Friday, August 30, 2013

Love ~ Mother Mary

Your card today is drawn from the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  I chose this deck because Mother Mary is the epitome of heart-centered, maternal, unconditional love energy, and the heart center has been the recurring theme in your cards this week.  Then, what card jumps out of the deck for you today but the 'Love' card? Awesome!  The message on the card is this:
"Love is the answer to all of my questions."

My message for you today is this:
All week long, you have been asked to look to your heart for guidance and in connecting to your Higher Self, guides and angels and today is no different.  In closing out the week, remember that Ego does not reside in the heart, and so, when you approach any situation from a place of love, or a heart-centered place, you are striving for the 'greater good of all'.
I am feeling like a 'broken record' (for those of you old enough to understand that analogy!) in bringing you your message today, because it is just reiterating what has been expressed to you all week!  This indicates that the angels REALLY want you to get the message!
Further to that though, Mother Mary is reminding us that, what we put 'out there' is what we be mindful today and speak, think and write from a place of positivity and love, rather than pessimism or fear.  Do your best to resist complaining, criticizing or judging today and just see how your day plays out for you.  You will find that you will move throughout your day with greater ease and grace and even more frequent moments of happiness!  You may discover that this is a pattern you wish to implement more consciously into your life...  The Law of what you want to draw more of into your life!  Mother Mary reminds us that to receive Love, we must be Love!
Blessed be...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Healing ~ Guardian Angel

Your card today is drawn from the 'Guardian Angel Cards' deck, authored by Toni Carmine Salerno.  I chose this deck, in part, because of their heart shape, considering that the heart center seems to be the theme this week!  Keep in mind, though, that the messages on these cards vary widely, despite their 'shape', they do not all speak to the 'heart of the matter'...  Having said that, your card today is the 'Healing' card, and the message on the card is this:
"Listen to your heart.  Love is the greatest healer  It has the capacity to balance and heal your emotions, thoughts and perceptions, which in turn will heal you physically.  Your Angels are here with you, and will help dissolve your fears.  Trust in the power of love to guide you, and your life will magically transform.  This card is confirmation that healing is occurring right now."

My message for you today is this:
Trust me...I am often in awe of what comes forward for you, and this week has certainly been such as that!  There are 46 cards in this deck, and the one that comes forward for you today asks you to 'listen to your heart' yet again!  Love it!  
Your message today may revolve around a physical or emotional healing that you are experiencing or in the midst of, but even more than that, your Guardian Angel is affirming that when you strive to come from a 'heart-centred space' you truly do enhance your life experience in all ways.  Love is the opposite of fear, and we can make a conscious decision to reside in love rather than fear.  Remember too, that you have been advised this week to 'listen to the wisdom of your heart' in your emotions and what they are communicating to you.  We ARE in this physical body and this physical experience and our minds are an important component to our 'coping with' and navigating our way through our denying that...we want to love and honor all aspects of ourselves.  When it comes to healing ourselves or to making life decisions, we may use our minds to execute what we need to do, but we first need to 'drop into our heart' to seek the best guidance for moving forward.  Perhaps you have a health condition and you have a strong 'feeling' of frustration in how it is currently being treated...this may be guiding you to look to a second opinion or to another form of treatment that will better serve you.  Whatever the situation currently in your life that comes to mind, do not discount your feelings!  You have your feelings for a reason!  Look to 'the heart of the matter' and then take guided action, knowing that your Guardian Angel is with you and supporting you, if you just ask...
Blessed be...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Heart Chakra ~ Angel Therapy

Your card today is drawn from the 'Angel Therapy' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Heart Chakra' card and Doreen's message for this card is:
"The answer that you seek is in your heart right now.  Be open to giving and receiving love."
Doreen includes action steps for each card in the guidebook and the action steps she suggests for the Heart Chakra card are:
"Go to a flower shop and purchase one or more fresh pink roses. (If you grow them in your own garden, that's even better!)  Carry one with you throughout the day, inhaling its fragrance frequently.  Place one or more on your nightstand to benefit from its ability to open the heart chakra.  When you can't carry a pink rose with you, you can use pure rose essential oil instead.  In addition, wear a heart shaped rose quartz crystal pendant (or place the crystal in your bra or shirt pocket) in order to keep your heart open throughout the day. The angels will also surround your heart with healing and protective pink light, if you ask them to."

My message for you today is this:
It's looking like the theme of the week for you is the heart chakra!   Once again, you are being asked to 'drop from your head to your heart' and to honor the feelings residing there... Really 'tap in' to how you are feeling and to the guidance that you are receiving.  Your angels are encouraging you to trust in your feelings---you have them for a reason!  You don't have to 'indulge' in your feelings, but use them as a barometer in making decisions...'your heart is wise'...honor your emotions!  You can better access the information by focussing on 'opening your heart center' in the ways that Doreen suggests above.  I have a small rose quartz pendant (and a few others!) that I wear pinned inside my bra every day because I always strive to approach my days from a 'heart-centered place'.
When you understand that you are not at the mercy of your emotions and that they are actually a beautiful guidance tool for you, your connection to receiving the guidance that your higher self is offering you is stronger.  Ask the angels to bring clarity to the messages your heart chakra has to share with you as you open yourself up...
This card is also a reminder that it is important for you to focus upon love for can you truly share love if you don't first hold it within your heart for yourself?  Some would say that you are in Ego when you express love for yourself, but nothing could be further from the truth!  Ego resides in the mind, not in the heart...whenever you are coming from a heart-centered place, for yourself and for others, you are coming from a place of love and therefore from your Higher Self, not Ego...  Today (and it would seem for this WEEK) allow your heart chakra to lead the way...  See how you approach certain situations differently when you allow your heart to lead the way...
Blessed be...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Release & Surrender

Your card today is drawn from the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Release & Surrender' card.  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"We shower you with blessings of our radiant love.  Open your arms, and release the challenges that you've held tightly gripped within your hands.  Open your hands, arms, and heart to our love and assistance."

