mother Earth to assist and support us in our physical lives.  The resonance and energy that crystals carry serve as a gateway in accessing various vibrational spaces; in acting as an energetic 'protective' shield; and also in drawing out and releasing certain energies from our personal energetic systems. Through Melanie, crystals are presenting as a beautiful aspect of Nature to assist you today. Allow your intuition to guide you in embracing crystal energy for that is one of the things that Melanie believed...that while certain crystals absolutely carry a certain resonance, how they resonate with our own energies varies from person to person.  Go with what you feel 'drawn' to...it is as simple and profound as that...drop from your head to your heart and utilize the crystal energy that 'speaks' to you in supporting you through any major life changes you may be experiencing.  Crystal energy is available to support you in whatever way you need.
This card is the #25 card in the deck.  In Angel Numbers, the number 25 means, 'As you go through major life changes, expect the best and your optimism will be rewarded'.  What this means today is that we are to 'look up' in regards to major life changes...to strive to see the blessings within the situation; to do our best to focus on the positives and all the good that has been brought to our lives; and to know that in spiritual Truth, 'all is well', even if we can't 'see' that yet...
Blessed be...

Friday, January 17, 2014


Your card to close out the week is drawn from the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is the 'Blossoming' card, and Cheryl's message for the card is this:
"Even simply questioning your life or trying to figure out where and how to move forward---moves your energy and aids in opening you to your higher awareness and Divine purpose. Continue with this.  Don't let your human mind, with its limited point of view, tell you that you're stuck or not progressing.  It isn't true.  You ARE opening, you ARE flowing and your soul IS blossoming!  Keep your faith, in both yourself and Spirit.  Know that you are on the perfect path and that you are opening to your highest potential---one step at a time."

My message for you today is this:
This is the #37 card in this deck, and in Angel Numbers, the #37 means~"You are on the right path and the ascended masters are encouraging and helping you along the way." You have been guided with your readings this past week to understand that you ARE being asked to share your beautiful self with your own unique abilities and talents, and that you are supported in doing so, not only by the ascended masters, as indicated here, but also by your own guides and angels and also the saints and angels, as Saint Hildegard presented for you yesterday. Understand that you ARE supported!
As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, the image and message that was presented to me was that, when a flower blossoms, it unfurls itself one petal at a time, and that there is beauty in each stage of the flower unfurling itself.  Honour yourself as each petal unfurls in your blossoming! Understand that blossoming is meant to be a process...if you were to witness a flower blossoming when filmed with a time delayed camera, you would see that the flower does not instantly explode from the form of a bud to being in full bloom.  The simple act of unfurling itself is gradual and gentle and part of the incredible beauty lies in the flower revealing itself in each facet of it's blossoming.  DO NOT feel that you have to 'have it all together' before you reveal and share your unique talents and abilities with the World...in truth, you will NEVER have it all together, because you are constantly growing and unfurling and that is the way that it is meant to be!  
Blessed be...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Believe ~ St. Hildegard of Bingen

Your card today is drawn from the 'Saints & Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Believe ~ St. Hildegard of Bingen' card. Doreen tells us this about St. Hildegard:
"This Saint overcame tremendous self-doubt and became a multitalented author, musician, and healer.  This was especially remarkable, considering that women in her era (1098-1179) weren't expected to accomplish worldly deeds.  Born the tenth child in her family, she was sent to live in a convent in order to reduce her parents' financial burdens. Hildegard began having spiritual visions as a young child, and she was eventually called upon to write books about them.  She overcame tremendous self-doubt about her literary skills and later wrote: 'But although I heard and saw these things, because of doubt and low opinion of myself and because of diverse sayings of men, I refused for a long time a call to write.'  St. Hildegard is also known for orchestrating rich musical chants and for her two books on bringing about physical health by using items found in nature."
Doreen's message for the card is this:
"To heal and improve this situation, it's important for you to believe...You ARE qualified.  You ARE ready and prepared.  You CAN do it."

