Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Soul's Purpose & Unwrap Your Gifts

This is your card reading for Tuesday, March 31st/15.  Your cards today dropped together out of the 'Manifesting Wealth & Wisdom' card deck, authored by my friend, Jaden Sterling.
(You can purchase this high vibration and accurate deck at Jaden's website www.jadensterling.com ~ Wealth Mastery Institute).  Your cards are 'Soul's Purpose' and 'Unwrap Your Gifts'.  
Jaden's messages for the cards are:
~Soul's Purpose~
"Time to align your work with your Soul's purpose.  The Universe is gently nudging you in the direction that will allow your purpose to be revealed.
If you are already doing work that is in alignment with your purpose this card indicates blessings are coming your way.
ACTION:  Ask yourself what you are here to do on earth, look within to discover your purpose and allow for the magic of your purpose to unfold.
Clues to your Soul's purpose can be found in the things you enjoy doing and that make your heart sing."
~Unwrap Your Gifts~
"The Universe is letting you know it's time for you to embrace your gifts, and share them with the world.  
ACTION:  On a sheet of paper make two columns.  In the first column write 'my talents and gifts' in the next column write 'ways I can make a positive impact on others'. 
Now create a mission statement that combines the information you have in both columns by answering the following question.  How can I use my gifts and talents in order to make a positive impact for me and for others?
Allow for your purpose to unfold."

My message for you today is this:
Two wonderfully complimentary cards presented for you today---and perfect for the energy we are in! I am always in awe of how the Universe conspires to guide and direct us, utilizing various resources and conduits!  Once the cards for today from Jaden's deck revealed themselves, I turned to Elizabeth Peru's 'Tip-Off Global Energy Report' (available through her website: www.deltawaves.com.au), to see what her take was on the energy of this day. Synchronistically, this is what she had to say: 
"What an active 24 hours this is.  The cosmic flow is lighting us up from within.  It's like the Sun (the star at the heart of our solar system) ignites soul (who we are) at the heart of our physical body.  Thymus and heart fluttering may be very common today.  Soul is activating.
We are being prodded to wake up and take responsibility for why we are here on Earth. This is 'LIFE PURPOSE' calling.  I suggest you make whatever moves you feel called to over the next 24 hours and go forward with your plans.  These are perhaps the very plans you have been holding back on, the very plans you know will advance the quality of your life, your depth and your personal satisfaction.
We all have a stirring and rumbling on a daily basis that our lives are here to be led with meaning.  We all know we are here as part of some master plan, yet we can often be unsure as to what that plan is.  Can you relate?  Or perhaps you have already tapped into your purpose and are off and running with it?
Either way, over the next 24 hours we will be given clear signs and signals of why we are here.  SO STAY OPEN AND AWARE, as you will be receiving messages on your path. Listen carefully to the conversations going on around you.  These are opportunities to hear soul's messages for you.  Answers to your big questions are incoming as we head into the Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse."
Your cards today; AND Elizabeth's message for today; my message to you; and I dare say you will discover this same message being delivered to you in other ways today:  all are here to inform and encourage you to strive to live 'ON PURPOSE'...which is to say, CONSCIOUSLY.  Remember that SOUL PURPOSE does not only encompass what it is you pursue as a career---it is how you choose to life your life on the whole!  It is how you express yourself in the world.  What unique talents and abilities were you gifted, to bring to the world?  Make the commitment today to truly PAY ATTENTION to what the Universe is presenting to you in terms of opportunities and people and 'coincidence' (there actually is no such thing as 'coincidence'---only synchronicity).   Be aware of  subtle messages such as a song that plays over and over in your head (what are the words in that song conveying to you); a shared message or quote on Facebook that 'speaks' to you; the words in an overheard conversation at the check-out line; or a thought that 'crosses your mind' that feels like an 'aha' moment.  These are just a few of the ways that Spirit will communicate with you.  I love Jaden's suggestion for action steps in acknowledging your gifts through writing them down.  You may find this task more difficult than it seems at first.  We are often reticent about identifying our own talents and abilities, and so you may initially feel uncomfortable, drawing up a list of what your gifts are.  All the more reason that you need to do it! Consciously honour your gifts and talents and thereby signify that you OWN them and are ready to utilize them as you are meant to---to live ON PURPOSE.  Today is a beautiful day to begin to step into that, if you haven't already done so.  If you are currently living your life on purpose, know that there is even further guidance available to you today as to how to move more deeply into doing so.  Relax into the day and allow the messages and guidance to come to you...just be open and aware, and allow Spirit to be the conductor (beginning with your reading for today!)  :-)
Blessed be... 

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