My message for you today is this:
Notice the vibrant violet color in this card...violet is the color of your crown chakra...the gateway to your Higher Self, guides and angels.  The angels are suggesting that when you are addressing an issue or situation that you find to be upsetting or challenging, rather than simply being 'reactionary' in your response, take a moment.  Consciously open your crown chakra (you can do this by simply intending to do so, and you can support yourself with crystal energy, also); drop down into your heart and understand that the 'Divine wisdom of Spirit' is present and there to assist you in determining the best possible outcome for the 'greater good of all'.  Often times, when we seek to CONTROL a situation and to force it into what we think it needs to be, we only cause ourselves stress and strife and the energy that we bring to it blocks the natural flow.  This is NOT to imply that COMPLACENCY is the answer!  Releasing and surrendering to the Divine within us does not mean 'giving up' means understanding that our Higher Self sees things from an elevated perspective and the best reactions come from a heart-centered place.  So take action, but do so after having 'tapped in' to the guidance available to you and in the Spirit that the outcome be for the greater good of all...  You ARE supported!  All you need to do is ask, release and surrender, and then take guided action.
Blessed be...

Monday, August 26, 2013

Quan Yin

First, I would like to thank all of the beautiful Souls who came to spend time with me for a  'vignette' 30 minute Akashic Records Consultation at the 2 day Spiritual Farmer's Market at Vitality Crystals & Fountains this past weekend!  My gratitude also, to Mel & Cathy for creating the awesome space in a gorgeous country setting and to the other vendors at the event for the radiant energy they assisted in creating!  The weekend was just LOVELY, and I had the privilege and honour of making some beautiful connections!  Namaste...

Your card today is drawn from the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Cheryl is also the author of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, and has recently created a new fractal art deck that I cannot wait to get my hands on!  Fractal energy art emanates energy, and as I have said previously, I can literally 'feel' the energy of these cards when I lay my hand upon them...Cheryl Lee's explanation of fractals is this:  "Fractals are a type of mathematical geometry.  They are self-similar, repeating patterns, meaning the smallest part of a fractal is similar to the whole.  Everything in the natural world is created from fractal geometry from the shore lines to the forests, to the human being--right down to our DNA.  We are fractal and the entire world is fractal.  It is for this reason that scientists call fractals, 'the thumbprint of God'."
I truly love working with the fractal art decks created intuitively by Cheryl Lee and find their energy to be gentle, loving and accurate.  The card drawn for you today is the 'Quan Yin' card and Cheryl's message for you about the card is this:
"Quan Yin is the Bodhisattva of Compassion.  In the cards she represents compassion and kindness towards oneself.  Stop being hard on yourself!  Watch your mind and the words and judgments that you have about yourself.  You are much kinder and more forgiving of others than you are of yourself.
It can take may life times to fully embody this lesson of compassion, but you are almost there.  This is one of the biggest openings of the heart center than one can experience."

My message for you today is this:
When I laid my hand upon this card, I could literally feel the energy emanating from my left hand (non-dominant, therefore 'receiving' hand) up my arm and into my heart chakra, with a gentle, loving warmth...beautiful!
Quan Yin, as a goddess, had her origins in Indian Buddist theology...her name means, 'One who hears the cries of the world', and her energy is one of utmost compassion.
The number on this card is the number '33', which in angel numbers means, 'You have a strong and clear connection with one or more of the ascended masters, who have answered your call and your prayers.  Keep talking to them, as they're helping you in your present situation.'  Quan Yin has stepped forward as an ascended master to work with you today.  She is encouraging you to truly connect with your heart center (chakra) and to 'listen' to the messages residing there for you...drop from your head to your heart, get out of your 'logical mind' and allow yourself to receive guidance regarding the situation that you are seeking direction about, from an unconditional love, heart-centered place. Don't try to 'analyze' what comes forward for you...just sit with it and feel it and view it with compassion.
Quan Yin is also encouraging you to take the time today to rest in unconditional love for yourself and to embrace the knowing that you ARE loved deeply and implicitly!  Perhaps you will choose to sit quietly for a few moments with a rose quartz crystal and just allow your heart chakra to be filled with the 'love energy' that rose quartz emanates...  Perhaps you will take a few moments to sit in a favorite spot in nature and you will 'breathe in' the peaceful, loving energy being offered to you there...  Just take a few moments today to 'feel the love' in whatever way feels right to you!  
What a great way to begin your consciously residing in love energy for yourself, knowing that Quan Yin supports you in doing so.
Blessed be...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Gratitude & Joy

Your cards today are drawn from the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Mother Mary (as I refer to her) is the Mother of Jesus and she is an Ascended Master, who watches over and guides us with her loving, nurturing energy.  As with any Mother, she wants only what is best for us, and so her energy is not compliant, but at times can nudge you in the direction that will best serve you. The cards that she is sharing with you today compliment each other beautifully and so it is no surprise that she is presenting them in unison with one another for your daily reading!  Your cards are the 'Gratitude' and 'Joy' cards.  Doreen's messages for these cards is this:
"As I notice and appreciate my blessings, I open the door to more of God's gifts."
"By enjoying this moment, I am giving thanks to God for my life."

My message for you today is this:
You no doubt have heard numerous times the 'glass half-full or half-empty' analogy...
today's message is about your attitude or perspective and that, if you choose an 'attitude of gratitude' (another common phrase) then you draw more good into your life.
You have had another week of powerful cards and messages that have encouraged you to be awake and aware of your connection to the Divine.  Mother Mary steps forward for you at the close of the week with the maternal reminder that how you choose to view your life and the circumstances of it is a CONSCIOUS decision...when you look to the good within your life and focus upon that, you draw more good in.  Think of a current situation in your life that is not as you would have it be... Ask yourself what lessons there were for you within that situation that you can carry forward to better yourself and your life. Perhaps that situation occurred to shine a light on another aspect of your life that you had been taking for granted.  Or maybe you learned the valuable lesson of setting personal boundaries that you may not have learned had you not been presented with that experience...  Of course it is extremely difficult to reside in the positive all of the time, but the message for you today is that, the MORE that you choose to see the JOY in your life and then give GRATITUDE for it, the more you will experience happiness.  Some years ago it became popular to keep a 'gratitude journal' write down every day 5 things that you were grateful for that day. This is a great practise in refocusing your attention upon the good that already exists in your life, thereby attracting more of the same!  Today, I encourage you to take a moment to write down 5 things in your life for which you are specific and really reside in the energy of gratitude and joy as you write...  You will absolutely feel your heart chakra warm and expand... Who doesn't want to experience more joy?  I've already said to you this week that the Universe loves gratitude...employ the tool of gratitude to attract more joy into your life!
Blessed be...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Signs From Above ~ Guardian Angel