My message for you today is this:
As I am not familiar with this Saint, I simply shared Doreen's description of her from the guidebook that accompanies this card deck.  Unbelievable that Hildegard lived for 82 years at that time in the world!  What a dynamic person!  She has stepped forward for you today to encourage you to believe in yourself!  Whenever you drop into doubt about whether you've 'got what it takes' to express yourself out into the world, call upon St. Hildegard.  As a Saint, she has made the commitment to assist those of us here in striving to reach our greatest potential.  It takes faith and courage to express yourself despite your self-doubt, and rest assured EVERYONE encounters moments of self-doubt!  If you focus on coming from a 'heart-centred place of service' and see your expressions as the manifestation of your Soul purpose, it will be easier to step out from behind your fear and self-doubt. St. Hildegard will assist and support you in doing just that!  If you resist sharing that which you are meant to share, you rob the world of that gift which the Divine gave to you for a reason!
Shine your Light!  I dare you!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Good-Bye to the Old, Hello to the New & Emotional Healing

FULL MOON THIS EVENING!  Your cards today are drawn from the 'Magical Messages From the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  No surprise that 2 cards dropped out of the deck for you today as we head into a powerful Full Moon, and I had to smile as I saw which 2 cards they were---perfect messages to come forward for you in this Full Moon energy!  Your cards are the 'Good-Bye to the Old, Hello to the New' and 'Emotional Healing' and Doreen's messages for the cards are below:
'Good-Bye to the Old, Hello to the New':
"You've finished one part of your life, and now a new and even better part is beginning."
'Emotional Healing':
"As your heart heals of old emotional pain, you receive new blessings and love."

My message for you today is this:
I chose this card deck aligned with the magical fairies for your reading today because the fairies are beautiful angels, whose energy is slightly denser than that of other angelic realms, which keeps them closer to the Earth and all aspects of our natural world, including the cosmic energies which absolutely impact our daily lives.  The two cards that the fairies brought forward for you today are perfect reminders of how to best utilize the Full Moon energy that we are in.  I have stated here many times that Full Moons are excellent for supporting us in releasement of that which no longer serves us, and on this first Full Moon of 2014, you are being reminded of that. With the first New Moon of 2014 falling on the first day of the New Year, you were advised that 2014 was to be a powerful year of manifestation!  So your card today brings you the message that you must let go of the old to make room for the new.  And in symphony with that, the fairies have presented you with the 'Emotional Healing' card.  This is speaking to stepping out of old patterns that were holding you back...emotional patterns or perspectives about yourself that have kept you from shining your Light in the way that you are meant to.  You did a LOT of work in 2013 in making adjustments to the 'shift' that was happening within you and around you (and that is ALWAYS happening, though to a lesser degree), but the fairies are encouraging you today to implement the releasement energy of this Full Moon to take that next great step in opening the door to all that awaits you in 2014!  Bless the experiences of the past and acknowledge the role that they played in bringing you to this precipice...bless them, release them and be clear about your desire to reach for your potentials and possibilities!  The fairies are also saying that you need to honour any emotions that rise to the surface...do not attempt to suppress them...do not be surprised if you find yourself having 'a good cry' as you release the old.  Trust your feelings and allow them to flow through you, as they arise within you.  Doing so makes the 'space' available for you to 'receive new blessings and love'.
Blessed be...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Break Free

Your card today is drawn from the 'Magical Mermaids and Dolphins' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Break Free' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Sometimes we get into ruts and routines because they feel safe and comfortable.  By drawing this card, you're asked to swim outside your comfort zone.  It's time to take risks and explore new ways of thinking, making a living, or being in relationships.  When you make the commitment to explore and experiment, the world responds by giving you wonderful new experiences...This is definitely a time for you to reach out and enjoy new options. Try something new today!"

