Monday, March 23, 2015

Carnelian ~ Action

This is your card reading for Monday, March 23rd/15.  Your card today sprung out of the 'Crystal Ally' card deck, authored by Naisha Ahsian.  Your card is 'Carnelian ~ Action', and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"Carnelian has called upon you today in order to remind you of your course of action. Seeking spiritual guidance and advice is the first step in creating your reality, but the second and most important step is to take action upon that inner guidance.  Without action, there is no creation; and we have chosen to come into this world in order to learn to co-create with the Universe.
Do not fear action because of the possibility of failure.  There is no failure, just as there are no mistakes. Each action that you take leads you to a learning experience.  Every learning experience that you have adds to the store of wisdom that you can share with others, and leads you closer to your goal of self-understanding.  Listen to your higher guidance, open yourself to the path that the Universe is clearing for you, and take a step forward.  Carnelian has come to guide you on your path of action...
Another aspect of the energy of Carnelian is it's ability to strengthen and fortify the physical body, enhancing the flow of life force energy, and it's expression through physical vitality. Our physical bodies are the houses of our spirit.  When we neglect the physical, we are neglecting the temple in which our spirit resides during this lifetime.  Carnelian's energy resonates with the physical levels of our being, focusing our attention upon the state of our spirit's house.  We can strengthen our connection to the Divine by strengthening the physical structure with supports our spirit.  Carnelian reminds us of the value of physical strength and health.
CHAKRA: Sacral
AFFIRMATION:  I am willing to create my reality."

My message for you today is this:
Did anyone else feel this past weekend as though you were undergoing a 'rewiring' of sorts? I am usually an excellent 'sleeper', but Saturday night was a night of restless sleep and of also experiencing what I can only describe as a insurgence of 'energy' that left me feeling somewhat anxious.  It was one of those nights where you feel as though you haven't really slept all that much, yet you are aware that you must of slept, because you recall dreaming. Powerful, and somewhat discombobulating! Sunday was spent integrating that experience.
My take is that we are being challenged at this time to 'walk our talk'---time to get truly authentic, beginning with ourselves.  Any of that 'shadow' stuff that you may have strived in the past to deny or to bury, is pushing to the forefront to be acknowledged and dealt with. Know that to do so is meant to EMPOWER, rather than to DISEMPOWER you---no dropping into self-judgment here, because of old patterns or ways of being that no longer serve you.  You are being reminded at this time that acknowledging those patterns is the first step to changing or modifying them so that you can take CONSCIOUS ACTION and thereby walk the path that you are meant to at this time. This truly is a call to action. Some of your old ways of being will no longer feel comfortable.  Begin by taking that first step in changing what it is that you are feeling compelled to change at this time.  We are currently in a powerful portal for effecting change within our lives---particularly if that change is reflective of our Soulful Self.  Perhaps you have not been honouring your physical body as you feel that you should and you are feeling called to action to eat more healthfully or exercise more regularly.  Perhaps you are feeling called to dedicate a portion of every day to honouring the spiritual aspect of yourself.  Perhaps you are feeling called to actively pursue that learning or education or creative pursuit that you had been putting on the back burner.  Perhaps you are now ready to release and move past an old coping mechanism or habit that no longer resonates with who you know yourself to truly be.  Whatever it is for you at this time, KNOW that you are empowered and supported in taking the action necessary to make it so in your reality.  Wear or carry the crystal Carnelian, and it will assist and remind you energetically that you are not alone on this journey.  The Universe is conspiring in your favor on so many levels!  Take that leap of faith!
Blessed be...   

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