Your card today is drawn from the 'Saints & Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Sign From Above ~ Guardian Angel' card and Doreen's message for you is this:
"Heaven is sending you blessings and answers in the form of signs in the physical world.  These are messages that you see or hear repetitively.  This card asks you to pay extra attention to signs, as they're part of the answer to your question.  Notice anything that you see or hear three or more times...Observe special occurrences, such as angel-shaped clouds...Pay attention to items with a special significance, such as a loved one's favorite song playing on the radio, or a flower that you associate with a particular person or event. This isn't mere happenstance.  The old adage that "coincidences are when God remains anonymous" applies here.  Trust in the signs you receive and know that they're very real and meaningful to you."

My message for you today is this:
Your Guardian Angel has stepped forward for you today to yet again emphasize that you ARE receiving Divine messages.  This has been the recurring theme of your cards this week and you have been encouraged to truly be AWARE and CONSCIOUS as you move throughout your day (and even in your dreamtime, as messages are often brought forward then).  Some of the methods in which messages are delivered by Spirit mentioned by Doreen today (song on the radio, for example) were suggested to you in yesterday's reading as you were looking to animals as spirit messengers... She also advocates, as I do, that there is no such thing as 'coincidence', only 'synchronicity', which is truly the Divine at work!  Please know that you are in a highly receptive state this week, psychically, and be open to the communication, as supported by your Guardian Angel!  Understand that Spirit will communicate to you in the ways that you are best able to acknowledge and receive...if you are a highly visual person, the signs will likely come to you visually (billboards, clouds in the sky, etc.)...if clairaudience is your strongest psychic sense, you may hear the messages (words in a song on the radio or an overheard conversation, etc.)...  The means through which Spirit can and will communicate with us are as unique and individual as we are...  Crystal energy as an 'amplifier' in making the connection was brought forward for you this week with Phenacite.  Frog leapt into your reading this week as an animal messenger and encouraged you to be open to seeing animals as Spirit communicators. Your Guardian Angel is reminding you of his/her continuous presence in your life, and is validating that you are safe and protected as you open yourself to the guidance available to you.  I encourage you to journal and write about the messages being conveyed to you and how you received them...I find this a powerful means of 'anchoring' the information being given, into the physical.  As always, when you receive and acknowledge this guidance, give thanks...the Universe loves gratitude!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Frog ~ Fertility and New Beginnings

Your card today is drawn from 'The Animal-Wise Tarot' deck, authored by Ted Andrews. Ted is the author of over 35 metaphysical books, the most popular being 'Animal Wise' and 'Animal Speak' which many use as reference books for the energy and messages that animals bring to us.  Prior to his death in October, 2009, Ted Andrews was considered to be the number one authority on understanding and connecting with animal spirits.  As Ted states in the beginning of his Animal-Wise Tarot guide book:
"All traditions taught that every aspect of the natural world has significance.  This is particularly true of animals that cross our paths or show up in our lives, whether in waking or dreaming states...How do we know whether the animal that has shown up in our life has particular significance for us?  It's not always easy, nor is it always obvious...We begin by first recognizing and accepting that the animal has caught our attention for a reason...In understanding the language of animals and in developing a new relationship with Nature, we must create the mindset that everything has significance...The difficulty lies in understanding what message the animal brings and the significance of our animal experiences, understanding how the animal applies in our life."
 I have owned my 'Animal-Wise Tarot' deck for more than 10 years and have found this deck to be a highly accurate, gentle yet informative tool of divination. It's pretty obvious that I am a Ted Andrews fan, and I am thrilled to share his deck with you for your message today...I bless him for sharing his teachings and his gifts with us!  
The card that 'hopped' out of the deck for you today (it truly DID jump out!) is the 'Frog ~ Fertility and New Beginnings' card.  Ted's message for you regarding this card is this:
"Frogs have a tremendous mythology and lore about them and have been associated with the Faerie Realm and Egyptian goddesses and gods (Herit, Isis, and Osiris)...Whenever Frog appears, we are entering a time of new beginnings, our creative energies are awakening, and it is a time for new birth and new starts...All frogs go through metamorphosis, and their appearance reflects a time of transformation for us as well...Their appearance can signal a possible birth or pregnancy for someone close to us...Frog heralds an ideal time to initiate new starts in business or a wonderful time to explore and seek out a new career, job, or way of life. The appearance of Frog reflects maturity and transformation from the polliwog stage.  It is a beneficial time to hop into new areas of endeavor or to accept invitations and offers...Since frogs possess a very sensitive tympanic organ, they are keenly attuned to sound and their element (water) is a tremendous conductor of sound vibrations.  Their croaking is a means of attracting a mate.  When Frog has appeared, we should listen for new opportunities and know that our ability to persuade and influence people to participate in new beneficial endeavors is very great right now.  Frog's appearance heralds an awakening of the unique and creative powers of our own voice."