My message for you today is this:
As if, in the energy of 2014, you could do anything BUT break out of old routines and ruts! (That is, if you intend to move with 'ease and grace' through the energy being offered you in 2014!)  We are all being pushed to move toward new experiences and ways of being this year...that is not to say that we are to ENTIRELY recreate our environment or ourselves...we did a lot of work in 2013 to recalibrate and adjust to the new energies brought forth by the 'shift', and that will continue for us in 2014, but it will feel slightly different, and if you 'go with the flow', it will feel more gentle and less chaotic.  Today, we are moving into the energy of the Full Moon tomorrow (the first full moon of 2014) and as I have stated previously, that energy can be felt 24 hours either side of the actual full moon.  While a Full Moon carries the energy of 'releasement' of that which no longer serves us, each full moon also carries it's own unique themes within that, in alignment with other facets of the cosmic energies present at that particular time.  We are being told about this full moon in particular, by Brenda Brush, of the South Florida Astrological Association that, "This Full Moon brings lots of nostalgia and the need to be graceful, celebrate family, honour your ancestors and honour yourself. We have entered a time of great change.  A new generation is forming and we have to make the necessary adjustments to move into this time with grace. Some of it may not be so graceful.  Some of it may require a leap into the unknown and to reinvent yourself.  Do what you know and move forward in a new way..." (Visit Brenda's Facebook page, which is simply under 'Brenda Brush'...she is the first to come up under the search, and to be sure you have her page, she lives in Hollywood, Florida and was born on January 19/41).  Brenda's message is in complete alignment with the message that I was receiving for you today!
Some have asked how the information that comes forward for you in these daily card readings happens for me...in all honesty, I am often 'blown away' by how it comes together, myself!  Today, I was guided to select the 'Magical Mermaids and Dolphins' deck, and I just go with that, even though I am currently surrounded by snow and winter!  Then, while I am typing my message for you, I am called to reference the upcoming Full Moon and then, I was called to go to the Newsfeed on my Facebook account and there is Brenda Brush's posting (I began following her recently when she was referred by a friend)...I had already typed in my message for you about moving with 'ease and grace' before even being guided to access Brenda's message about tomorrow's full moon. She also used the word 'grace' in referring to our movement forward! And, I honestly did not know WHERE in the U.S. Brenda was located until I looked at her Facebook profile to give you information as to where to access her page. So, I am referencing Brenda today, who lives in FLORIDA, where you can definitely see DOLPHINS and then her message for the full moon speaks to breaking free of old patterns (which I also had not read prior to selecting today's card, or even having been guided to go to her Facebook posting as I type your message today)!  A beautiful demonstration of synchronicity at play!  I just LOVE how the Universe supports and guides us when we trust, allow, believe and receive!!  I have given you the example of how it worked for me in bringing you your message today (and in fact, every day) and it can work for you, too!!! 
Break free!
Blessed be...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Firefly ~ Spiritual Inspiration and Hope

Your card today leapt out of the 'Animal-Wise Tarot' deck, authored by Ted Andrews.  I chose this deck, because we are moving into the Full Moon energy this upcoming Wednesday, and quite frankly, I was just guided to work with this deck today!  Animals are amazing messengers to us, and in my opinion, Ted Andrews had been the consummate resource in the specific energies and dynamics and messages of animals, prior to his passing in 2009. With his passing, we lost an astute and devoted spiritual leader, of diverse aspects of metaphysics, but especially in relation to our connection with the animal world. His book, 'Animal Speak' remains one of my most loved resources that I refer to consistently, in addition to his book, 'Animal-Wise' and of course, the 'Animal-Wise' deck that I have drawn from today (it was among the first card decks that I owned and worked with).
Your card today is the 'Firefly ~ Spiritual Inspiration and Hope' card, and Ted's message for the card is this:
"Fireflies or lightning bugs are magical symbols or inspiration and hope.  They are the promise of accomplishment through hope and efforts, reminding us that we have laid the appropriate groundwork and from it will spring great reward.
Fireflies are small beetles that give off light, usually from the hind end.  They may light up while flying or while resting in vegetation.  The blinking or flashing of the lights is performed for short periods, and each species has a distinct rhythm.
For the most part, the flashing rhythm is performed to attract a mate, who responds with a corresponding rhythm.  It is part of the mating ritual that will extend the life of the species. For those to whom the firefly appears, it is time to trust in your own rhythms, both physical and spiritual.  Our hopes will begin to manifest and our ability to inspire will grow.  Fireflies remind us that there are others who will respond to us and who are like us.  They flash with similar creative rhythms. They will make their presence known soon, making our life more creative and healthier.
Fireflies generate light without heat, a process of chemistry and physics that is still baffling to science.  Their tiny lights reflect wonderful opportunities to make the seemingly impossible a reality, inspiring wonders that will be flickering and manifesting around us.
This is a wonderful time to jot down all of those creative ideas that are flickering in our mind at this time.  We needn't worry about what to do with them now, for just by taking them out of the mental realm, their creative force is released into our life and they will provide inspiration that will affect us for a long time in the future.
The firefly looks ordinary during the day, but by night they sparkle. flickering like a star. They hold the promise of accomplishing our goals.  Spiritual gifts are awakening.  We are on the right path, and there are strong spiritual forces around us.
When fireflies appear, people begin to reassess their former opinions and perspectives.  We begin to shine and to sparkle.  Opportunities to fulfill dreams, to inspire wonder, and to awaken greater hope will begin to flicker strongly within our life."

