Friday, April 29, 2016
This is your card reading for Friday, April 29th/16. Your card today glided out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your card is 'Yin', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: The feminine principle of receptivity; letting someone else make the first move; gathering information and taking cues; the art of conscious allowing.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: This is a time of calculated receptivity as you gracefully await what is coming to you ready to accept it when it appears. Yin does not involve frozen dreams or even resting, but rather consciously allowing things to flow to you, poised to receive the bounty that will be made available to you. It implies sensitivity as you alertly study the actions of others and contemplate how they will affect you and yours. Remember, you must make space for miracles to appear. Be the 'shaped', not the 'shaper', and you'll see how quickly your dreams manifest.
PROTECTION MESSAGE: Do you have trouble receiving? You stop the flow of abundance when you continually insist upon being the giver. You can't always lead, always give, always teach. You must be the student; the open vessel; and the one who receives the gift, gesture, or offer in equal measure. Open up and let love, life, abundance, and Spirit fill you, without demand or expectation. Just receive the bounty that is yours."
My message for you today is this:
The Chinese philosophy of YinYang (being viewed as feminine and masculine, respectively) shares that both aspects are necessary and complimentary to one another in achieving balance and harmony in your life. While sometimes presented as 'opposite' to one another, Yin and Yang actually compliment one another and flow back and forth to one another, when in balance and harmony...which is why they are pictured affixed together in the symbol that represents YinYang.
Many Lightworkers struggle with the Yin (receiving) aspect, and are therefore often 'out of harmony' in their lives. 'Giving' comes easily and naturally to Lightworkers; whereas 'receiving' can be mistakenly determined as 'selfishness'. Nothing is farther from the truth! Think of it this way, beautiful could you EFFECTIVELY be in service to others if your own needs are not met? The popular analogy for this is: 'You can't offer another a drink from an empty cup'. You have more to offer when your own cup is full.
Your card today is another way of sharing the message shared when the Universal Law of Allowing presented for you earlier this week. To be in a state of 'allowing' and in a state of 'receptivity' does not imply that action may not be necessary. It means to recognize what is being brought to you and to then fully acknowledge and embrace it, and know that you are WORTHY of it!
Allow yourself to be an open receptacle to all that is being shared with you, in the knowing that in doing so, you honour the Divine. Have you ever contemplated the thought that it takes graciousness and generosity of spirit to RECEIVE? It is actively receive what is lovingly offered you is an act of benevolence...a loving act. Embrace the flow of Yin in order to bring balance into your life.
Blessed be...
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
This is your card reading for Wednesday, April 27th/16...a 22 Master Day (2+7+0+4+2+0+1+6=22). Your card soared out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Expansion', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"It is time to share yourself on a much larger scale. The expansion card is about your connection to large groups of people, whether it is to offer yourself in service through community events, volunteer work, workshops or healing groups, speaking, or publishing your writing. It's about sharing your gifts and talents in a way that serves many, on a more public scale. In doing so, your energy reaches far and wide, having a meaningful and positive effect on all those whose lives you touch. Now is the time to really put yourself out there, so take a deep breath, trust the process and open wide!"
My message for you today is this:
As we lead in to the 3 week period of Mercury Retrograde tomorrow---whose theme always includes 'relationship' and 'communication'---what comes to mind for you regarding being your 'full self' in regards to relationship and communication? Perhaps it has something to do with the dynamics within your family. Perhaps it is in regard to your career or means of expressing yourself out into the world at large. Perhaps, like me, it relates to a heart-centered expression of yourself that you have heard the call to share out into the world (and been pushed outside your comfort zone to do so!). As a 22 Master Day, the energies highly encourage you to truly 'step into all that you are' and to be confident and open in expressing just that. This doesn't necessarily mean standing on a stage in front of many and proclaiming yourself (although it could!). This means to approach all that you encounter on this day from the stance of sharing your magnificent self. Whatever situations and experiences present for you today, make the commitment to be authentic, sincere, and vulnerable in expressing yourself 'fully', rather than as an 'edited' editing today!
Remember the 'ripple effect'...we seldom fully know the impact our acts have as they ripple out into the world. What may seem to be a 'small' loving act, ripples out to effect more than we can conceive of. Be cognizant of that today. You matter. You make a difference just by being here and having the courage to express all that you are and have to share.
Be confident! Be brave! Lovingly express yourself!
Blessed be...
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Universal Law of Allowing
This is your card reading for Tuesday, April 26th/16. Your card today fell to the floor out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman. Your card is 'Universal Law of Allowing', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Alllowing states that the Universe, and all life within it, is expanding in perfect order, and the acceptance of this perfection creates harmonious conditions for the individual. As life unfolds and expands, it reaches certain transformation points. These points of transition, where the new reality is being birthed into the old reality, are often perceived as difficult. Our natural tendency is to resist that which feels difficult and uncomfortable. The Law of Allowing is reminding you that accepting every moment, including the difficult ones, will make transformation easier and more enjoyable. You will instantly create pressure and tension if you are in any way resistant to what you are experiencing. Allow yourself to move with the natural flow of life. Allowing is only possible when accompanied by the wisdom of trust. Trust that transformation occurs for your highest good and the present conditions are only temporary. Allow your life to evolve and the Universe will bring you the results you desire. "
My message for you today is this:
A former, and very gifted, student of mine in my Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records course has asked something of me that is pushing me outside my comfort zone---we are meeting about this today. So, how perfect that the Universal Law of Allowing card presented today, just when I....
