Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Initiation ~ Phenacite

Your card today is drawn from the 'Crystal Ally Cards' deck, authored by Naisha Ashian.  Naisha is the co-author of a very popular crystal energy reference book, 'The Book of Stones' with Robert Simmons.  I also use the guide book included with this Crystal Ally Cards deck as a reference when I am enquiring about the energy of specific crystals.
Your card today is the 'Initiation ~ Phenacite' card.  In her guidebook, Naisha includes an affirmation for the crystal as well as which chakra the crystal is energetically aligned with. 
According to Naisha, "Phenacite's key word is initiation...Phenacite is an Ally that has appeared in this New Age of Light in order to initiate the Lightworker to ever higher levels of awareness...This Ally signals the time of awakening..."
"Third eye and crown chakras.
Affirmation:  I dedicate myself to the path of spiritual initiate."

My message for you today is this:
Phenacite is a powerful stone, believed to have 'one of the highest crystal vibrations yet discovered'.  It facilitates making the connection to your higher self, guides and angels and can raise the vibrational frequencies of any other stone.  Don't let it's look deceive you...it is an unassuming looking stone that ranges from colorless to grey to yellow, with variations in between and it's formation is in wand-like crystals that are not particularly 'flashy' in its raw form, but can actually be rather 'milky' or dull looking.  It is a relatively rare stone and is indeed a stone to treasure in many ways!  Do not be intimidated to work with this beautiful crystal, because as powerful as it is, it is also gentle...there IS gentleness in strength, and Phenacite is a supreme example of this!
It is just wonderful that this card came forward for you today of all days, when we will be experiencing a Full Blue Moon in Aquarius tonight.  According to Elizabeth Peru, "This is a very special Full Moon as it falls within Aquarius as it did last month, making this a true blue moon from an astrological perspective.  So this is a rare occurrence and gives us two experiences in a month of practising independence and personal leadership...open up your heart to see beyond surface appearances."  So Elizabeth's guidance about the full blue moon tonight aligns beautifully with the message brought forward for you by the crystal Phenacite today!  Love that!  
I say to you, be courageous...honor your higher self and strive to reach for that next level of awareness...use the energy of the full moon and the crystal Phenacite to support you as you reach toward being your best true self, while understanding that this is an ongoing journey.  Know that you do not have to have a Phenacite crystal with you physically to work with its energy today...a picture will do, or just visualizing will work, too...  Sit quietly with the full blue moon and with phenacite this evening, relax, and see what comes forward for you without pressuring yourself to have a certain experience...  Even if you feel that you don't 'get' any messages this evening, pay attention to what comes forward for you over the next few days, having opened yourself up to receiving...  Be AWARE, and then TRUST AND BELIEVE...  You are a beautiful Lightworker, lighting the world in your own unique way!
Blessed be...

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