My message for you today is this:
I seldom include the message of the author of your card for the day in it's ENTIRETY, but today I was COMPELLED to!  I believe Ted's message for us, through the Firefly, is actually expressing the energy we are moving into in 2014!  This is a major arcana card within Ted's deck, and major arcana (as opposed to the minor arcana) cards within a tarot deck generally speak to the 'bigger picture' aspects of our lives.  Your card today absolutely feels like a 'theme' for movement into the upcoming year.  I love how Ted states, "...the promise of accomplishment through hope and efforts."  This is KEY...you must have faith and trust but also put in the effort required to shine your Light, and if you look back over your readings thus far this year, you will find that you are being URGED to SHINE YOUR LIGHT!  Firefly has presented for you today to reiterate that!  I am in deep gratitude to Ted Andrews for his 
message for you today...I hope that you can feel the power of it, as I do for you!
Blessed be...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Heart Chakra

Your card today is drawn from the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  I chose this deck, because it has a very gentle energy about it, and today's energy feels a little gentler than it has this week...not quite so frenetic and strong! (Was anyone able to see the lightshow in the sky that was to be visible last night, as a result of the recent solar flares?)
Your card is the 'Heart Chakra' card (of course it is!) and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Love is the heart of the matter.  Your heart is the center within your physical being attuned most to love.  It's safe for you to love and be loved with an open heart, as we stand by with perfect protection and guidance."

My message for you today is this:
My friend reminded me the other day to 'drop from my head to my heart'...it was a beautiful reminder that when we come at any situation from a place of LOVE, we will find the best answers.  I have spun certain scenarios around and around in my head sometimes, seeking the BEST possible solution or answer, only to become even more confused about how to proceed for 'the greater good of all'...I have been sincerely striving to do 'the right thing', but even comprehending what is 'the right thing' eludes me, as I think and rethink possible actions and outcomes.  Have you ever done this? At such times, we need to 'drop from our head to our heart' and to 'view' the situation from that place of LOVE.  Remember that LOVE is defined as the opposite of FEAR.  When our actions are motivated by LOVE, rather than FEAR, we are moved forward in the most positive way for all concerned.  Choose today to BE LOVE....approach any and all situations from that place and just see how your day plays out.  Address even 'frustrating' or 'annoying' or 'upsetting' situations from a place of LOVE...notice how peaceful and calm you feel when you do so.  This doesn't mean that you walk around being a 'loving doormat'...quite the opposite!  LOVE is of the highest vibration, and when you walk in love you are so self-empowered!  When you allow circumstances to drop you into FEAR...the lowest vibration...you become disempowered.  Ask your guides and angels to assist you with residing in LOVE and with approaching all situations you encounter from a place of LOVE...just for today...allow yourself that experience...  Yes, we are indeed HUMAN, having the human experience, and it would not be realistic to expect to reside in love at all times in this human experience...no dropping into self-judgment about that!  It is definitely a great goal to set for ourselves as individuals and as the human race...to reside in LOVE to the best of our ability...  
Blessed be...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Positive Change

Your card today is drawn from the 'Ascended Masters' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Positive Change' card, which is aligned with the Ascended Master, 'Paravati'.  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Your likes and dislikes have changed, and you've outgrown situations that once appealed to you.  These are positive developments signalling your spiritual growth.  Some of these situations are blessings in disguise, as they're pushing you to make necessary and positive changes.  You may feel pushed beyond your comfort zone as multiple areas of your life shift and flux, yet the Universe always stands ready to support you with whatever you ask for.  Let go and enjoy this ride, because it is truly for the best."

