Monday, August 26, 2013

Quan Yin

First, I would like to thank all of the beautiful Souls who came to spend time with me for a  'vignette' 30 minute Akashic Records Consultation at the 2 day Spiritual Farmer's Market at Vitality Crystals & Fountains this past weekend!  My gratitude also, to Mel & Cathy for creating the awesome space in a gorgeous country setting and to the other vendors at the event for the radiant energy they assisted in creating!  The weekend was just LOVELY, and I had the privilege and honour of making some beautiful connections!  Namaste...

Your card today is drawn from the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Cheryl is also the author of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, and has recently created a new fractal art deck that I cannot wait to get my hands on!  Fractal energy art emanates energy, and as I have said previously, I can literally 'feel' the energy of these cards when I lay my hand upon them...Cheryl Lee's explanation of fractals is this:  "Fractals are a type of mathematical geometry.  They are self-similar, repeating patterns, meaning the smallest part of a fractal is similar to the whole.  Everything in the natural world is created from fractal geometry from the shore lines to the forests, to the human being--right down to our DNA.  We are fractal and the entire world is fractal.  It is for this reason that scientists call fractals, 'the thumbprint of God'."
I truly love working with the fractal art decks created intuitively by Cheryl Lee and find their energy to be gentle, loving and accurate.  The card drawn for you today is the 'Quan Yin' card and Cheryl's message for you about the card is this:
"Quan Yin is the Bodhisattva of Compassion.  In the cards she represents compassion and kindness towards oneself.  Stop being hard on yourself!  Watch your mind and the words and judgments that you have about yourself.  You are much kinder and more forgiving of others than you are of yourself.
It can take may life times to fully embody this lesson of compassion, but you are almost there.  This is one of the biggest openings of the heart center than one can experience."

My message for you today is this:
When I laid my hand upon this card, I could literally feel the energy emanating from my left hand (non-dominant, therefore 'receiving' hand) up my arm and into my heart chakra, with a gentle, loving warmth...beautiful!
Quan Yin, as a goddess, had her origins in Indian Buddist theology...her name means, 'One who hears the cries of the world', and her energy is one of utmost compassion.
The number on this card is the number '33', which in angel numbers means, 'You have a strong and clear connection with one or more of the ascended masters, who have answered your call and your prayers.  Keep talking to them, as they're helping you in your present situation.'  Quan Yin has stepped forward as an ascended master to work with you today.  She is encouraging you to truly connect with your heart center (chakra) and to 'listen' to the messages residing there for you...drop from your head to your heart, get out of your 'logical mind' and allow yourself to receive guidance regarding the situation that you are seeking direction about, from an unconditional love, heart-centered place. Don't try to 'analyze' what comes forward for you...just sit with it and feel it and view it with compassion.
Quan Yin is also encouraging you to take the time today to rest in unconditional love for yourself and to embrace the knowing that you ARE loved deeply and implicitly!  Perhaps you will choose to sit quietly for a few moments with a rose quartz crystal and just allow your heart chakra to be filled with the 'love energy' that rose quartz emanates...  Perhaps you will take a few moments to sit in a favorite spot in nature and you will 'breathe in' the peaceful, loving energy being offered to you there...  Just take a few moments today to 'feel the love' in whatever way feels right to you!  
What a great way to begin your consciously residing in love energy for yourself, knowing that Quan Yin supports you in doing so.
Blessed be...

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