WHOA!!! Talk about 'ALLOWING'!! As I was typing this message up for you, the appointment I was referring to in your message, arrived at my door at 10:00 am, rather than 1:00, which was the agreed upon time! She had mistakenly thought our appointment was for 10:00 (and I was still in my pajamas, with some prep yet to do for our time together)! When she checked her calendar on her phone, she realized that our appointment HAD been for 1:00---it had just 'registered' with her as 10, for some reason...and she is NOT typically the sort of person who makes such 'mistakes'. I could very easily have 'freaked out' about being 'ill-prepared' and unready; but instead I asked her to give me 15 minutes (to change and brush my teeth and hair!) and then we just dove in! Having just pulled this card for you, there was no question that I just had to go with it, and 'allow'!!! We spent a wonderful full day together, until 4:00, and I most definitely feel that our time together served me every bit as much as it served her! It is clear that the Universe 'understood' that we needed an earlier start in order to have the needed time together!
How were you challenged to be in a place of 'allowing' today? Can you see how utilizing the Universal Law of Allowing facilitated change in a direction that will serve you? Sometimes we have to 'allow ourselves to move with the natural flow of life', and trust that all is happening according to a bigger plan. This does not imply that we need not take action, when we are in a state of 'allowing'---it means that we trust that the action, or the timing of the action, we need to take may not follow our predetermined 'script'. Yes...the Universe is indeed conspiring in your in this!
Blessed be...
Monday, April 25, 2016
This is your card reading for Monday, April 25th/16. Your card today leapt out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Confidence', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Perhaps you are not aware of how great you really are. Maybe you have been doubting yourself or you purpose in life. Have you been questioning whether you are enough, good enough, able or worthy? In some way you are in need of a confidence boost. And this is Spirit's way of telling that you are doing just fine. Spirit believes in you and you need to believe in yourself too. It will take time and effort on your part, but the rewards of having self-confidence will be well worth it.
You may not do things perfectly; of course you will make mistakes. But mistakes are simply opportunities to learn how to do things differently. It is always easier to see the greatness in others. Seeing another person's gifts, talents, abilities, and successes is much easier than seeing our own. This is a cosmic mirror from the Universe, and it is reflecting back to you, all of the incredible qualities that you really do have.
Sometimes we just have to fake it till we make it. And that is what you are being asked to do. Just try on the suit of confidence. See how it fits and how it feels. You do have what it takes. You are just as gifted and wonderful as any other person. Now it is time for you to feel confident about you.
It's important to note though, that too much confidence or over-faking it can actually come across as arrogance. Heaven knows you are far from arrogant, so go gently with it. It isn't about proving anything to yourself or others. It's about knowing that you are important in Spirit's plan and that you are worthy. Who you are and what you have to offer is so very important. It's time for you to believe in YOU, the way that Spirit believes in YOU."
My message for you today is this:
We are approaching Mercury Retrograde this upcoming Thursday---a 3 week cosmic period, whose energies are pivotal to encouraging personal and spiritual growth. Leading into that, the message for you today is to embrace your worthiness and to hold confidence in the innate gifts and talents you are here to share. What opportunities or situations have been presenting for you that you have been reticent about moving forward with? You are being advised by Spirit to step into them with confidence, now. Do not be concerned about taking a 'misstep' in moving is literally taking a step forward that is important at this time, knowing that there will be adjustments along the way. Follow what your heart is telling you, even if others may not understand why. This is NOT the time to be a 'people pleaser', if that has been your usual 'way of being'. This is the time to 'tap in' to what feels 'right' for you from your heart-center, and acting on that. Have confidence, not only in yourself, but also in what your Spiritual advisors are sharing with you.
If you have a dilemma or choice facing you; be still and ask yourself, 'How would I feel if I said YES to this?' and then, 'How would I feel if I said NO to this?' Pay attention to what your Soul is communicating to aware and open to what is being shared. Follow through with what your Soul has advised you, and do so with not second-guess yourself and your decision, even if this means being pushed outside your 'comfort zone'...often times this is the case, when we are advancing our Soul, and embracing our reason for 'being here'. It is a strange combination of feeling 'uncomfortable' and even 'challenged'; and yet so 'right' and 'meant to be', at the same time! I know you know what I mean, and that you have experienced this many times already in your lifetime!
You've got this! Spirit is your cheerleader today!
Blessed be...
Friday, April 22, 2016
Micro Full Moon and the Lyriads Meteor Shower
No card reading today (I am happily enjoying family time),Friday, April 22nd/16. Today is the day of a Micro (the Moon is at it's farthest from the Earth all month, at the same time that it is Full, and will therefore appear smaller) Full Moon. As I have often shared here, the energies of the Full Moon are about releasing what no longer serves you, and as this Full Moon is being touted as a 'Truth Moon'...well...just be very real with yourself, dear Ones, as you acknowledge what needs to be 'let go'...
Love and blessings to you!
