Thursday, August 22, 2013

Signs From Above ~ Guardian Angel

Your card today is drawn from the 'Saints & Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Sign From Above ~ Guardian Angel' card and Doreen's message for you is this:
"Heaven is sending you blessings and answers in the form of signs in the physical world.  These are messages that you see or hear repetitively.  This card asks you to pay extra attention to signs, as they're part of the answer to your question.  Notice anything that you see or hear three or more times...Observe special occurrences, such as angel-shaped clouds...Pay attention to items with a special significance, such as a loved one's favorite song playing on the radio, or a flower that you associate with a particular person or event. This isn't mere happenstance.  The old adage that "coincidences are when God remains anonymous" applies here.  Trust in the signs you receive and know that they're very real and meaningful to you."

My message for you today is this:
Your Guardian Angel has stepped forward for you today to yet again emphasize that you ARE receiving Divine messages.  This has been the recurring theme of your cards this week and you have been encouraged to truly be AWARE and CONSCIOUS as you move throughout your day (and even in your dreamtime, as messages are often brought forward then).  Some of the methods in which messages are delivered by Spirit mentioned by Doreen today (song on the radio, for example) were suggested to you in yesterday's reading as you were looking to animals as spirit messengers... She also advocates, as I do, that there is no such thing as 'coincidence', only 'synchronicity', which is truly the Divine at work!  Please know that you are in a highly receptive state this week, psychically, and be open to the communication, as supported by your Guardian Angel!  Understand that Spirit will communicate to you in the ways that you are best able to acknowledge and receive...if you are a highly visual person, the signs will likely come to you visually (billboards, clouds in the sky, etc.)...if clairaudience is your strongest psychic sense, you may hear the messages (words in a song on the radio or an overheard conversation, etc.)...  The means through which Spirit can and will communicate with us are as unique and individual as we are...  Crystal energy as an 'amplifier' in making the connection was brought forward for you this week with Phenacite.  Frog leapt into your reading this week as an animal messenger and encouraged you to be open to seeing animals as Spirit communicators. Your Guardian Angel is reminding you of his/her continuous presence in your life, and is validating that you are safe and protected as you open yourself to the guidance available to you.  I encourage you to journal and write about the messages being conveyed to you and how you received them...I find this a powerful means of 'anchoring' the information being given, into the physical.  As always, when you receive and acknowledge this guidance, give thanks...the Universe loves gratitude!
Blessed be...

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