My message for you today is this:
Let me just say that I believe, in our desire to heal the 'disconnect' that many of us had allowed to happen in our lives with Nature, and in our motivation to build a stronger relationship once again, Ted Andrews has been a phenomenal resource and mentor/leader in assisting us to better develop and understand that relationship!  Through his gifts, extensive work with and connection to Nature, he authored 'Animal-Wise', 'Animal Speak' and 'Nature Speak' as authoritative resources in becoming aware of the messages that the animal spirits wish to share with us.  If you could see my dog-eared copy of 'Animal-Wise', you would know that I have referred to it often, and that it is a treasured resource for me! When a particular animal grabs my attention for some reason, and I just KNOW that there is a message for me, I refer to my 'Animal-Wise' or 'Animal Speak' books to determine what that message may be and how that animal's appearance is significant to me at that particular time in my life.  For example, this morning while I was out on my deck, a hummingbird WHIZZED by me, so closely that I could clearly hear it's wings! Hummingbirds are not commonly sighted at our home, AND when it demands my attention by whizzing so closely by me, I GET IT!  I began my study of the metaphysical with a shaman more than 13 years ago, and so I have been aware of animals as messengers for some time.  Over the years, I have built a strong relationship with certain animal messengers, hummingbird being one of them.  One of the energies that hummingbird brings forth for us is 'joy' and my mother-in-law, with whom I was blessed to enjoy a mother/daughter relationship, was known as 'Joy' once she immigrated to Canada from Holland, rather than 'Johanna', which was her given name.  So, sometimes when hummingbird appears to me, I understand that it is my mother-in-law, Joy, making me aware that she is with me still, even since her passing in 2011.  When hummingbird appears to me in this way, I smile and give thanks...  Our crossed-over loved ones often choose animal messengers as a means to communicate with us...
Today, pay attention to what the animal messengers have to share with you...what animal draws your attention in a unique way?  It could be in an animal picture that catches your eye on a billboard that you have driven by numerous times before but not 'noticed' until today...  It could be 'ambling' across your path in such a way that you cannot help but see it... It could be a song on the radio that mentions a certain animal repetitively...  It could be that, when you turn on the tv it 'just happens' to be tuned to a channel that is featuring a specific animal...  You get it...just be aware!   If you don't own one of Ted Andrews book to use as a reference, then, as my sons always tell me, "Google is your friend!" :-)
In the meantime, Frog had a beautiful and inspiring message for you today... I am in gratitude to Ted Andrews for his contributions and influence in encouraging our relationship with Nature and Mother Earth...we are NOT separate and it is time that we honour that!
Blessed be...

I JUST HAD TO SHARE THIS ALSO!!!  I had completed and posted the reading for today and then I sat down this afternoon to do my daily meditation with Deepak Chopra and Oprah...I have been participating in their 21 day Meditation challenge, 'Miraculous Relationships'.
Anyhow...THIS is what blew me away...I mentioned the hummingbird on my deck this morning and what is the image on the meditation today but a HUMMINGBIRD??? And what is the centering thought for today's meditation?  "I speak my truth fearlessly and with love."  I cannot stress to you enough just how this relates to a circumstance in my life that I have been striving to deal with of late, which has my heart aching!  Then, to have my mother-in-law 'message' me through hummingbird and the synchronicity (there IS NO coincidence!) of hummingbird showing up in the meditation today with the perfect timing message of speaking my truth fearlessly and lovingly, well...this is just SOOO reassuring to me!  I just LOVE the way the Universe strives to support us, when we strive to 'consciously connect'!  I say, 'Thanks'; I say, 'Amen'!!!!!
Blessed be...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Initiation ~ Phenacite

Your card today is drawn from the 'Crystal Ally Cards' deck, authored by Naisha Ashian.  Naisha is the co-author of a very popular crystal energy reference book, 'The Book of Stones' with Robert Simmons.  I also use the guide book included with this Crystal Ally Cards deck as a reference when I am enquiring about the energy of specific crystals.
Your card today is the 'Initiation ~ Phenacite' card.  In her guidebook, Naisha includes an affirmation for the crystal as well as which chakra the crystal is energetically aligned with. 
According to Naisha, "Phenacite's key word is initiation...Phenacite is an Ally that has appeared in this New Age of Light in order to initiate the Lightworker to ever higher levels of awareness...This Ally signals the time of awakening..."
"Third eye and crown chakras.
Affirmation:  I dedicate myself to the path of spiritual initiate."

My message for you today is this:
Phenacite is a powerful stone, believed to have 'one of the highest crystal vibrations yet discovered'.  It facilitates making the connection to your higher self, guides and angels and can raise the vibrational frequencies of any other stone.  Don't let it's look deceive is an unassuming looking stone that ranges from colorless to grey to yellow, with variations in between and it's formation is in wand-like crystals that are not particularly 'flashy' in its raw form, but can actually be rather 'milky' or dull looking.  It is a relatively rare stone and is indeed a stone to treasure in many ways!  Do not be intimidated to work with this beautiful crystal, because as powerful as it is, it is also gentle...there IS gentleness in strength, and Phenacite is a supreme example of this!
It is just wonderful that this card came forward for you today of all days, when we will be experiencing a Full Blue Moon in Aquarius tonight.  According to Elizabeth Peru, "This is a very special Full Moon as it falls within Aquarius as it did last month, making this a true blue moon from an astrological perspective.  So this is a rare occurrence and gives us two experiences in a month of practising independence and personal up your heart to see beyond surface appearances."  So Elizabeth's guidance about the full blue moon tonight aligns beautifully with the message brought forward for you by the crystal Phenacite today!  Love that!  
I say to you, be courageous...honor your higher self and strive to reach for that next level of awareness...use the energy of the full moon and the crystal Phenacite to support you as you reach toward being your best true self, while understanding that this is an ongoing journey.  Know that you do not have to have a Phenacite crystal with you physically to work with its energy today...a picture will do, or just visualizing will work, too...  Sit quietly with the full blue moon and with phenacite this evening, relax, and see what comes forward for you without pressuring yourself to have a certain experience...  Even if you feel that you don't 'get' any messages this evening, pay attention to what comes forward for you over the next few days, having opened yourself up to receiving...  Be AWARE, and then TRUST AND BELIEVE...  You are a beautiful Lightworker, lighting the world in your own unique way!
Blessed be...

Saturday, August 17, 2013


As I will be traveling home to Alberta from our lake vacation in BC on Monday, I am posting your reading for Monday, August 19, 2013 today!  Your card today is drawn from the 'Healing With the Angels' deck and your card is the 'Playfulness' card.  Doreen's message for you is this:
"Fun and play is the angels' way!  They guide you to add fun to your life, and to know that fun is a necessity, not a luxury."