Thursday, April 21, 2016
This is your card reading for Thursday, April 21st/16...a brief reading for you today, because I have my awesome grandson, Tatem, for the day! Your card dropped out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your card is 'Regeneration', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: Rebirth; second chances; new opportunities.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: Second chances are available to you now. Whatever opportunities you thought were dead are now revived, in a more authentic, stronger form. Whatever you may have perceived as a failure or loss is now being replaced by something better and more powerful growing in its place. This rebirth is assured. Step into your new life. Destiny is being fulfilled in wondrous ways.
RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE: The world is based on connections and relationships. No matter what loss has occurred in the past or even now, death and endings are only illusions. There life after death, love after loss; and in this moment you are radiating the regenerative life force energy that makes you irresistible to love in all forms. Now is the time when you will see evidence of this new emergence. Can you feel it? Love is rising up to greet you.
PROSPERITY MESSAGE: What happens when it appears you've failed at something? Do you see the beauty in the lesson? The understanding that arises from difficulties is like a seed that lies dormant for a time. Then, once it germinates in your subconscious, it pushes through into your awareness. It is becoming apparent that there is a new you, a new start. A more powerful version and form of what you began to plant in the garden of your imagination has surfaced. You are ripe for success. New opportunities---much better than those that came before---appear, like gifts from the gods. Now is one of those times when out of seeming loss and failure comes remarkable abundance. Do not dwell on the past, because you are experiencing a rebirth.
PROTECTION MESSAGE: Endings come in many forms, and now is the time to stop holding on to what must that something better can take its place. Nature's cycles include disease, decay, death---and regeneration. Let whatever isn't working in your life die. Don't be afraid to face the facts. There is no need to struggle or grieve. Whatever your query, let it go. You're about to be reborn."
My message for you today is this:
The perfect card to tie together the messages that have been coming forward for you...and just prior to the Micro Full Moon tomorrow, which we are morphing into the energy of. This is about seeing the long-range and the potential and possibilities that lie ahead for you. W
Blessed be...
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Brigit ~ Self-Dignity
This is your card reading for Wednesday, April 20th/16. Your card wafted out of the 'Awakening of the Divine' card deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes...each card in her deck is aligned with a goddess, and a crystal. Your card is 'Brigit ~ Self-Dignity', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"CRYSTAL: Blue Lace Agate
MESSAGE: Do you speak your truth to others? Do you honor your inner voice? Are you judging you own thoughts, your physical body, and others around yourself? Do you have neck related pain in your body? Do you have intense fire cycles in your life and aren't sure how to balance the energy?
Brigit is a triple Celtic goddess who represents the three parts of a woman's life; the young virgin, the loving mother, and the wise woman (crone). These three aspects are phases that a woman goes through from childhood to death. She cumulates a lot of wisdom through these stages in her life giving her the name of a wise woman.
You might have drawn this card as you have been holding back in speaking your truth to someone close to you. You may think that you are keeping the peace by not rocking the boat and sharing what's on your mind, but physically you may be creating a block in your throat chakra (your communication center), which can lead to dis-ease in the future if this energy isn't cleared.
You may have been receiving guidance that you may wish to begin writing a blog, a book, or will soon begin teaching about the wisdom you have accrued from the wounds in your life. When we go through these painful experiences in life and have extracted the wisdom and light from them, then we are able to share our wisdom with others who are in the healing process. Don't belittle yourself and think that you don't have great wisdom to share to help others along their spiritual journey.
You are a strong person and now is the time to stand in your power and speak your truth with love. The more you practise this, the stronger your power will become and the easier it will be straightforward with those around you. You will find that you are doing less out of obligation and more from the heart, which will keep you in a state of balance. You may find that those around you will respect you even more when you stand in your power and speak from the heart.
You may be in a fire cycle which means that your body is burning away a lot of old patterns and energy and Brigit can assist you in using the element of water to calm this cycle and bring you back into a state of receiving, as when we are burning we tend to forget that it's important to receive.
AFFIRMATION: I am lovingly able to express my innermost thoughts to all without fear of judgment and self-doubt. My inner voice is honored with love, strength, compassion and wisdom with others who may learn from my words and experiences. My communication originates from the highest dimensions of one."
My message for you today is this:
Your message today is about honouring yourself. Self-dignity implies knowing that you are is NOT about being egoic and self-centered; but rather acknowledging that you MATTER. You have much to share with the world, and ALL of your experiences have led you to who you are now. Honour ALL of them. If you choose to live your life consciously, you will be able to see the learning and lessons within each and every experience you have had in your life. Do not deny what you may paint as your 'dark side'...we live in a world of duality here in the physical, and you would not be human if you approached every moment from the stance of 'your best self'. Yet, if you integrate the lessons within even your 'less than shining' moments, then you are honoring your journey of self-discovery and self-dignity. Self-dignity also implies taking responsibility for choices you have made and will now make for yourself.
Today, the Celtic goddess Brigit has presented for you to remind you that embracing and expressing your own personal Truth is pivotal in your life at this time. We are in the energies in which standing firmly in your own power from the stance of self-love and personal integrity are key for you. This does not mean that you need PROCLAIM your Truth out into the world, necessarily (although you may be placed in a situation where you are pushed to speak your Truth). What this means, primarily, is that you KNOW where you stand on a certain matter in your life, and you lovingly honour that for yourself, regardless of whatever prevailing winds may try to sway you. You are so supported in moving forward in your life in a way that embodies and exemplifies all the wisdom you have accumulated to this point from a heart-centered place of personal Truth.
