Monday, July 29, 2013

Archangel Michael & Freedom

Note:  I am posting this reading for Tuesday, July 30th on the evening of July  29th, because we will be on the road, travelling to the lake on Tuesday morning...
Your cards today jumped out of the deck 'Healing With the Angels', authored by Doreen Virtue.  The cards that flew out of the deck for you were the 'Archangel Michael' and the 'Freedom' cards.  Doreen's messages for these cards are:
'Archangel Michael':
"This powerful Archangel is here with you right now.  He gives you courage and helps release you from the effects of fears."
and for 'Freedom':
"The angels guide you to freely express your true thoughts and feelings with love."

My message for you today is this:
Wow! Stepping forward for you today is Archangel Michael, the supreme Archangel of protection, and who guides us with our career and life purpose path, and to compliment that, the 'Freedom' card!! Awesome!!! 
Know that the powerful presence of Archangel Michael is with you, and what a BLESSING that is!!  Revel in the sense of FREEDOM that knowing that you are spiritually protected affords FEARLESS as you pursue what feeds your Soul and fills your heart!! Understand that, on a Soul level, you CHOOSE what it is that you will focus upon...
As has been expressed to you consistently and adamantly, the power is within YOU!!! Embrace your greatest desires wholeheartedly, knowing that you have the support of the Universe and your angels... Your Light is shining brightly...what will you choose to cast your Light upon?  The FREEDOM to choose is yours...
Blessed be...

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