Thursday, August 29, 2013

Healing ~ Guardian Angel

Your card today is drawn from the 'Guardian Angel Cards' deck, authored by Toni Carmine Salerno.  I chose this deck, in part, because of their heart shape, considering that the heart center seems to be the theme this week!  Keep in mind, though, that the messages on these cards vary widely, despite their 'shape', they do not all speak to the 'heart of the matter'...  Having said that, your card today is the 'Healing' card, and the message on the card is this:
"Listen to your heart.  Love is the greatest healer  It has the capacity to balance and heal your emotions, thoughts and perceptions, which in turn will heal you physically.  Your Angels are here with you, and will help dissolve your fears.  Trust in the power of love to guide you, and your life will magically transform.  This card is confirmation that healing is occurring right now."

My message for you today is this:
Trust me...I am often in awe of what comes forward for you, and this week has certainly been such as that!  There are 46 cards in this deck, and the one that comes forward for you today asks you to 'listen to your heart' yet again!  Love it!  
Your message today may revolve around a physical or emotional healing that you are experiencing or in the midst of, but even more than that, your Guardian Angel is affirming that when you strive to come from a 'heart-centred space' you truly do enhance your life experience in all ways.  Love is the opposite of fear, and we can make a conscious decision to reside in love rather than fear.  Remember too, that you have been advised this week to 'listen to the wisdom of your heart' in your emotions and what they are communicating to you.  We ARE in this physical body and this physical experience and our minds are an important component to our 'coping with' and navigating our way through our denying that...we want to love and honor all aspects of ourselves.  When it comes to healing ourselves or to making life decisions, we may use our minds to execute what we need to do, but we first need to 'drop into our heart' to seek the best guidance for moving forward.  Perhaps you have a health condition and you have a strong 'feeling' of frustration in how it is currently being treated...this may be guiding you to look to a second opinion or to another form of treatment that will better serve you.  Whatever the situation currently in your life that comes to mind, do not discount your feelings!  You have your feelings for a reason!  Look to 'the heart of the matter' and then take guided action, knowing that your Guardian Angel is with you and supporting you, if you just ask...
Blessed be...

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