My message for you today is this:
It is so easy to get mired down in the responsibilities of our lives, and the truth is that we DO have responsibilities!  This is not to say that you cannot have FUN, even while tending to some of your responsibilities, and the angels are reminding you of that today!  They are encouraging you to CONSCIOUSLY bring the energy of FUN into your life today!  You do not have to be away on vacation to do can decide to approach your day from the perspective of fun, even while engaged in your daily routine...  Crank up the music and 'dance' your way through vacuuming or washing the car!  Perhaps you will sing at the top of your lungs to a favorite song as you drive to the store...  You get the message... Whatever brings a giggle to your lips and a lightness to your heart, engage in that today!  When you take on a playful mindset, things just seem to flow more easily.  Don't be too serious!  The angels are unconditional love and joy and their energy can be very playful!  They remind you that you are meant to be joyful, also, and that you really can make the DECISION to be playful at times!  Today....PLAY!!! 
Blessed be...

Friday, August 16, 2013


My apologies for the late posting today...I had an 8:50 a.m. tee time at Hyde Mountain Golf Course this morning and then a busy time after that!  Early next week I will be back to reality!
Your card today is drawn from the 'Healing With the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Visualization' card and Doreen's message for you is this:
"Your clairvoyance, your dreams, and the pictures in your mind's eye are becoming more clear and powerful.  This card asks you to trust and to develop your visual skills, and to use them in conscious manifestation.
Affirmation:  It is safe for me to see.  I am a very visual person."

My message for you today is this:
I was ahead of myself yesterday, believing it to be Friday, already!  So here is your LATE (but better late than never) posting for today...FRIDAY!!!  (I AM on holiday at the lake, you know!)
Today's message is all about self-empowerment and the knowing that visualizing what you want to manifest is a truly powerful tool available to you... Utilize this within your life, knowing that the Universe pays attention to what it is that you focus upon...  We have talked already this week about the Law of Attraction and this is just a reminder about that...
You have been told this week that you are in a period of strong connection to your higher self and now you are being encouraged to take advantage of this connection by consciously drawing into your life what you desire through visualization...  The fairies will assist you with this.  Find the time to sit quietly in nature and enjoy the experience of imagining your desired outcome...sit with it and FEEL it...
Blessed be...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Divine Magic & Healing Heart

Your cards today are drawn from the 'Magical Mermaids and Dolphins' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  I chose this deck because I continue to enjoy my holiday on beautiful Mara Lake, and the water energy is very strong here! Initially, the 'Divine Magic' card leapt out of the deck for you and I was then compelled to draw another for you, which has never happened before!  Sometimes two cards have jumped out of the deck together for your reading, but today the first card inspired drawing another for a 2 card reading.  Doreen's message for the 'Divine Magic' card is this:
"Extra magical energy surrounds your situation right now.  Expect miracles!  This card signifies that the next oracle card you pull out of the deck is surrounded by Divine magical energy..." 
The card that I then drew for you was the 'Healing Heart' card, and Doreen's message for you is this:
"You're a powerful healer.  Keep up the great work!"

My message for you today is this:
A unique situation to close out the messages for you this week!  Wow!  First, you had the duplicate cards revealed to you from a deck this week, and now the 'Divine Magic' card today inspires a second card to be drawn, which has not happened  before!  In essence, the 'Divine Magic' card today, acts as an 'amplifier' to the message being delivered to you by the 'Healing Heart' card.  I have indicated previously that the energy of an oracle card shifts somewhat depending upon the energy of the day and also the energy of the recipient.  While the primary energy of the 'Healing Heart' card speaks to the healing energy you have to share with others, I am getting that today it is also referencing a healing that is happening within your own heart chakra at this time.  If your feelings have been hurt recently, or you have experienced some pain within a relationship, today is the day to acknowledge that pain, bring awareness to it (rather than bury and deny it), and to then release it... You are STRONGLY supported in doing this releasement today, as the beautiful mermaid and dolphin energy, associated with water energy, serves to 'wash away' any residual hurt and pain from your heart chakra.  This is NOT to imply that you were not hurt and that what happened was 'ok'...this merely serves as a REMINDER that it does you no good to carry the hurt with you.  One means of releasement is to write about the painful incident, and then to burn the paper it is written on, while blessing the lessons within the experience and asking that the pain be traded for peace within your heart.  You will feel a lightness in your heart chakra area...this does not necessarily mean that the pain has been cleared in its entirety~some hurts run deep~ but you will definitely feel lighter, as today the healing powers are amplified as indicated by your cards!  Beautiful!
The other aspect of the message for you today is that you DO have healing powers to share...perhaps you have a knowing of just the right words to say at the right time; perhaps your aura is such that people feel drawn to ask you for directions or advice; perhaps you have the gift of healing touch...whatever it may be, your natural healing abilities are also amplified today, and so make it a point to 'be there' for someone and then just see what the Universe presents you with as a natural healer...  What opportunity will you have today to let your Light shine upon another in a healing way?  And...take the time to also heal yourself with whatever form of releasement feels right to you...  You are completely supported in doing so!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Listen ~ Manjushri

Your card today is drawn from the 'Ascended Masters' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Listen' card, which is aligned with the Ascended Master, Manjushri (pronounced man-choosh-ree).  Revered by Buddhists as one of their deities, Manjushri (who carries a sword, as does Archangel Michael) is known for assisting us with 'cutting through illusions' and helping us to receive Divine messages and information more clearly.
Doreen's message for you regarding this card is this:
"Your can hear your Divine guidance best by quieting yourself and listening.  Shut out noisy stimulation like telephones and television, and relax in a quiet place.  Don't try to make anything happen.  Just listen to your own thoughts, breath, and the rhythm of your heart. Then mentally ask questions of your guides and angels.  Listen to the loving truth that they speak in your heart, body and mind.  Listen to your own inner truths.  Trust your intuition and take action accordingly."

