Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Due to the strong cosmic energies at play today, into tomorrow and on into the winter solstice on December 21st, I chose the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  The card that literally FLEW out of the deck for you today is the 'Contact' card, and while I usually only share a portion of the author's message for the card of the day written in their guidebook for the deck (depending on the specific energies of the day), I feel I need to share Cheryl's entire message with you today:

"Life's great synchronicities and the alignment of fateful events is very dependent on our contact and connections with other people.  You have drawn this card today because it is important for you to make contact with someone in particular in your life.  This one-on-one communication could be by phone, e-mail, text message or in person.  In whatever way that contact happens, it is important that you reach out.
Sometimes we resist or procrastinate doing the very things that will help to move us along on our path.  The Contact card is asking that you look at whatever resistance you may have, and gently push yourself forward to do what needs to be done.  Perhaps you need to contact someone and deal with an emotional issue you would rather avoid.  Maybe you have neglected speaking with a family member, loved one or friend.  Do you need to get past your fear of making a business call?  Spirit is asking that you be brave and make contact with a certain individual.  The stagnant energy that is being held through your resistance needs to be released and cleared.  This will help to aid in the flow of new energy, healing, empowerment, and manifestation in your life.  Energetically, you will be free to set-up and align the next step of your journey.
This card can also indicate that there is a very important person coming along in your life, with whom you are about to connect.  Be present within yourself when meeting anyone you connect with--especially if it is unexpected or synchronistic, as this person could be playing an important role in your future."

My message for you today is this:
WOW!!  A perfect card to leap out of the deck for you today, in the energy of a FULL MOON, which is EXCELLENT for supporting us energetically in releasing that which no longer serves us (and thereby making 'room' to allow in that which DOES serve us)!
As I lay my hand upon this beautiful fractal art card, I felt a HUGE swelling of my HEART CHAKRA, and a slight pain in my head!  Is your head ruling your heart and resisting what your heart is telling you to do within a certain situation in your life right now?  The holiday season is typically a time of year when we make the effort to reach out and connect with those we have not made the effort to connect with throughout the former year...often we receive Christmas cards with letters and pictures, bringing us up to date on the happenings of family members and friends...  You may even feel compelled to interact with a 'stranger' more readily than you might at other times of the year, through volunteering of your time or services, or random acts of kindness.  Such is the energy of the 'holiday season'...We are in 'contact' more readily and are supported in reaching out more willingly.
In the energy of the FULL MOON, Spirit is supporting you to 'drop from head to heart', and for your OWN greater good, to take advantage of the holiday 'Spirit' of reaching out to another...perhaps someone with whom you have 'unfinished business', that it would serve your Soul to rectify...  If such a person comes to mind, you are being 'strongly advised' to 'deal with it', from a heart-centered place of Love, for YOURSELF and the other...it will be a healing experience for you, regardless of the outcome (meaning whether that person remains a strong connection in your life or not).  It may be that this person is no longer in alignment with who you are at this time, but at least you would have 'closure'.
Spirit is also acknowledging that it is not necessary to re-engage in some former relationships that  brought us pain and suffering, but you can choose to 're-visit' on your own, the interactions within that relationship from a loving place of non-judgment and there-by release any pain and hurt, so as to no longer carry the burden of that forward in your life. Utilize the full moon energy to conduct your own 'releasement ceremony'...to let go of residual pain from a past relationship that just doesn't serve you...One means of conducting a releasement ceremony is this:
Write down on one piece of paper (or more, if necessary!), all the pain and suffering that the relationship brought you.  Write down on another piece of paper all the lessons and blessings, and how that relationship, and having the strength to leave that relationship, served you in moving forward on your path.  Burn the first paper with sage for clearing and cedar for healing, and release the pain to the Light... Burn the second with lavendar and bless the learnings.(Remember...any ceremony is about INTENTION...if you don't have sage, cedar, or lavendar, ask intuitively what you have on hand that would serve you in ceremony, and use that).  We are in the final full moon energy of 2013, and it is time to 'clear away the old and make way for the new' as we move into 2014!!!
Perhaps, on the other hand, you have been truly missing someone that you feel a strong connection to, and you haven't reached out to because of the 'busyness' of life...Spirit is telling you to MAKE THE TIME...your heart will be filled because of it!
And...as Cheryl stated, be aware of the 'new people' entering your life and the beautiful and unique ways in which Spirit presents such people to us!  These people will be important on your journey forward, and you on theirs!
Blessed be...

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