Blessed be...
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Universal Connection
This is your card reading for Tuesday, April 19th/16. Your card skimmed out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Universal Connection', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"The guidance you are now receiving is truly Universal. Take time daily to connect with your guides and Angels. They wish to connect with you as much as you wish to connect with them. They are working very closely with you and you are being encouraged to journal at this time. This is a Great story you are writing. It is your personal story and it is unique to you and only you. Write poetry to express the emotions you are feeling. Write down your dreams and synchronistic events that occur. This card calls for putting your connection and experience with Spirit into writing."
My message for you today is this:
The energies at this time are a dichotomy, because they ARE Universal in nature, but are also about 'going within'. That is to say: you ARE feeling a powerful connection to, and an integral part of the Universe; yet you are also feeling as though you have a strong connection to your 'inner self' and you may hold the desire to spend time alone, in your own energy. Honour this... This is about realizing the role that you play as an individual in the network of humanity. As Cheryl shares in her message for your card today, the veil between you and your Spiritual team is translucent at this time---they are highly accessible to you, and wish to make the connection---take advantage of this. Journaling is absolutely a means of 'anchoring in' the messages and guidance that you are receiving. One means utilized in connecting with Spirit is called 'automatic writing'. You write your question or query and then simply relax and allow the pen to flow across the page, without attempting to 'script' or force what comes forth. Understand that it may take some time for the information to present, and how it presents will depend upon you as an individual. For instance, I am a 'wordy' person, and so my automatic writing sessions are long and verbose. You may be a succinct, to-the-point kind of person, and so what comes forward for you may be brief and even in point form. There is no right or wrong way...but you must relax into it, with no expectations of how it 'should' go, in order to allow the information to come forward.
Or perhaps you just wish to journal your thoughts and feelings as an outlet, or to anchor them in to your consciousness. Or you may just come across a phrase or quote that really 'speaks to you' today, that you make record of. Just be aware as to how 'the word' will be utilized in making your connection with Spirit.
Blessed be...
Friday, April 15, 2016
Healer of Abundance
This is your card reading for Friday, April 15th/16. Your card today slipped out of the 'Guardian Angel Tarot' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Your card is 'Healer of Abundance', and Doreen and Radleigh's message for the card is this:
"Never doubt that you can make a difference! Your creativity and ability to be innovative make you destined to succeed. It might be time to expand your career, but don't forget to leave time for family. This situation involves a person (possibly you!) who's down to earth, with a gift for design or decorating. He or she is open-minded and nurturing.
SITUATIONS: You can make a difference! You have an amazing ability to take care of others, and at the same time create great abundance. Your entrepreneurial ideas are destined to succeed. Be creative! Be innovative! This is the time for you to branch out and follow your heart when it comes to career and life purpose. At the same time, remember to leave quiet moments for the people who mean the most to you.
PEOPLE: An enterprising and down-to-earth person who can achieve just about anything. Someone who's openhearted and nurturing to those around him or her. A person with a natural gift for design and decorating who surrounds him- or herself with items of very high quality. An enjoyer of self-nurturing experiences like massage, Reiki, or going to a spa.
ADDITIONAL MEANINGS OF THIS CARD: Focusing on good health and exercise. Form AND function. An excellent parent. A love of nature."
My message for you is this:
Notice the hyacinth blooming in the grass beside the angel statuette holding your card for today. All the hyacinths that I had planted, in what was once a flower bed, in front of our home (and is now filled in with bark mulch), had been dug up and removed 2 years ago. Yet, this beautiful little flower was DETERMINED to bloom, in a space which had NOT been prepared for it to do so! bloomed IN SPITE of the prevailing circumstances, and has been a delightful and unexpected surprise! This tenacious little hyacinth holds the message that aligns perfectly with the message for your card today...that you need not wait for the 'perfect circumstances' in order to hold ALL that you need inside you! Your Guardian Angel(s) reiterate the message that you have long been sent---you DO make a difference, and you have much to give this world, as only YOU can! Know this to be true!
Synchronistically, Elizabeth Peru shares this message with us today in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast: "The energy of the next 24 hours stirs us to take action in the direction of our deepest (and often hidden) drives. . .This planetary influence gives you a powerful opportunity to rise into your greatness by being proactive and creating opportunities rather than waiting for circumstances to move you into gear. You'll find your enthusiasm for life is on the rise, so it's important that you take good note of what is happening around you. . ."
That hyacinth, blooming cheerfully in our front lawn, did not wait to be planted in a flowerbed of someone's making---it just bloomed in the circumstances in which the bulb (seed) found itself. As you were advised in your message the designer of your own life and consciously choose how you will reveal and express your amazingness out into the world! Call upon your Guardian Angel(s) to support you in doing so.
Blessed be...
Thursday, April 14, 2016
This is your card reading for Thursday, April 14th/16. Your card launched out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Rewards', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"We have lift-off! Energetically and physically, things are about to take-off in your world. Hold on to your hat. All your hard work is about to pay off. Whatever your venture is right now, there is a great movement coming. Things are about to sky-rocket for you. Good things do come and this is your time to enjoy them. You have done the work, now it is time to reap the rewards. Congratulations!"