My message for you today is this:
Wow, you are really being encouraged this week to trust in and acknowledge that you ARE making the connection!  Now, Manjushri has stepped forward for you to further assist you in receiving those messages clearly and concisely.  All that is required of you is to still yourself, then to allow, trust and believe the guidance you are receiving from your Higher Self.  We have just experienced a meteor shower of great magnitude recently and the cosmic energy has been intense of late...  The Universe itself is supporting and encouraging you to seek out direction and comfort from your Higher Self!  When you take the time to find that quiet space within, ask Manjushri to be with you and your guides and angels and to use his ability to illuminate the messages meant for you.  I encourage you to journal the messages you receive without editing or judging...just write down what came to you...even if it doesn't 'make sense' at that moment, you may be surprised to find how accurate the guidance being shared with you actually is, even if that means reading back over it at a later date!  You ARE making the connection...will you be a loving receptacle? The choice is yours...
Blessed be...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Your card today is from the 'Archangel Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card today is the 'Breathe' card, which is aligned with the Archangel Raphael.  Doreen's message for you is this:
"Archangel Raphael:  Take several deep breaths, and exhale slowly to awaken your energy and to release old patterns."

My message for you today is this:
Archangel Raphael, whose name means, 'Whom God heals', has stepped forward for you today.  He is known as the angel of healing and his aura is experienced by many as emerald green in color.  When you call upon Archangel Raphael to assist you with healing for yourself or others, ask that his beautiful emerald green healing energy surround the area requiring the healing...visualize the emerald green color enveloping the area of concern, and so it is.  
Your message from Archangel Raphael today is regarding the healing and stabilizing power of the breath.  One of my spiritual teachers, Ernesto Ortiz, believes the breath to be the most powerful, yet underused healing tool available to us.  Have you noticed that, when you are feeling stressed or are frightened, you often hold your breath or breathes in a quick and shallow way?  Yet, what you most need to do at such times is to not only breathe, but breathe deeply and slowly!   We can use our breath not only in times of frustration or fear or anxiety to calm ourselves.  It is also true that, when you go into many meditations, you are asked to become conscious of your breathing...  I use breath to assist me during consultations, in reaching the vibrational space I am seeking to make the connection to the Akashic Records.  
Know that your breath is not only a necessary bodily function, but that you can indeed manipulate your breath to serve you in various ways.  Your breath is a beautiful tool available to you!  Today, be conscious and aware of your breathing as you move throughout your day, taking notice of how your breathing changes in different scenarios you encounter, and understand that you can utilize and manipulate the breath to calm and comfort you, to elevate your state of consciousness, and of course to nourish your body, mind and spirit!  Archangel Raphael is also encouraging you today to seek out 'fresh air' whenever you can!  Call upon him to assist you with 'consciously breathing'...
Blessed be... 

Monday, August 12, 2013

You're on the Right Path ~ Archangel Michael

Your card today is drawn from the 'Archangel Michael' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. The card that jumped out of the deck for you is the 'You're on the Right Path' card and the message on the card is this:
"My prayer:  Archangel Michael, I call upon you now.  Thank you for giving me loud and clear guidance that I easily understand.  Thank you for motivating me and filling me with courage and confidence to make healthful life changes."

My message for you today is this:
Archangel Michael is known as the supreme Archangel...his name means, 'He who is like God'.  As with all Archangels, he has the ability to bi-locate (to be in multiple locations at the same time), and therefore never hesitate to call upon him, worrying that you may be keeping him from being with others.  Archangels are a gift from the Creator to assist us and support us in our Earthly experiences...each Archangel has a 'specialty', and Michael's is protection, and lending us courage and strength; and providing us with clear information regarding our life purpose.  I have friends who have asked Archangel Michael to remain with them at all times, to assist them with their life purpose as a spiritual leader.  I personally call on Archangel Michael to be with and protect myself and my family when we are travelling...I simply ask Archangel Michael to surround us with his beautiful purple protective energy and to ensure that we arrive to our destination safely and with ease (I also ask him to surround whatever mode of transportation we are traveling in, such as car, airplane, or motorcycle).  You can call on Archangel Michael on behalf of others (your children, for instance) for protection, knowing that the law of free will governs Michael, and so he cannot assist if the Soul is not willing, but my husband and children know that I ask for protection for them from Archangel Michael and are open to it.  
Archangel Michael has stepped forward for you today to assist you specifically with your Divine life purpose.  He is indicating that he HAS been working with you and giving you messages regarding living your life from your Higher Self and that you have been receiving these messages loud and clear!  The angels are celebrating your place of receiving and encourage you to continue as you have been!  Remember that your Divine life purpose DOES NOT have to be standing on a stage, speaking to a crowd and lecturing on spirituality!  We all contribute to the betterment of our world in our own unique ways, and EACH way is powerful and impactful!!!  Today Archangel Michael and the angels are congratulating you!  Bask in the knowing that you are connected, supported and loved!
Blessed be...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Career Transition & Compassion

All I can say is, WOW!!!!!  Do you see the 2 identical cards that jumped out of the deck together, along with the 'Compassion' card????  I have worked with the 'Archangel Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue multiple times, including consecrating them when I first got the deck, and I have NEVER NOTICED that these DUPLICATE CARDS were in this deck!!  Understand that it is NOT intentional to have duplicate cards within these decks!! So, for these two to reveal themselves to you today is just INCREDIBLE!  And then, to be accompanied by the 'Compassion' card is just amazing!  Too many superlatives??? I don't think so!  :-)
Doreen's message for you on the cards is this:
Career Transition: (your duplicate card)
"Archangel Chamuel:  Your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change."  and
"Archangel Zadkiel:  Soften your heart with respect to this situation, and all the people involved, including yourself."

