Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Leadership ~ Sunstone

I am posting your daily card reading for Wednesday, December 11th a little early, as I will be busy with readings tomorrow...  
Your card was drawn from the 'Crystal Ally' card deck, authored by Naisha Ashian.  Naisha is also the co-author, along with Robert Simmons, of 'The Book of Stones'; an excellent resource for the physical and metaphysical properties of a great variety of crystals!  I often use the guide book that accompanies Naisha's Crystal Ally cards, as an excellent reference as to the properties and qualities of crystals, also.  Naisha is the founder of the 'Crystalis Institute', which is dedicated to working with people worldwide offering training in a program she has developed, 'Crystal Resonance Therapy', healings, and consultations on the properties of gemstones and crystals.  Her perspective and understanding of crystal consciousness is well-respected.  As someone who has always been drawn to 'rocks', I was drawn to her deck many years ago, and I find it highly accurate as a divination tool!
Your card today is the 'Leadership' card, which is aligned with the crystal, 'Sunstone'. Naisha's message for the card is this:
"When Sunstone enters your cards, you are being asked to take the position of Leader in the present situation.  Be clear about your motivation about assuming this position, as any ego-based motives will ultimately be exposed by the powerful light of Sunstone.  Seek out the advice and knowledge of those who have walked further along this path than you have. True leadership begins with the ability to listen to others, and to respond to them from the wisdom of your heart, not the platitudes of ego.
Whatever the specifics of the leadership role that you are to take on, remember that enlightened action for the good of all is the only true course for a leader today.  The power of a leader lies in his or her response-ability.  Be willing to take the action the good of all makes apparent to you, and move forward in the courage of your heart's convictions.
Chakra:  second (sacral) and third (solar plexus)
Affirmation:  I respond joyfully to the experiences that arise before me.

My message for you today is this:
The opportunities for leadership can present themselves to us in a myriad of ways...
It can be as simple as 'leading by example' as you choose to deal with a difficult situation in your life with grace and love and understanding.  It can be as global as founding and operating your own publishing house, as Louise Hay came to do in her early 50's.
Perhaps you will assist someone in seeing a situation within their life from a different perspective, simply by offering just the right words at the right time.  Perhaps you will feel inspired to share with someone a book that you have read that held a powerful message for you, or a movie that inspired you, or a website that you find insightful.  Perhaps when you are surrounded by frustrated people while in that LONG check-in line at the airport, over the holiday season, you will consciously strive to lift the vibration by helping out someone in line near to you with their fussy child, or errant piece of luggage, or simply starting a conversation about a happy topic (rather than complaining about the long line up) to help pass the time. Sunstone asks you to acknowledge that it is in the details of how we conduct ourselves throughout our lives that we often have the greatest impact, as leaders.
All leaders do not have to have the persona of the amazing Dr. Martin Luther King in order to be impactful...while such leaders are necessary and are a blessing, remember that the 'small' contributions we make to leading others to the Light are cumulative and impactful, also!  For some, it is difficult to imagine themselves in the role of 'leader'...being 'front and center' is not a place of comfort for them...I completely understand that, as speaking publicly, for example, is WAY outside my comfort zone, but I have come to learn that, when I am called to do so, I view it as 'an act of service', which takes my Ego out of the equation and allows me to undertake the task I have before me (hopefully with ease and grace).  If YOU are called to a leadership role that challenges you to put yourself 'out there', Sunstone can assist you in residing in that 'act of service' mentality, rather than in Ego, and thereby know that you are acting in 'the good of all'!  In those times when you are called to serve in a leadership capacity, ask for the energy of Sunstone to support you in your role...crystals and their resonance are a beautiful gift from the Creator to assist us on our earthly journey. Sunstone is alerting you to your capacity to be a leader in 'bringing in the Light'.  How will you lead? Be open and aware to the possibilities presented to you by Spirit, then embrace those opportunities from a 'place of service', knowing that you are fully supported.
Blessed be...

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