My message for you today is this:
As I lay my hand upon the fractal art card which revealed itself for you today, and felt the vibration moving from my hand and up my arm, what was running repeatedly through my mind was the word 'incoming'. That is to say, that what is required of you now is to have faith, because that which comes to mind for you as you read the message above (be it the promotion or employment opportunity you have been working toward; the positive news regarding a health issue that you have been dealing with; the move that you have been longing to make; the relationship that you have been seeking resolution in; etc.) IS moving in the direction that you have held positive intentions about. Yes, you are worthy!
TRUST, ALLOW, BELIEVE! That is the message for you today. By doing so, you support the Universe, which is indeed 'conspiring in your favour'. (Yep! I said it again!) And when that which you have intended, does manifest for you, give thanks. Gratitude is of a very high vibration, energetically, and attracts to it that which is also in high vibration. We have been in a time where we have been urged to have clarity, determination, and tenacity in living our lives 'on purpose'. You are now moving into a time when you will reap the rewards.
Blessed be...
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Building Blocks
This is your card reading for Wednesday, April 13th/16. Your card glided out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your card is 'Building Blocks', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: Strong foundations; a beautiful work in progress.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: You have everything you need to cultivate an extraordinary life. This is a time when your focus needs to be on the foundations you build upon. Your work, your relationships, and your very being are underwritten by your values, ethics, morals, and core beliefs. Are they still true for you? Will they stand the test of time and serve as the solid grounding upon which you construct your life? Now you are making changes that will affect everything in a positive way. Your destiny is truly a remarkable and beautiful design."
My message for you today is this:
I recently purchased a gift for a friend that says, "She designed a life she loved." I loved the underlying 'self-empowerment' of that message! And as I have had the gift of bearing witness to my friend's life journey over the past 25 or more years, this has been true for her. She is one of those people who exudes a true 'love of life' of those people who can find fun and joyful moments in the simplest things. She is one of those people who would be described as 'full of life'! This doesn't mean that she hasn't experienced tragedy and heartache and very real health she was diagnosed with a very serious heart condition some years is the way in which she CHOSE to place her focus and to navigate her way through these times, that caused me to think of her when I read the phrase, "She designed a life she loved." When certain circumstances were presented to her, she consciously chose to 'embrace life' and to continue to live life enthusiastically, rather than to merely 'exist', and to reside in fear.
You are being reminded today that it is up to YOU to 'design the life you love', and that that is well within your power; and is, in fact, your birthright. You may currently find yourself in circumstances and situations that could be viewed as 'disempowering' or 'out of your control', but from a conscious standpoint that is never true. HOW you respond to whatever is happening to you is always up to YOU. The building of a house begins with the design. You have been laying a solid foundation through your life experience thus far. When you consider yourself the designer of your life, what would you include in the blueprint? For my friend that I spoke of earlier, travel is important to her---she has always loved to travel and experience other places and cultures. When she was initially diagnosed with her heart condition, travel was not possible---yet, rather than RESIDE in fear and victimhood and the belief that travel would never be possible for her again; she moved from the initial fear and was proactive in making lifestyle changes and doing what she needed to to become 'heart healthy', and in having the attitude that she WOULD travel again. Some people, with this very same diagnosis, would simply remain in victimhood and would allow the disease to 'design their life' from that time forward.
Today, spend some time honestly reflecting upon the phrase, "She designed a life she loved." Does this feel true for you? Perhaps the life you had once designed for yourself no longer fits. If this is true, how can you now design what it is that you wish to experience or express? The energies are very powerful in supporting you in this at this time! All of our lives are "...a beautiful work in progress", as shared in the message from Colette. What you would have considered the perfect design for you 20 years ago, has likely changed as you have changed. It has been said that we are constantly 'reinventing ourselves'...I would say that, foundationally, we are who we are...yet how that is expressed out into the world evolves as we evolve. Life is not happening TO you...this is YOUR LIFE! Be the grand designer of it!
Blessed be...
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Universal Law of Synchronicity
This is your card reading for Tuesday, April 12th/16. Your card today slipped seamlessly out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Connection' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman. Your card is 'Universal Law of Synchronicity', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Synchronicity states that the Universe is an invisible operating power working behind the scenes as one great whole. All events are interconnected and, as such, that which seems coincidental is in fact meaningfully related. The Universe is incessantly working for you, and when you acknowledge synchronicities, you acknowledge the way the Universe is conspiring in your favour. The Universe is working for you right now, and everything is falling into place for you, even if you cannot see the evidence of this. Be alert and watchful for synchronicities because you can benefit from the help being sent your way. The Law of Synchronicity is also reminding you that things aren't always what they seem. The Universe sometimes works in ways that you won't expect. Circumstances that leave you feeling irritated or confused, like missing a plane or losing your wallet, may be leading you to the perfect place at the perfect time to meet a crucial factor in manifesting your ideal. Trust that all the events that are unfolding in your life are happening because the Universe is conspiring in your favour."
