Thursday, July 25, 2013


We've had such strong female spiritual figures come forward for you in your cards this week that I decided to draw from the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue for your reading today.  The card that was drawn for you is the 'Honesty' card and the message on the card is this:
"I am in touch with my true feelings regarding this situation."

This is my message for you today:
I have been blessed to have felt the warm, gentle, nurturing presence of Mother Mary at special moments in my life.  Her energy is very maternal, and so, not only is her presence infused with unconditional love energy, but her spirit is such that you also feel the strength within her persona.  I have had experiences in my own life where she has leant that strength to me, at times when I could not find it within myself...  Mother Mary is the epitome of 'there is strength in gentleness'...strength is NOT only exhibited through acts of aggression.  True self-empowerment is NEVER reached through seeking to overpower another, as I have expressed many times before...
Mother Mary's message for you today, is one of trusting in that 'knowing' aspect of yourself...this is truly your Higher Self communicating with you.  Be honest with yourself, first and foremost.  Is there some situation in your life where you have been denying or ignoring what your intuition or guidance has been expressing to you?  If there is a scenario currently playing out in your life that is causing you some confusion, annoyance or even anger, ask yourself what is underlying these feelings...this is not to say that your feelings are right or wrong, for they are serving as a guidance system causing you to delve further into WHY you are feeling them.  Mother Mary will support you in acknowledging your feelings, and then she will guide you in approaching the situation from an insightful, self-empowered place, rather than a reactionary, antagonistic stance.
Remember, we have been encouraged all week to step into our power and to really go for whatever brings joy to our heart and fills our Soul, so this is not a message of compliance, but rather one of moving forward in a positive, authentic way from that elevated perspective that best serves us...  When we trust in our Higher Self guidance, it does not mean that there may not still be a few bumps in the road, but we will navigate those bumps more comfortably and with the fortitude necessary in traveling that path, all the while supported by the Universe and Spirit, if we just ASK for that assistance!
Blessed be...

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