Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Your card this Christmas Eve is drawn from the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Quiet' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"I go into peaceful silence, and I listen."

My message for you today is this:
Mother Mary has gifted you with the perfect card on this day before Christmas.  Of course, I chose her deck because Mother Mary's nurturing, gentle energy will serve you well at this sometimes hectic, high energy time of year. How appropriate that she has given you the 'Quiet' card...a reminder for all of us that it IS possible to find that peaceful, 'quiet' space within, even though you may be surrounded by a cacophony of noise and people and ALL kinds of energy!  This beautiful time of year, when we gather with family and friends is a wonderful way to end the year.  Still, the 'busyness' of it all, and the dynamics of multiple gatherings and bringing many people together can feel overwhelming at these emotionally charged times, especially for those who are highly sensitive to energy.  Mother Mary is advising you to that it IS possible to find a few moments to be still, breathe deeply and to rest in the stillness of your breath, no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in.  
If you are feeling that you are carrying around energy that you have 'picked up' from another, and that is not yours, ask your angels to assist you in clearing away that energy as you breathe deeply and allow the energy that is not yours to be released.  This is NOT in judgment that someone else's energy is 'bad' or 'negative' energy, only that it is not YOUR energy, and to be fully present to share of yourself means to share YOUR energy! Remember that the love energy ALWAYS remains, whenever you clear yourself energetically.
Mother Mary is also encouraging you to find some time over the holiday season, to just be QUIET...  Give yourself the gift of quiet reflection (without feeling 'guilty' for taking this time for yourself!).  Find a peaceful, quiet place, close your eyes, breathe gently and just allow yourself to BE...  It is during such times that you will feel the presence of your angels, including Mother Mary, who has presented to you today, acknowledging that you ARE supported and unconditionally loved by the Divine.  Mother Mary is asking you to enter that quiet space within and to allow yourself to be enveloped in angelic love and peace.  Give yourself this gift...the gift of 'quiet' and feel your Soul be filled with calm and connection to the Divine.  
Blessed be...

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