My message for you today is this:
Well, I am just in awe of what came forward for you to close out your week!  Just...WOW!!!
I believe that I have spoken previously about the message a card holds morphing somewhat from day to day...of course, the core energy of the card remains the same, but energy is always in flux and therefore what a card means to you on one day may change slightly the next time it presents for you...this is also dependent upon YOUR energetic space at the time.  Although the title on the dual cards is 'Career Transition', this card does not apply solely to matters of career for you feeling is that these cards are speaking more to your life purpose today...  Having presented dually, in a deck that is not meant to have dual copies of any given card implies that Archangel Chamuel is stepping forward for you today in a BIG WAY!!!  Chamuel's name means, 'He who sees God', and so he is renowned for his ability for sight and INSIGHTFULNESS...  Call upon him to assist you in seeing any aspect of your life situations more clearly (including finding lost items!).  As the 'Career Transition' card came forward paired with the 'Compassion' card, it feels as if Chamuel is directing us more toward reaching for clarity within a relationship issue, rather than a career issue, at this time...  Now, this could mean a relationship WITHIN your career environment, and perhaps your ARE considering making a career transition move at this time...if you are, boy oh boy are you supported in that!  Chamuel will help you to see clearly the necessary steps in finding what you seek...think of him as the, 'I can see clearly, now' archangel!
Archangel Zadkiel's name means, 'Righteousness of God'...he is the Archangel to call upon for issues of forgiveness in our lives.  To have compassion simply means to 'come from a heart-centred space' does not imply that we must take on the other person's opinion or point of view or even advocate their actions in any way.  We truly do forgive as a gift to ourselves and not the other person...  
Two powerful Archangel's presenting themselves for us today in a way that just has to validate their desire to be there and support us on our earthly journey!!  What a wonderful way to close out your readings this week!  I am in absolute gratitude, knowing that 'there are no coincidences' and that the dual cards chose TODAY of all days, to be our powerful messengers!  Just think about that!  Awesome!!
I say, 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'!!!!
Blessed be...

Thursday, August 8, 2013


My apologies for the late posting of your reading today...I had internet issues early this morning and then I enjoyed an awesome day golfing at Hyde Mountain!
The card that I DID draw for you early this morning is from the 'Path of the Soul' deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish...I have used her fractal art oracle card decks many times, and I just love the energy infused within these cards!  Your card today is the 'Consciousness' card and Cheryl's message for this card is:
"This is a powerful card of change--not physically, but mentally on the sub-conscious level.  There is a healing of your thought processes, old patterns and way of being. There is a large spiritual force working with you now helping you re-balance the mental body.
You are finding greater clarity and new ways of dealing with life experiences.  Your inner work has brought you here.  You are in the flow of healing.  This is a powerful step toward becoming and outwardly expressing your True state of Being."

My (albeit, late) message for you today is this:
Well, I don't know if you have all been experiencing again the cosmic energies about these past weeks, but I sure have!   There is DEFINITELY a shift happening and sometimes we can feel that shift more stringently!  We are coming out of one of those strong periods where change is manifesting all around us and at times we feel like a 'leaf on the wind'!
Be sure during these times to rely even more strongly upon your spiritual practises and the tools you have to help ground you and center you.  You are NOT as vulnerable as you may feel yourself to be!  Center, center, center and take the time to go within, even if this means just 'breathing consciously and deliberately' and as a wonderful yoga instructor once taught me, "rest in the stillness of your breath"...  
To re-balance implies that you have been somewhat off-balance---do not distress about this, as it is an integral part of the growth process...  
Blessed be... 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Your card today is drawn from the 'Angel Tarot Cards', authored by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine.  I did not separate the Major Arcana cards from the Minor Arcana cards within the deck...I left the deck completely in tact and the card that has come forward for you today is the Major Arcana card number 12, 'Awakening', which is aligned with the Archangel Gabriel (each of the 21 major arcana cards in this deck are aligned with one of the Archangels, and each major arcana card is numbered as in a traditional tarot deck.)
Doreen & Radleigh's message for you for this card is:
"Look at things from a different perspective.  A temporary standstill.  It's important to be yourself!"

My message for you today is this:
I see Archangel Gabriel as the angel of communication.  I feel her presence and support when I am teaching and I call upon her to assist me when I am doing a consultation for someone...I ask her to support me in being an effective and accurate conduit and to then facilitate my conveying the information clearly and concisely for my client.  Archangel Gabriel helps us to communicate from a heart-centered place of love...  Call upon her to assist you in all aspects of communication in your life!
The number 12, in 'Angel Numbers' means:
"Keep your thoughts positive about the future, as what you are thinking influences your future.  This is a message to keep your faith and hope strong, because these are strong determining factors right now."
So your message for today is to know that, even if it would appear circumstantially at this moment that you are not progressing forward in the situation within your life that first comes to mind for you today, it is vital to 'keep the faith' and understand that our physical perspective is not the 'all knowing perspective'.  Although it may seem that things are stagnant, there is a lot happening energetically!  Your BELIEF that all is moving forward as it should will absolutely influence that outcome!  Within all of this, stand strong in your AUTHENTIC self, meaning stay devoted to who you truly are, and do not bend or compromise what feels genuine and true for you.  Take this stance from an attitude of love for yourself and from a loving perspective for the situation and you are guaranteed to manifest the best possible outcome.  Archangel Gabriel is stepping forward to assist upon her and trust that you are supported in being who you truly are; that your thoughts and perspective can influence the outcome; that we are not always fully aware of all the underlying energies at work, and so it may appear that things are stagnant at times; 
and that patience CAN be a virtue!  Relax, trust, allow, believe...
Blessed be...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Law of Attraction

Your card today is drawn from the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' oracle card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Law of Attraction' card and Doreen's message for this card is:
"Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely.  You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace and harmony.  At your request, we will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies."