Doreen's description of Paravati is this:
"Paravati (sometimes spelled 'Parvati') is the Hindu goddess of mountains, marriage, and households.  Legend says that Shiva the Hindu god was grief stricken following the death of his first love, Sati, so he retreated to a mountain cave.  When Paravati was born in the mountains, Shiva fell in love with her devotion to helping the planet.  They became united in love and had a son, Ganesh.  Call upon Paravati for solace and solutions to any seeming problem, especially if you're meditating in the mountains."

My message for you today is this:
Ascended Masters are available to us as supreme spiritual teachers and healers.  They may or may not have lived a lifetime on Earth, but have agreed to serve as guides and support to us as we navigate our way through this physical lifetime.  As with the angels, Ascended Masters are governed by Universal Laws, including the 'Law of Free Will', which means that they are unable to intercede in any way without our having asked.
Paravati has presented to you at a fortuitous time!  We ARE moving into a period of positive change, should we commit to following the guidance available to us in stepping more firmly onto our spiritual path, and living our life from our Higher Self.  I know that MANY of you can relate to the message above stating, "Your likes and dislikes have changed, and you've outgrown situations that once appealed to you."  Such was 2013...major SHIFTS occurring both within us and around us!  This will continue into 2014, but in a less tumultuous way...
Call upon Paravati when you feel pushed to make changes that you KNOW to be in your greater good, but that feel challenging to you in some way. She has presented to you today for that very reason!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Victory ~ Archangel Sandalphon

Your card today dropped to the floor out of the 'Archangels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Victory' card, which is aligned with Archangel Sandalphon.  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Archangel Sandalphon:  'Your prayers have been heard and answered.  Have faith'
You deserve this time of victory.  Your unwavering focus and dedication have resulted in blissful manifestation.  Peace and pleasant feelings are yours right now.  Let your focus be on this present moment, and savor each feeling and experience fully.  Know that your future is taken care of in a positive way, as you allow yourself to enjoy the present moment.  Feel good about who you are, and know that your success benefits others."

My message for you today is this:
Archangel Sandalphon is one of only 2 archangels who ascended to become an archangel from having lived a human life on Earth as the prophet, Elijah (the other being Metatron, who was the prophet Enoch on Earth).  Sandalphon's specialty is in healing aggressive tendencies, and in achieving self-empowerment and helping us to appreciate all the miracles and victories of life.  Many experience his aura as turquoise in color and so it is no surprise that the crystal associated with his energy is turquoise. 
Sandalphon literally dropped out of the deck today to ensure you that 'all is well' and to remind you that being in the moment is your 'place of power'...that faith is a vital requirement in achieving any kind of victory!  Victory is an attitude!  Sandalphon wishes you to reside in the attitude of victory, in the present moment, thereby ensuring that that is the energy you are drawing into your future experience.  
Your message today is truly one that is reiterated as the messages that you have been given already this week...only Sandalphon has presented for you today to validate these messages for you!  Call upon Sandalphon to assist you in your life with being of integrity with the means by which you manifest all that you are meant to be!  All benefit from you shining your Light...this seems to be the 'theme' this week!
Blessed be... 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Path of the Soul

Your card today is drawn from the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish, and your card is the 'Path of the Soul' card!!!  Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This is a complete opening of the Heart Centre.  Your will and the Divine Will are merging.  This is the next step in the journey to Ascension, operating fully from a place of Love.  Trust each and every step you are guided to take, even if you do not understand it in this moment. There may be times that you will feel overwhelmed with all you've been given.  You are in full flow with intuitive guidance, creative ideas, tasks and undertakings.  You may experience a mix of emotional and physical occurrences, but know that this is a natural part of the process."

