Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Be Brave

This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 25th/15. Your card is from the 'Saints & Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Be Brave ~ Guardian Angel', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Although it may feel as if you're unsafe or in the dark, your guardian angel assures you that you are completely safe, protected, and guided.  Don't be fooled by illusions of fear---instead, be courageous and shore up your personal strength.  There's a blessing in this situation, and by focusing on finding that benefit, you're sure to discover it.
Someone by whom you're presently intimidated by will soon prove to be your loyal ally. Do your best to see God within everyone, within the situation...and within yourself.  There's truly nothing to fear in these circumstances.  It's actually an opportunity for you to grow stronger and more experienced, and to develop higher self-esteem.
Don't run from conflict, but face it with grace and love.  Pray and ask for Heavenly help, and it's assured.  This situation will resolve itself rapidly in a miraculous way.  Your role is to stay positive, speak your truth, and be brave."

My message for you today is this:
Within the cards of the Saints & Angels deck that I used for your reading today, the cards are aligned either with Guardian Angel energy or the energy of specific Saints (such as St. Joan of Arc, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Hildegard of Bingen).  Today, your Guardian Angel has presented for you to remind you that you are NEVER alone, no matter what the circumstances in your life.  Yet, it often seems that, at the times when we feel most vulnerable, we forget to ask for help from our Spiritual Advisors and Guardian Angels.
It is my personal belief and understanding that we all incarnate with at least two Guardian Angels.  Additional Guardian Angels may come into our lives for a period of time or for the remainder of our lives, depending upon our life circumstances and our openness to connecting with the Angelic Realm consciously.  Guardian Angels are Light Beings that have never been in physical form.  Their mission is to assist us and support us in our physical experience here on Earth. They are governed by the Universal Law of Free Will, however, which states that they may not intercede in their human charge's life unless we have asked them to do so---simply put, if you desire their assistance, you need to ASK!
While they are Light Beings, and thus are not in the physical, our Guardian Angels will present to us in ways that we can best receive and understand, because WE are in the physical.  For example, my primary Guardian Angel, Isabella, presents to me in Victorian garb, with a high-neck collar and her hair pulled back in a high bun.  She has a 'school marm' persona in the way that she expresses herself to me, which makes perfect sense, because 'teacher energy' is a strong theme in this life-time for me. 
There are those who will say that a Crossed-Over loved one may serve as a Guardian Angel.  While it is true that Crossed-Overs can and will visit us here on the Earthly plane, (and will remain strongly aligned with certain Souls) they must 'work' to lower their vibration to do so, and so cannot remain here with us in this 'dense' vibration continuously.  Crossed-Overs will definitely be there to support us, on occasion, but they also do not have the 'higher', omnipotent perspective that your Guardian Angels do. In addition, Crossed-Overs are 'busy' on the other side, with progressing their own Soul and so cannot be available to us 24/,7 as your Guardian Angels are.  Guardian Angels vibration, as Light Beings, is such that they can be accessible to us at all times.  Your Guardian Angels are ALWAYS with you, whether you choose to consciously connect with them or not.  I guarantee that you have felt and experienced your Guardian Angel's energy and presence at certain points in your life! Yet, their greatest desire is to serve you and commune with you CONSCIOUSLY.  
Today, your Guardian Angel is encouraging you to 'Be Brave', and to understand that you are not alone.  Whatever your current life circumstance, it is your Guardian Angel's desire to assist and support you with it---please ASK!  
We are in some exciting, but very powerful energy at this time!  This infusion of Light and re-set that we are experiencing has many of us feeling off-kilter and vulnerable.  Call upon your Guardian Angels to assist you in moving through this and in integrating and assimilating into this new energy with ease and grace.  Please know that your Guardian Angels are NEVER about judgment! They see only the Light in you, and they KNOW that you are worthy just as you are!  Call upon your Guardian Angels and be open to consciously connecting with do so will enhance your life in so many ways!
Blessed be...

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