My message for you today:
WOW! WOW! WOW! Have you not heard the message that is shared with you for your card today on a multitude of occasions here in my messages for you? I feel as though the words above could have come directly from me, as I believe them so profoundly! The phrase "...the Universe is conspiring in your favour" has been shared here so frequently, and I personally had no idea 'where' that phrase came from...I assumed that 'I' had come up with it! Apparently not! This, in itself, is a beautiful synchronicity! Evidence that the Universe will bring the message you need to hear to you by using whatever messenger or means of conveying the message will serve you! There are no doubt a myriad of messengers sharing the important message that "the Universe is conspiring in your favour", in order that this missive will be received by all who need to hear it. You do your part in utilizing the Universal Law of Synchronicity in your life by being CONSCIOUS, and by paying attention to synchronistic events that present to you. Do not let them pass you by unnoticed!
A dear friend and I were speaking yesterday to the misconception that, when you strive to live your life in a conscious way and on the spiritual path, some make the assumption that that means you will no longer face challenging times in your life---including disappointments, hurt, grief, fear, missteps and moments of poor judgment. We agreed that, rather, when you seek to live your life honouring the Divine within you, when you encounter times of challenge, you look to the underlying learnings and teachings within the situation and seek to integrate the lessons and possible 'redirection' being offered you by the Universe. Often times, if we are aware, in times of duress the Universe will support us through providing synchronistic events that we could not have conceived of scripting for ourselves. As shared in the message for your card, that lost item may be 'lost' because it is leading you in a direction that you are meant to go. A few years ago, we were very upset because our oldest son had not received his Visa to travel to Brazil for our other son's wedding celebration...the Visa was 'delayed in processing', and so he wasn't able to make his flight to Brazil on the scheduled day. You can imagine the emotion of thinking that our son may miss his brother's wedding celebration! As it turned out, our oldest son met the woman who was to become his wife (and now the mother of his son and our first grandchild!) at an event that he was invited to 'last minute', during that few days that he was delayed back in Calgary waiting for his Visa---and he arrived to Brazil in good time for his brother's wedding celebration, so all was well!
Another phrase that is commonly heard is 'well, it must be happening for a reason'. That is stated in knowing that there is more at play than we may witness with our 5 senses here in the physical...embracing such a stance requires FAITH. What may appear as a disappointment may actually be in your best interests in the long run, because something 'better' awaits you.
You are being reminded today to be acutely aware of the synchronistic events that occur in your life and to use them as guideposts---to look for the underlying message being shared with you by the Divine. There ARE no coincidences! This I know for sure...
Blessed be...
Friday, April 8, 2016
Artemis ~ Guardian
This is your card reading for Friday, April 8th/16. Your card skimmed out of the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Artemis ~ Guardian', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You and your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected...
MESSAGE FROM ARTEMIS: Like me, you have a sacred mission to spread love and light. Yet, this isn't a position that comes with tension or worry. Instead, the gentle essence of a joyful heart and lighthearted laughter sets your power into motion. Why would there be any tension in your mind or system unless you believed that you were somehow unsafe? And how could you be unsafe when you've called upon the spiritual warriors to watch over you? Your prayers have activated the flawless protection of Heaven. So, ease your mind of all cares and concerns, and concentrate instead upon your holy mission.
ABOUT ARTEMIS (pronounced AR-tem-is): The Greed goddess Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo, the sun god. She's a powerful, tomboyish goddess who prefers to spend her time in the woods with wild animals. Artemis has carried a bow and arrow ever since they were given to her in childhood, yet she never uses them to hurt anything. Rather, the energy of her bow and arrow is a talisman that helps her focus her thoughts and intentions, and she always reaches the mark of her manifestations.
Artemis helps us concentrate and focus as well. She offers protection to all who call upon her, particularly women and children."
My message for you today is this:
We continue to be in the energy of yesterday's Super New Moon, whose theme was new beginnings. Interesting how, yesterday my attention was caught by the flight of a beautiful butterfly in the tree outside my office window (early in the year for our area) beautifully synchronistic with the prevailing energy and the messages that have been presenting for you. We are honestly being infused recently with Light, and we are adjusting to this vibration that we are embodying. The irony is, that these 'adjustment's to this infusion of LIGHT', may show up in ways that shake your equilibrium and leave you feeling out of alignment. Therefore, you may have been experiencing some very real shake ups in close relationships, that feel anything but 'of the Light' at the time. In other words, you may have found yourself in the face of conflict or confrontation, either in the workplace or in the home, or in another close relationship. Know that this was to bring to the forefront and shine LIGHT upon some aspect within that relationship that required adjustment and perhaps healing, and that this incident was indeed for the greater good. You will see this in hindsight, even if you are unable to recognize it now.
The goddess Artemis has presented for you today to remind you that you ARE SAFE, at this time of transition, and yes...upgrading! Call upon her to assist you in relaxing into and receiving this influx of Light, with strength and the intention to shine your own Light, also. If you are able to spend time in nature, this will also support you at this time, and will further allow you to integrate the new vibration with greater ease and grace. Recall that, as a butterfly emerges from the cocoon, there is some labour required in order to reveal her wings to take flight. The more you can relax into the process, the less like 'struggle' it will seem.
Blessed be...
Thursday, April 7, 2016
This is your card reading for Thursday, April 7th/16---the Super New Moon! Your card today spun out of the 'Messages From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Arielle', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"New psychic and spiritual experiences are changing the way you view the world and yourself. Allow your spiritual gifts to open---through study, prayer and meditation...