My message for you today is this:
Wow!  Talk about the 'power card' of the deck revealing itself to you today!  You are being called to STEP INTO IT, however 'it' is presenting for you at this moment in time!  I can absolutely resonate with this in my own life, as opportunities have been presenting to me in ways that I could not have scripted for myself if I tried, but what is also interesting are the 'challenges' that are also presenting simultaneously...  Just yesterday morning I had an exciting and inspiring discussion with my husband regarding an opportunity that had been presented to me in taking my spiritual work in a direction that I hadn't previously considered...we both felt the excitement and potential of this being a new avenue of 'being of service' for me and I was feeling empowered by that...completely in excitement energy! Then later in the day, I was presented with a circumstance that brought some very painful dynamics to the surface within our family that left me feeling disempowered and I had to wonder why this had presented for me to deal with at a time when I was truly striving to 'step into it' from a self-empowered place...  I share this with you because it illustrates that our path is rarely entirely smooth and obstacle free, even as we strive to 'be of service' in the ways that we are guided to.  It is at such times that we need to understand and accept that following 'the path of the soul' means stepping forward in FAITH...that we WILL indeed encounter moments of self-doubt, and that in those moments we need to trust that 'all is well' as long as we are coming from a 'heart-centered place of service'.  Have the courage to express your unique and beautiful Soul in the way that you are meant to!  When you encounter trials along the way, do not let them deter you from your path, if you know in your heart that you are headed in the direction that you have been guided to take.  Remember that ascension means 'to rise above'...so rise above any obstacles, or move them aside, or pass them by, and continue on your 'path of the Soul', because to do so serves ALL...
Blessed be... 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Trusting Your Intuition

Your card today is drawn from the 'Gateway Oracle' card deck, authored by Denise Linn. Your card is the 'Trusting Your Intuition' card, and Denise's message for the card is this:
"My life is truly guided...
Listen with your heart and act on your instincts. Trust that you are being guided, as the messages you are receiving are in your highest good. Follow the nudges from Spirit...
Your intuition is the vehicle for messages from Spirit.  If, in the past, you followed your instincts and then later it seemed to be the wrong move, don't let that keep you from trusting your intuition now.  Often with the perspective of time, the things that seemed like mistakes were actually your best experiences. Know that there are spiritual guides, allies, and angels surrounding you.  As you  open up your intuition, you will sense their loving presence and profound messages."

My message for you today is this:
Honestly, it will be key for you in 2014 to embrace and follow your 'inner knowing' or intuition in a CONSCIOUS way in order to live your best life.  We are in a time when we are being asked to take responsibility for shining our Light as only we as individuals can!  Although you have experienced 'moments in time' of having connected with your intuition, you are being called to do so more consistently, and in fact to truly incorporate your intuition as your personal GPS in moving through the upcoming year.  Live from your heart!  Trust your intuition!   This does not in any way imply that you just 'float your way through life'...quite the opposite, actually!  Trusting in your intuition implies taking responsibility for yourself and your actions, while understanding that you are completely supported by the Universe and by Spirit in doing so!  Call upon your guides and angels and then trust in the messages you are receiving...  
Blessed be...

