Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Energy Work

This is your card reading for Tuesday, March 3rd/15. Your card skipped out of the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Energy Work', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Life can be electrifying because its very essence is energy.  Your body is a remarkable energy field that will positively respond to loving treatments.  Your hands and heart are activated to give healing energy to your loved ones and clients.
You received this card because the angels say you would benefit from energy work, such as Reiki or Qi Gong.  You can find a qualified practitioner by contacting your local metaphysical or holistic health center.  The angels suggest that you initiate a session where you'd receive an energy healing treatment.  This card can also signify the angels' message that your life purpose involves giving energy healing work to others.  If you have training in this respect (or you've been guided to seek such training), this card is a sign that you would excel in this area.
ADDITIONAL MEANINGS FOR THIS CARD: Clear the energy in your home or other environments. * You're very sensitive to energy, so regularly clear yourself of any energy you may have absorbed. * Shield yourself by visualizing yourself surrounded by protective white and purple light. * Take courses on energy healing work."

My message for you today is this:
EVERYTHING is energy!  We humans are energetic beings.  When I was identified as an empath by the Shaman I was studying with almost 2 decades ago, I finally understood why I had had certain experiences, and 'felt' certain things throughout my life.  I am extremely sensitive to energy.  We are ALL sensitive to energy, but there are those of us who have a heightened ability to sense energy.  It is a gift that we have been given; just as a beautiful singer has been given the gift of her exceptional voice.  Trust me---it DID NOT feel like a gift for a good long while!  Until I was given learnings and tools to manage and develop my abilities, my sensitivities were often a source of great anxiety for me. Now, I understand that my heightened sensitivity to energy is what allows me to do readings for others, etc. 
When I first studied Reiki in 2004, it was not to become a Reiki practitioner, but to better understand the 'flow' of energy.  I eventually went on to Master level training in both Usui and Karuna Ki Reiki, and am so grateful for that learning.  Although I do not feel the desire to be a Reiki practitioner, I KNOW that that learning and understanding informs EVERYTHING that I do, most especially when I am doing a reading for another.  
I share all of this with you to illustrate that, if you are feeling drawn to study some form of energy work, you are feeling drawn toward it for a reason.  You need not feel that you must go on to become a practitioner of what you study---although you may feel that calling.  
We are in a time of accelerated sensitivity to energy---tell me that you have not been experiencing this, even if you would not consider yourself to be particularly sensitive to energy!  The angels are reminding you to take care of yourself as an energetic being, just as you take care of yourself in terms of hygiene and physical exercise.  As Jill Bolte Taylor, the neuroscientist who authored 'My Stroke of Insight', is quoted as saying: "Take responsibility for the energy you bring."  Take care of yourself energetically.  Follow your inner wisdom about this.  Perhaps you feel drawn to book a Reiki session or to attend a Qi Gong class. Do you find yourself longing to soak in a Himalayan salt bath?  Have you had the recurring thought to smudge a certain space or to burn incense?  Honour these thoughts and feelings with the understanding that you ARE energy, and that taking care of yourself in that regard impacts all other aspects of your life!
Blessed be...

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