ADDITIONAL MESSAGE: It's not your imagination. You really ARE psychic, and you HAVE connected with the spirit world. These mystical experiences are occurring due to your increased spiritual openness, and because you have asked about your angels and your life's purpose. I am part of a large group of angels assigned to help those of you who have spiritual gifts. We will send you additional Earth helpers in the form of spiritual teachers, books, and classes so that you may further open up to your spiritual abilities.
Please don't be afraid to use your gifts. Although you may have been teased or punished for being psychic in your childhood or past life, we can help you heal any fears that you may have about being psychic or spiritually gifted. Just ask for our help, and it is given.
The earth needs your help right now. We ask that you regularly send the Divine light and love within you toward those who need it most. Simply hold the intention of sending beams of loving energy toward any place, plant, animal, person, or situation, and it is done. We thank you for your Earth angel assistance."
My message for you today is this:
On this Super New Moon, you are being advised to fully embrace the Divine within you and to acknowledge and embrace your GIFTS.
This is what Elizabeth Peru shares with us in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast for today's Super New Moon (
"This is the second Super New Moon (in a row) of 2016, making this New Moon even stronger than last months. Any New Moon that coincides with the time of the month that the Moon is also at its closest approach to Earth, is a rarity. In 2016 it happens six times in total, three times on the New Moon in March, April and May and also three times on a Full Moon in October, November and December. . .This Super New Moon is one of taking action, of rolling your sleeves up and feeling inspired to move on your plans, which have arisen over the recent Eclipse Season. . . This New Moon is asking us to follow through with our plans and dreams. It's not enough to just put your ideas out into the universe today; you must also take action to back them up. Be brave and put yourself forward for any endeavor you have been working towards. Make those calls, contact the people or organizations you have been meaning to and springboard yourself to personal success.
In summary:
~It's important to act on your plans and dreams for the next 6 months.
~Plant your seeds today and hold positive thoughts towards what you desire.
~Roll your sleeves up and get on with what you have been putting off.
~At the Full Moon in October, you will see the fruitions of what you begin now."
There you have it... Embrace your intuitive abilities and your gifts, and move toward sharing them in the way that your Soul is calling you to. Bask in the light of the Moon, and allow it to fill you with the energy of possibility! Call upon your angels and spiritual advisors to guide you and support you. As was shared in your message yesterday:
'Your time as a caterpillar has expired. Your wings are ready."
Blessed be...
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
No card reading Wednesday, April 6th/16, but a brief message!
There will be no card reading today, Wednesday, April 6th/16...I have a morning appointment.
I wanted to share this poignant message with you today, however, as it reflects the energies we are in leading into tomorrow's Super New Moon---which is all about new beginnings!
Set your intentions, beautiful Souls! Choose to live your life consciously, 'on purpose', and with creative courage!
Much love and blessings to you!
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Gentle Release
This is your card reading for Tuesday, April 5th/16. Your card wafted so lightly from the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish, as I shuffled, that I barely noticed it had dropped out! Your card is 'Gentle Release', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"The presence of Archangel Michael is here to assist you with clearing your energy field of old hurts and past experiences that are weighing you down and slowing your progress in life. He is here to help you cut the cords that keep you energetically attached to people and events that no longer serve you in a positive way. Michael always performs his duties with love and asks you to consciously send love to those people and things in your past so that you may release them into the Light and move forward with your life."
My message for you today is this:
The energy of the day is absolutely about taking personal responsibility for your life! You are an empowered, self-determinant, courageous Soul! As you read Cheryl Lee's message for your card today, you may have been (as I was!) asking 'Just how many MORE times, exactly, do I have to release old hurts and determine to choose forgiveness in order to release myself?'
The answer is: As many times as it takes, in order that you can get to that place where you see that experience as having served your growth and development. Until you can integrate the lessons held within it and most importantly, until you can forgive YOURSELF and step out of any residual self-judgment you may hold regarding the experience, you will find yourself needing to release that old hurt on various levels.
As vibrational beings, we are impacted by the energy in which we find ourselves. I have often shared here my love of inspirational quotes and my belief in the power of the word. A quote that comes to mind for you in regards to your message today, is one by Jill Bolte Taylor, an American neuroanatomist, and author of the book, 'My Stroke of Insight':
"Take responsibility for the energy you bring." She had this quote posted at the entrance into her hospital room, as she endured the long recovery from a debilitating stroke that she suffered at the age of 37. She had become acutely aware that 'everything is energy' and she wanted those who entered her personal 'healing space' to bring only 'positive energy', in order to support her healing.
Essentially, your message today---as we lead into the Super New Moon this upcoming Thursday---is to take responsibility for your own 'vibration' and for the energy that you emanate. You were advised in yesterday's message that you are an 'energetic powerhouse'---so take responsibility for how you will care for yourself energetically and "...for the energy you bring."
