Monday, March 9, 2015


This is your card reading for Monday, March 9th/15.  Your card is from the new John Holland oracle card deck, 'The Spirit Messages', that I picked up during my visit to 'Friends and Gems' at the Crossroads Market yesterday.  Lovely to connect and visit with you, Michelle and Amanda!   
Today's card, 'Support', sailed out of the deck and onto the floor!  John's message for the card is this:
"People come into your life for many different reasons.  Some you learn from and then they move on, while others return often because you need to learn more from those individuals. Others remain beside you throughout your entire life.
We bring you this card because we understand how much support you're in need of at this precise time.  Take a good look around you, and ask yourself, 'Are the people in my life supporting me and encouraging me to learn and grow?'  Every relationship is about giving and receiving.  There should always be an even exchange of energy---one of give and take. If you're feeling drained, it's a clear indication that you're not in alignment with someone or even a group.  Surround yourself with those who will help you be all that you can be!

Everyone needs support.  We're here for you, encouraging you to reach out and find like-minded souls, a support group, or an awareness class to share your goals, aspirations, and spiritual experiences. By doing so, others will learn from you at the same time.  Find the support you need, and you will see how your soul will soar!"

My message for you today is this:
We are in the energy of calmly continuing to clear out what no longer serves us at the deepest levels.  You truly need to see your great potential and let go of any residual limiting beliefs and unworthiness that may be lingering with you.  Those long-held patterns will only hold you back from what it is that you are truly here for.  You are SO supported in stepping away from those relationships that make you feel 'less than' or that encourage you to remain 'small'.  Understand that 'stepping away from' does not need to mean that you completely cut ties with this relationship---sometimes it means to simply shift YOUR perspective of what you believe you should be getting from the relationship, or of how you think that the relationship should 'look'.  Perhaps you no longer share the same sense of intimacy with a particular person that you once felt very close to.  Rather than bemoan why things aren't the 'same'; choose to reside in gratitude for what you shared and bless them on their journey, knowing that this relationship was a gift in your learning.  Most relationships---particularly familial relationships---undergo transition during the course of your life.  Considering that we are here to grow and experience, why would it be any other way?  
John's card today has presented for you to offer you SUPPORT from the Universe and your Spiritual advisors; and the KNOWING that you have the right to pursue and engage in those relationships which honor who you are.  You also have the right to retract or withdraw from those relationships that do not honor who you are.  Relationship is a two-way street, and while it is seldom 50/50, you should not feel that you are constantly on the lower percentage side in terms of benefit, if it is indeed a Soulful relationship.  Remember that even those Souls who remain in your life, may not do so in the same capacity throughout your life, and that is OK!!!  No judgment or self-judgment about not aligning with one another as you once did!  We are all energy and our vibration shifts---especially when you strive to live your life CONSCIOUSLY!  
To spend time with those who see you for who you truly are, and who honor and love that, is to honor and love yourself, and to thereby honor and love the Divine!  That is far from selfish---rather it demonstrates self-love and self-respect.  It IS possible to love someone for what they once were to you, and to 'move on' in your own ways, still feeling 'the love'! 
Blessed be...     

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