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Emperor ~ Archangel Michael

Your card to close out this awesome week was drawn from the 'Angel Tarot Card' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.  Your card today is a major arcana card from within the deck...'The Emperor ~ Archangel Michael'.  (Interesting that I was considering using the 'Archangel Michael' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue, for your reading today!)
A tarot deck traditionally consists of 78 cards, 22 of which are 'major arcana' cards and 56 of which are 'minor arcana' cards.  The minor arcana cards are further divided into 4 suits which are numbered ace through 10, plus the court cards.  Rather than 'suits' the Angel Tarot deck has designated the 4 suits as the 4 elements of fire, water, air and earth.  Doreen and Radleigh have aligned each of the major arcana cards within their deck with an Archangel. Typically, the major arcana cards represent significant and 'big picture' events or circumstances, while the minor arcana cards represent the 'details' within the issues.  Some choose to separate the major and minor arcana cards within a deck to work with them separately...I choose to keep the deck intact and to work with it as a whole...your major arcana card today dropped out of the deck in it's entirety...it has been a 'major arcana' kind of week!!!
Doreen & Radleigh's message for the card is this:
"It is important to cultivate logic, discipline, and order right now.  This card signifies that although your dreams are valid and sound, they still need guidelines and organization so that they can manifest properly.  Create a detailed plan for how you'll proceed, and maintain kind but authoritative control over how that plan is implemented.  Feel empowered to take a leadership role in your career and any projects you're working on.  Structure and order are your friends as you move from the preparation stage into the execution of your plans. Believe in your ability to be a positive and diplomatic leader.  Get organized so that you can be more effective.
Additional meanings of this card:  The desire to be a success.  Stability.  Making wise choices.  Security.  Government agencies. Law enforcement.  The respect of others. Fatherhood."

My message for you today is this:
With the Super New Moon on the first day of the New Year falling in the middle of this week, it is no surprise that you have been asked to get clear about your intentions!  In your reading yesterday, the need to take guided action was alluded to.  Today, that aspect of achieving your desired outcome is advocated strongly!  Merely setting goals is not all that is required in achieving those goals...taking action is a very necessary component to any kind of success! You DO have the support of the Universe, and if you consciously make the connection to your 'Higher Self', you will be guided with the knowledge of how best to move forward.  Set your intentions, ask for guidance and then proceed by taking guided action.  The 'Emperor' card is a major arcana card, meaning it represents a 'big picture' aspect of your life right now.
You are being reminded that when you set intentions, and make a plan, the Universe aligns with that energy---but here's the thing---you are also being reminded to relax about how your 'plan' will unfold.  This card is not a 'little details' card---so you may be surprised, at times, about just how the Universe supports you in the implementation of your goals.  When Doreen and Radleigh state, 'Feel empowered to take a leadership role in your career and any projects you're working on', my take on that for you today is that the focus is on the word EMPOWERED.  I feel that the 'leadership role' you are being asked to take on today is in reference to how you will conduct YOUR OWN life at this time. Perhaps this will morph into you serving as a leader to others, either by example or by actually teaching, speaking publicly, etc.; but first you must stand firmly and confidently in your own life circumstances and actively create your own experience.  Simply put, 'get all your ducks in a row', to consciously create the experiences and projects you desire for yourself in 2014!
Archangel Michael, whose name means, 'He who is like God', is the supreme archangel and he represents strength and protection.  He is also said to assist us with any and all aspects of our life purpose.  Archangel Michael has stepped forward for you today and so, call upon him, as well as your guides and guardian angels, to support you in creating a plan and taking the necessary steps to bring your desired outcome(s) to fruition.  Stand in your own self-empowerment...be your own leader and your own most enthusiastic cheerleader!  
To do so brings your Light to the World...let's all do our part to make 2014 the YEAR OF LIGHT & LOVE! (one lovely 'leader' at a time!)
Blessed be...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dreams Coming True

Your card today is drawn from the 'Healing With the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Dreams Coming True' card, and Doreen's message is this:
"Your heart's desires are manifesting into reality.  The fairies ask you to hold fast to your faith and expect positive outcomes. Good news!  The life you've been dreaming of is becoming a reality for you.  Your affirmations, prayers, visualizations, and other positive practises have brought your dreams to fruition.  Now, the fairies ask you to keep the faith.  At this moment, you may be seeing glimmers of your dreams coming true.  These dreams are transitioning from thought form to etheric form, and then they're solidifying into material form.  To make this transition successful and complete, your continued faith and prayers are needed.  Ask God and the fairies to help release you of any fears that could cause you to sabotage your success.  Know that you deserve this new abundance, and that it will bring much joy to you and those in your life.
Affirmation:  My heart is full of gratitude and excitement, knowing that wonderful people and situations surround me now."