My message for you today is this:
You may be thinking, 'REALLY???? I attracted THIS into my life right now???'   I know that personally, I had an incident happen the other day that was certainly not pleasant and yet in retrospect I understand that I DID attract it into my life on a certain level and that ultimately it brought some old hurts to the surface that still need some healing and releasement...  In the grand scheme of things, it was all for my greater good, but it certainly didn't feel that way at the time or even shortly's only in reflecting back upon the incident, from today's perspective, that I can see the opportunity for personal and relationship growth within the experience.  I can now choose my thoughts surrrounding the incident and then attract more of the same interaction or move forward in a positive way by seeing the opportunity to acknowledge and release old pain and patterns that no longer serve me and also understanding that this is an opportunity for me to set personal boundaries and to take responsibility for what I DO draw into my life...  I can choose to focus upon what it is that I desire to attract in my life and my relationships and thereby draw it in energetically. Our guides and angels are here to support us as we strive to 'be in the positive' and to know that we are WORTHY of all the good that the Universe has to offer... 
Blessed be... 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Break Free & Protection

I hope that everyone is truly enjoying their holiday Monday!  
Today, two cards jumped out of the 'Magical Mermaids and Dolphins' deck authored by Doreen Virtue.  I chose this deck as I continue to bask in the beautiful water/nature energy of Mara Lake!
The 'Break Free' card has this message on the card:
"Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn."
The message on the 'Protection' card is:
"You, your loved ones, and your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven!"

My message for you today is this:
These cards, working in harmony with one another, bring you a strong, supportive message today!  You are being encouraged to venture fearlessly, knowing that you are protected along the way!  What new experiences that your Soul has been longing to pursue have you put on the back burner as you've been mired in the mundane aspects of your life?  Now is the time to take some action steps toward that adventure!  Sign up for that art class, or that language class; take that day hike or commit to that marathon; take a carpentry class or stained glass class; join Toastmasters to improve your public speaking skills...
What is it that scares you a little but also arouses your excitement?  Go for it, while knowing that you are protected and supported in doing so!!
Blessed be...

Friday, August 2, 2013


Your card today is from the 'Magical Mermaids and Dolphins' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Empowerment' card and Doreen's message for you in the guidebook is:
"You're more powerful than you realize.  It's safe for you to be powerful!  This card confirms that your inner power wants to surface.  You'll use this power appropriately, and you're incapable of abusing it.  Your true friends and the people who really love you, will be happy that you've taken your power back.
Empowerment means that you're no longer willing to see yourself as a victim in any way.  It means letting go of all blame with respect to other people, past conditions, or present circumstances.  Know that you can be powerful and gentle simultaneously--and still be very effective.
Affirm frequently:  It's safe for me to be powerful!  I accept my God-given power to be used in the service of light and love.  

My message for you today is this:
The theme this week is undeniable!!!  Consistently, you are being encouraged to embrace the understanding that you ARE a powerful, connected, enlightened SOUL!!!  I have said many times that self-empowerment NEVER implies disempowering another, and I love Doreen's observation that 'you can be powerful and gentle simultaneously'---completely true!! True self-empowerment means standing confidently within yourself, despite extenuating circumstances...  You CAN be the calm amid the storm as you tap into the power within you.  This is also a message to continue to be your AUTHENTIC  self and to confidently step forward shining your Light as only YOU can!  Shine your Light, beautiful Soul!  What a week of affirmation you have had in that regard!!!  
Blessed be...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Trust Your Intuition

Your card today is drawn from the 'Healing With the Fairies' deck, because I am blessed to be sitting here by gorgeous Mara Lake, and fairy energy is very strong!  Your card for today is the 'Trust Your Intuition' card, and Doreen's message for this card is:
"It is safe for you to follow your heart's guidance.  You know, deep down, what to do.  This card asks you to trust and follow this inner intelligence.
Affirmation:  I trust and follow my feelings and thoughts without question or delay."

My message for you today is this:
Well it is CLEAR that you are being urged to pay attention to your intuition, Higher Self, or whatever you choose to call it, isn't it???  Wow!  The 'veil' is definitely lifting and it is honestly becoming easier to communicate with your guides and angels if you open yourself up to it.  Just think about the fact that it is so much more common now to hear about Reiki, and all other forms of energy work than it was even 10 years ago...  As I've referred to numerous times, we are absolutely experiencing an energetic SHIFT, and within that shift our own vibration is morphing and it is possible to more readily access and align with the vibration of Spirit...
Your message today is to acknowledge and accept that you have the ability to tap into the guidance and support of your spiritual 'TEAM'; meaning your guides and angels, the Archangels, Ascended Masters as well as your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.
Be open, conscious and aware; trust and allow; take guided action and then witness how following your intuition enhances all aspects of your earthly life...
Blessed be...

Divine Guidance from 'Healing With the Angels'

My apologies for the late posting for your July 31/13 reading!  I am at the lake and there were internet issues, but I decided to post your reading now, and you can have some fun looking back upon your day yesterday to see how your message for the day applied! 
Just wanted to share, also, that I was blessed yesterday morning with an appearance by the amazing bald eagle!  Heartwarming!  Although the bald eagle is not uncommon here on the lake, in the 14 years that we have been coming to this beautiful part of the lake, I have never experienced an eagle flying as close to me as he did yesterday, and then to have him swing back around from the lake to soar back over me again!  It was a truly magical moment, and I am in gratitude!  Eagle is a powerful messenger!
The card that I pulled for you yesterday was from the 'Healing With the Angels' deck, and your card was the 'Divine Guidance' card.  The message that Doreen has for you about the card is this:
'Trust and follow your intuition.  It is God and the angels speaking to you.  You are being Divinely guided right now.  The gut feelings you have, the knowingness, the visions, or the inner voice are all trying to tell you something, and it is very important that you trust and follow this guidance..."

My message for you is this:
What messages were being sent your way yesterday, and were you conscious and aware enough to fully receive them? I shared with you my experience with the bald eagle...In his book 'Animal-Speak Pocket Guide', Ted Andrews describes the energy of eagle as this: 
"Spirit Vision and healing surround you.  Look at things from a new perspective.  Take a different path.  Trust what you are becoming."
Now, as I mentioned previously, it is not that bald eagles are uncommon here at the lake, but the way that he presented himself to me yesterday morning was unusual and drew my attention, and I just KNEW that there was a message there for me...THAT is how Spirit works with us to guide us and support us, but we must pay attention and then TRUST our intuition.  Let me just say that eagle definitely came to me for a reason, and his message was crystal clear according to some issues that are currently happening in my life...
So, I received, I trusted and I gave thanks!  The guidance comes to us in a myriad of ways!
Blessed be...