Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Empress ~ Archangel Gabriel

Your card today is being 'held' by a beautiful prayer angel, which was gifted to me yesterday by a very dear friend for my birthday---Patti's friendship is a wonderful blessing in my life, and this prayer angel is a lovely reminder of that!  This prayer angel will be the 'keeper of the daily card' from here forward...I am in deep gratitude!
Your card for today dropped out of the 'Angel Tarot Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.  Your card is one of the major arcana cards from the is the 'Empress' card, which is aligned with the energy of Archangel Gabriel.  Doreen & Radleigh's message for the card is this:
"Lavish abundance.  Give birth to your dreams.  Nurture yourself and others.
Your creativity and hard work are bringing you great rewards, according to this card.  You have the Midas touch right now, so anything you give your loving attention to will flourish...Enjoy the beautiful things in life, knowing that you deserve to be wonderfully provided for.  Take excellent care of your body with massage; yoga; or anything that makes you feel healthy, vibrant, and luxurious."

My message for you today is this:
Do you feel a 'lightness' today that comes with the passing of the recent full moon energy? Did you feel a little 'heavier' during that period and do you now feel that some of the weight has been lifted?  If you did, indeed, engage in a releasement ceremony of some sort during that time, then I am sure that is the case!
Your card today is certainly a positive and uplifting one!  We have had some powerful cards already this week, and it is no different today!  Within a tarot card deck, there are major and minor arcana cards.  There are 22 major arcana cards within a deck, and they describe major events and turning points in our lives. Doreen and Radleigh have aligned each major arcana card with an Archangel. The minor arcana cards within a deck are divided into 4 suits and these cards represent the more ordinary day to day life events.  No surprise that it was a major arcana card that dropped out for you today!  Archangel Gabriel's name means 'Messenger of God' and he (or 'she', depending on how you experience this archangel's energy) is known as the 'communication' angel, as well as the angel who assists with matters of pregnancy and childbirth, and creative endeavours.  As we are moving toward the winter solstice and into the new year, you are being reminded to nurture yourself and your dreams and to understand that you are not only supported but encouraged to GO FOR IT!!
You are also being reminded today, as we move into the Christmas season, when many will be gathering with family and friends to celebrate, to approach this time from a heart-centered place and a nurturing place, and to allow any petty little annoyances that may arise to fall by the way-side.  Keep your focus on the 'bigger picture' and approach all of your interactions with a loving do so, not only for those around you, but also for yourself!  Bask in the positivity that is being sent your way right now!
Blessed be...

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