Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Support & Trust

Thank you for your patience while I was away on holiday with some of my family this past week!  It was a wonderful time, but I am excited to be back posting!

Two cards dropped out of the 'Healing With the Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue...  It has been a powerful week of strong emotion...Mercury is in retrograde, as well as the New Moon on July 8th, so it is no surprise that two cards with messages that you are not alone on your journey have come forward for you...  You have had the 'Trust' in a previous reading, but by aligning with the 'Support' card, the message is slightly different for you today...
In her guidebook, Doreen has this message for the 'Support' card:
"God, the angels, and the Ascended Masters who love, protect and guide you are watching over you right now.  You are not alone, and you are safe!"
And Doreen has this message for the 'Trust' card:
"Believe in yourself and have faith that God and the angels are with you.  Ask them to help you lose the fears that block you from enjoying full faith."  

My message for you today is this:
Above all else, know and TRUST that, even in times of strife, you are SUPPORTED...
The angels, your own personal Guardian Angels, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters (such as Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha...) are all there for you to support and guide you in all aspects of your Earthly experience, whether challenging or joyous.  They are powerful gifts from our loving Creator to support us on our life journey...  We need only ask, and then allow their loving energy to surround us and to strengthen us...  Trust that you are unconditionally loved and supported and that you have it within you to embrace all experiences along your life path with grace, if not understanding... Life is often a mystery...
Our earthly perspective sometimes struggles in understanding life circumstances that we encounter...these are the times when the need for FAITH is greatest, as well as the knowing that we are not alone...  The energy of Divine Love is only a heartfelt request away...allow yourself to dwell in its' loving embrace. Take a moment to sit quietly and to envision the white Light of Divine Love encompassing you and permeating you, chasing away any darkness, because darkness cannot exist where there is Light... Feel your Soul being nourished... Reside for a time in that peace, regardless of extenuating circumstances that may surround you.  Give yourself this gift, knowing that by replenishing your Soul in such a way, you are better able to move forward in the way that you are meant to...
Blessed be...

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