My message for you is this:
So, with the Super New Moon energy of last evening (and actually, it carries forward into today...you can feel the new moon energy for a day either side of the actual New Moon), and the tradition of New Year's Resolutions, perhaps you set some INTENTIONS (I prefer that word to 'resolutions') for yourself in the coming year.  The message for you today is to now carry that forward by having FAITH in what you have intended!  BELIEVE in the beautiful possibilities and potentials that you have for yourself!  Further to that, it is KEY in manifesting, to FEEL as though you are already in the experience of what it is you desire to manifest...FEEL as though it is already happening for you and to you...otherwise, you keep it in your 'future' as far as the Universe is concerned.  FAITH simply means to believe in that which you cannot see or have not yet seen...FAITH is a necessary element of manifestation.
KNOW that what you have intended is not only possible but inevitable, if you follow the guided action that is presented to you as you stay attuned to your Higher Self and the Divine.
2014 truly does look to be a year of 'dreams coming true', as much of the 'work', both inner work and actual labours that occurred in 2013, are realized in our lives and our circumstances will reflect that.  This is not to say that 'everything will simply fall into your lap'...action will be necessary, beginning with having FAITH, and releasing any FEAR (fear is the opposite of LOVE) or sense of UNWORTHINESS that you may have.  Beautiful (though sometimes 'challenging'...as in 'challenging you to be your BEST self) situations await you and when they do, your 'job' is to recognize them, bless them and step into them! In this way your intentions and dreams for yourself will come true!  How exciting is that?????
TRUST.  ALLOW.  BELIEVE. RECEIVE. (You've heard THAT before!)
Blessed be...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


It's here!!!  2014!!!  This is truly a year of beautiful beginnings...can you feel it? 
Happy New Year to one and all!  May 2014 bring you bountiful blessings, may you choose to live your life consciously and with the intention to shine your Light fearlessly and generously! I look forward to a wonderful year of 'consciously connecting' with your beautiful Soul!  Many, many blessings to you!

Your card for today is drawn from the 'Life Purpose' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  I chose this deck, because I believe that it is KEY to enter into 2014 with a sense of purpose and to be conscious in setting your goals and aspirations for 2014.  We have been gifted with this Super New Moon on the first day of our new year for a reason (the 'super' aspect of the new moon means that the moon is the closest to the earth during this new moon than it is all month, which amplifies how we will experience the new moon energy)!!!  Utilize this energy as we move into 2014!  The card that jumped out of the deck for you today is the 'Freedom' card...how COOL is that?  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You're free to do what you choose.  This card is a gentle reminder that you aren't a victim of outside circumstances and that you have choices in everything you do...Heaven is shining the light  upon your wise decision to take responsibility for yourself, your life, and your happiness...You have the right to change your life!  You needn't wait for another's permission to take charge of your destiny.  Trust your feelings to guide you..."

My message for you today is this:
New Moon energy is manifestation energy, and as I have stated, the New Moon falling on the first day of a New Year is a supreme opportunity to consciously create---to take responsibility for what you choose to draw into your life experience this upcoming year.
The statement on this card, 'You're free to do what you choose', is a powerful statement of self-empowerment and is here for you today, the first day of 2014, to advise you that how you navigate your way through your life is UP TO YOU!  You really do have choices, even within outside circumstances, about how you choose to live your life!
With 'freedom' comes responsibility---that seems like a dichotomy, doesn't it?  It is not, in this case...to live your life 'freely', meaning unencumbered by restrictions set down for you by others, implies taking the responsibility of choosing for yourself.  You are being asked by the Universe to take the responsibility of choosing for yourself as we move into 2014.  Your personal potential and possibilities are endless!  The Universe is a bountiful place for you! Embrace this beautiful New Moon manifestation energy today by taking the time to be clear with yourself about what you CHOOSE...  Create a beautiful, honouring manifestation ceremony in whatever way works for you...I intend to write mine down, and then to 'plant' them in a pot of soil, accompanied by a beautiful crystal that I have chosen with intention, and I will bless the 'seeds' that I am planting for the upcoming year... There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to conduct your manifestation ceremony...it can be as simple as stating your intentions out loud...just please DO consciously employ this manifestation energy that we are blessed with at this time.  I am so excited for you and for the year ahead!
Blessed be...