Monday, December 16, 2013

Third-Eye Chakra

Your card today is drawn from the 'Angel Therapy' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card to begin the week is the 'Third-Eye Chakra' card.  The guidebook that accompanies this deck includes action steps for each card, which I will include in Doreen's message:

"It is safe for you to see the energy of love in all forms, such as angels, auras and visions."

Doreen's suggested action steps:
Sit quietly and say~
"Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Clairvoyance, I call upon you now to surround my head with your healing energy.  Please clear my third eye of any old fear energies, entities or other blocks or intrusions."
Inhale and exhale deeply while the angels perform their 'psychic surgery' to adjust your spiritual sight. Keep a journal of your visions, and ask your angels for help interpreting them.

My message for you today is this:

Are you feeling the shift in energy as we head into the full moon tomorrow?  I am, and that is why I chose the 'Angel Therapy' deck to draw your reading from today, because I felt it's gentle energy would provide us with some assistance and guidance in navigating through the cosmic energy of the upcoming week, toward the winter solstice on December 21st.  You may find that emotions are rising to the surface in preparation for releasement, which will be supported by the full moon energy of tomorrow...go with it, to the best of your ability, and don't try to stifle the feelings that are 'rising up' for you today...allow them to flow through you, so that they CAN be released, and be sure to give yourself some 'tender loving care' today: be it relishing in a cup of hot chocolate; having a sea salt bath surrounded with lighted candles; having a massage or spa treatment of some sort; I am prone to do when I am feeling 'stressed or 'out of sorts'...organize a certain area in your living space!  Whatever brings you a sense of peace, dedicate a portion of your day to embracing are NOT just indulging yourself---you are being kind to those around you!  
Now...onto the message that came forward for you in regards to your card for the day!
Your card today is reminding you that you DO have the ability to connect to your angels and to receive messages from them clairvoyantly (meaning 'clear seeing').  Your third-eye chakra is located in your forehead, above and between your two physical eyes (see my posting about chakras on my 'Blog & Events' page on this site for more information).  You receive clairvoyant messages through your third-eye by means of using your physical sight when you experience seeing specific number sequences repetitively (see Doreen's book, 'Angel Numbers 101' as a reference for the meaning of various number sequences); lights and moving objects; orbs appearing in photos to indicate angelic presence at the time the photo was taken; or through signs and symbols such as feathers, rainbows, clouds and coins ( my husband and I were thrilled to witness the other day, two beautiful 'sun-dogs' in the winter sky!)  You receive clairvoyant messages through your 'mind's eye', sometimes referred to as 'inner vision',  as shapes, colors, flashes of images,'mental movies', dreams, etc...  This card carries the message for you today to trust in the clairvoyant messages you HAVE been receiving, and to consciously implement this beautiful gift of 'sight' to guide and assist you in moving through your life with ease and grace and the knowing that, in the 'uncomfortable' times in our life experience, we are completed supported!  Use Doreen's prayer above, or better yet, a prayer of your own creation, to express your desire to employ your gift of clairvoyance in consciously connecting to the Divine. You are safe in doing so! Trust.  Allow. Receive.  Believe.
Blessed be... 

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