Your card today is drawn from the 'Archangel Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Brilliant Idea!' card, and the message on the card is this:
"Archangel Uriel: Yes, your idea is Divinely guided...please take action to bring your idea to fruition."
My message for you today is this:
Wow! AGAIN with the message to pay attention to and follow the guidance you have been receiving!!! It's almost as if we're being 'slapped upside the head' with this! (Of course, your angels would never do such a thing! ;-) Let's just say that we'd better take notice! Whatever it is that you have been asking for guidance about in your life lately, whether a 'big' or 'small' issue, take notice of your 'gut feelings' regarding the issue, and also REALLY PAY ATTENTION to messages coming forward for you in various ways... You are absolutely being Divinely guided and trust that this is so... When you notice and receive a message (which can be sent to you in a myriad of ways), give thanks to the angels for their presence in your life (the Universe LOVES gratitude!). Remember that the angels are often subtle in their communication with you...and that, because they KNOW you, they will send the message to you in the way that you can best recognize and receive... Let's say that you are musically inclined for instance...perhaps you are thinking about a certain issue in your life, and just as you turn on the radio a song is playing with words that relate to your issue...PAY ATTENTION! Throughout your day, every time you glance at the clock it reads in recurring numbers (ie. 9:99, 11:11, 8:88)...there is no coincidence...PAY ATTENTION!
In truth, any time that something captures your attention, beyond the usual attention you would afford it, and you just have a sense that it 'means' something, PAY ATTENTION!
Archangel Uriel, whose name means 'God is Light', has stepped forward for you today to further assist you in receiving angelic communication... You know that Archangels are a very high vibrational energy that have the ability to bi-locate (be with multiple Souls simultaneously), and so by asking Archangel Uriel to be with you, you are not keeping him from being with another Soul. Call on Archangel Uriel today to facilitate your perceiving the Divine guidance being offered you...You could use the following invocation, or any words or thoughts that feel right to you:
"Archangel Uriel, I call on you now to assist me in being open to, understanding, and receiving the Divine guidance being offered to me. I say 'thanks', I say 'Amen'."
Archangel Uriel's aura has been experienced by many as pale yellow in colour and the crystal often associated with his energy is 'amber', so perhaps you'd like to carry or wear an amber crystal with you as you work with Archangel Uriel. You ARE guided and supported in your life, but due to 'free will', you need to ASK, and then of course, be OPEN to RECEIVE, TRUST what you are receiving and take GUIDED ACTION...
Blessed be...
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