Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Love ~ God

Your card today is drawn from the 'Saints & Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  The powerful card that came forward for you today is the 'Love' card, associated with God, and Doreen's message is this:
"God is love, and God is everywhere.  Therefore, Divine care is surrounding, healing and supporting this situation. The answer to your question is quite simply 'love'.  That's because it's all that exists, in truth.  By focusing upon God and his caring, you'll find the answers, solutions and results you're seeking."

My message for you today is this:
Perhaps you are like me, and you prefer to use 'Creator' or 'Source', rather than 'God', in referring to the Divine.  In truth, it is really just a label, but I find that the word 'God' has been misused by some---the connotations associated with the word 'God',  and so the way in which some others use the word 'God' is not representative of how I personally embrace and experience the Divine.  Whatever word you relate to the Divine experience, unconditional LOVE is the energy you will encounter when you commune with Divine/Source energy, and that energy is available to ALL regardless of the label you choose to give it!  As you have heard me say SO often, INTENTION is the key!  You can say the most beautiful words, but they are not a 'prayer' without having the power of INTENTION given to them!  You are being reminded today that you are a child of the Creator, and the omniscient unconditional Love energy of the Divine is ALWAYS available to you, if you but ask!  
You are also reminded that you are residing in the energy of the Divine when you seek to fully embrace Love as your means of 'being'...  When you are 'in your purpose', what you are exuding is Divine Love, as you share the Divine spark that is within you...that is why it feels SO GREAT to be 'in your purpose'...it's like a natural high!  Remember that your ultimate 'life purpose' is to share Love with others, in your own unique way, by using your own unique gifts and talents of Divine expression.  Ask the Creator to express Love through you, and ask for the guidance and protection you require to be of service in such a way.  This is a powerful missive...it has been the energy of 2013...our feeling compelled and propelled to move more fully into expressing Divine Love in whatever way we are meant to as individuals!  Know that the Creator supports you in doing so!  Shine your loving Light!
Blessed be...

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