Your card today is from the 'Healing With the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. The card that FLEW out of the deck for you today is the 'Self-Reliance' card. The message that Doreen has for you about this card is this:
"You are your own best friend, and you can provide for yourself emotionally and physically."
The affirmation that Doreen gives us relating to this card is:
"I am tuned in to my inner source of direction. I confidently rely upon this inner source to guide me perfectly."
My message for you today is this:
What is so fascinating about this card flying out for you today is that I have pulled this card for you before (I know this, because I have a file of the pictures that I take of the cards I have drawn for you, so that I can import the image above your reading)! Just imagine the odds of that happening?!? Most decks have a minimum of 40-ish cards in them, and I own a proliference of decks (more than 20!), so for this card to come forward today means we really need to PAY ATTENTION!! Remember, there ARE no coincidences!
Each card within a deck, and in fact the deck itself, carries a certain energy...but we have talked previously about how EVERYTHING is energy, and energy does not remain is in a state of motion. While the 'core' energy of a card will remain the same, there will subtle differences in the card and its messages from day to day, just as there will be subtle differences in the energy that YOU are bringing to the reading from day to day.
Also, although I do this daily card reading as a message for those of you who visit this site and I truly believe that whomever is drawn to visit here will benefit from the message that day, I also understand that the message will be received differently by each visitor, in a way that will best serve that individual. So...same card reading...same message...slightly different 'take' on it, depending on the circumstances within an individual's life. Remember that, when you are doing card readings for yourself, the messages about the cards in the guidebook are indicative of the 'general' energy of the card, but that the message that that card is bringing forward for you is unique to you...use your intuition and trust what your guidance is telling you when you first look at the card. What draws your attention in the image on the card? Which words, in particular, stand out to you as you read through the message? You get the idea... I truly believe that this card came forward in part today, so that we could address this...if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me by email on the 'Contact Me' page.
So...on to the actual message! All week your cards have really been about trusting in yourself and understanding that all that you need to move forward is available to you, and now, as the week draws to a close, this is being affirmed yet again! Your spiritual connection is strong and you can rely on this to support you as you take guided action toward your goal(s). The message is also to be cognizant of those in your life whose negativity may be holding you back... DO NOT allow this to happen! As the message above says, 'You are your own best friend', so surround yourself with those who see your potential, and LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!!!
Blessed be...
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