Thursday, March 12, 2015

Birth of Angels

This is your card reading for Thursday, March 12th/15.  Your card dropped out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Birth of Angels', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are surrounded by the loving support of the angelic realm.  You play an important role on Earth in uplifting of the consciousness of the planet.  The angels are here with you to help in every way they can.  Remember, you have not been abandoned here.  You are not alone on this journey.
Your gifts are very special and very needed.  These Divine Beings are here with you to aid you in becoming fully who you are truly meant to be.  Now you will see your path opening more than ever before."

My message for you today is this:
As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, it was a song that was brought to mind as part of your message today: "I've got sunshine...on a cloudy day...When it's cold outside...I've got the month of May...."  The message is that you have your Spiritual Advisors and Angel Team there with you through every facet of your life, so have faith that this is so!!!  If you happen to be having a 'cloudy day', or are 'feeling the cold'; call upon your Angel Team to send a little sunshine your way, or to remind you that May (and Springtime) IS on it's way!
Currently, here in south-central Alberta, the weather is feeling Springlike, and the cosmic energy in alliance with that is resulting in many of us feeling the urgency to 'get with it'!  We are feeling motivated to move forward and to share who and what we truly are with the World.  Much like Nature comes out of the restful sleep of Winter, and awakens into the Spring time pattern of growth and expression, we are feeling that same underlying energy.
Call upon your Angels to assist you in focusing that energy and utilizing this drive to 'becoming fully who you are truly meant to be', as Cheryl Lee has expressed it in her message.  Know that the blade of new grass does not overly contemplate exactly HOW it will break through the surface and reach for the simply moves forward in faith that there IS sunshine awaiting to nurture it as it continues to grow. YOU'VE got sunshine...even on a cloudy day!  It is the Divine spark that dwells within you!  You and all that you are has been created for a reason.  You can only ever be the best expression of YOURSELF, and your Angels see that great gift and potential in you. Be the Light.
Blessed be... 

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