Archangel Michael is the supreme Archangel whose name means 'He who is like God'. His 'specialty' is protection; and to heal fear and lend courage; as well as to clear energy. We can call upon him to clear our energetic centers (chakras). Many experience Archangel Michael's aura as royal purple in color, and a crystal that aligns energetically with him is Sugilite. Archangels are Light Beings and are therefore not restricted by the physical manifestations we are. They are able to bi-locate (to be with more than one Soul simultaneously) and so, by calling him to assist you, you are not taking him away from assisting another. Archangels and Angels are governed by the Law of Free Will and are not able to intercede in our lives without our permission, so you must ASK if you desire assistance and guidance from them. It isn't necessary to recite a formal prayer to invoke an Archangel's assistance---simply think the thought or speak the request, and they will be there for you. Archangel Michael has presented for you today, to let you know that you are so supported in caring for yourself energetically; and that you have the understanding and capability of taking responsibility for the energy that you emanate! ARE a 'sensitive Soul', and CAN handle that (and you can even bless the world with that)!
Blessed be...
Monday, April 4, 2016
This is your card reading for Monday, April 4th/16. Your card today spun to the floor from the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Vibrational', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Some souls come to the earth plane to simply experience life. Their lives focus on personal interactions---not on the betterment of the planet or on humanity itself. You however, are not one of those souls. You have incarnated for a much bigger reason. The core energy of who you are and the vibrational field you carry, has a profound effect on all those with whom you come in contact. You may already be aware of this---or you may not.
There is nothing you need to do to make your energy stronger, better or higher in frequency. It does not need to be adjusted, altered, or activated. It already is all of those things. By believing that your energy needs to be improved, you are actually limiting the force and flow of it with thoughts of lack.
You did not come to this earth to improve your energy. You have come to this earth to use your energy! You are an energetic powerhouse and the Vibrational card has come to remind you of this.
You have the ability to effect and uplift the energy of anyone you come in contact with. Spirit is asking that you place your awareness on this. You, and the energy you hold, is intended to aid and benefit your fellow human. In your own unique way, through whatever it is you do, your energy makes an important and valuable contribution to this planet.
It is time for you to claim your energy and the power you hold. By focusing on how you use it and how it affects others, you are aligning your field to its intended purpose---to make a lasting and positive change in the lives of others."
My message for you today is this:
Are you one of those people that are often approached in public places for directions or to assist someone in some way? (It is hilarious to me that I am often asked for directions by strangers, when in truth, I am lost myself, a good part of the time!) Are you in a career or profession that would be labeled as a 'helping profession'; such as a teacher, a nurse, or another employment position which entails helping others? Do others often turn to you for comfort and guidance? Are you that 'go to' person in your family? Do you find that you are often very fatigued after being in large groups of people, and that it is IMPERATIVE for you to spend time alone, in your own energy, in order to reenergize yourself...even though you would say that you genuinely 'like people'? Would you be described by others as a 'warm' and affectionate person who is comfortable to be around? Do you find yourself wanting to hug or comfort others when you see them in distress, and that merely being in your presence or experiencing your touch IS calming to others?
We are ALL vibrational beings, yet as Cheryl Lee has shared in her message for you today, some have incarnated here at a higher vibrational resonance than others. You have, essentially, agreed to act as a support to others. You do not have to be an empath in order to fulfill this role, but those who are empaths have definitely agreed on a Soul level to be of service in this way; whether they know this consciously, or not. This is a Soulful assignment you have taken on! Do not doubt in your own wisdom, strength, and Divinely gifted energetic vibrancy that you hold! Those who hold this resonance are often labeled as 'overly sensitive' and may even have grown to see themselves as 'weak' because of how strongly they 'feel', and are affected by, what is happening around them energetically. Yet, nothing could be farther from the truth! Only those who are strong enough to embody this vibration have been given the task! You are a gift, dear Soul! To acknowledge this is not being Egoic, or considering yourself 'better or less than'; but rather, is embracing what it is you came here to do, and thereby honouring the Divine within you. Ensure that you honour and take care of yourself, energetically, even as you are ever willing to care for others. Much love to you!
Blessed be...
Friday, April 1, 2016
Planting Seeds
This is your card reading for Friday, April 1st/16. Your card today sunk out of the 'Gateway Oracle' card deck, authored by Denise Linn. Your card is 'Planting Seeds', and Denise's message for the card is this:
"Seeds of grace are being planted in the fertile soil of my soul...
CARD MEANING: The fertile soil of your soul is ready to receive the seeds that will come to harvest in the years ahead. Get clear on what you desire for yourself and your future. Timing is vital, and now is your moment to plant spiritual seeds.
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW: Every realized dream once started as an idea that took root. For your projects, ideas, and dreams to come to fruition, you need to first become clear on what your heart truly desires. Then ask yourself, 'Is this really what I want?'
Believe that miracles can happen. Use this time to plant seeds for your future. Nurture these precious seeds so that they will grow as strong as the mighty oak. Take action in the desired direction of your dreams, but be willing to pull the weeds along the way. It won't be long before you are reaping the bounty of your labour."
My message for you today is this:
How beautifully synchronistic that the message on Doreen's 'Messages From Your Angels Perpetual Flip Calendar' for April 1st is: "You only need to be clear about what it is that you want, pray for guidance, and then motivate yourself to take the necessary steps that are guided." Denise's message for your card today, and Doreen's calendar message for today perfectly synopsize the messages that you have received this week! And as we are now in the energy of the Spring Equinox, we are energetically in alignment with 'planting seeds'.
All this week Spirit has brought to your attention that you are being urged to live your life consciously and 'on purpose'---doing so means that you are acutely aware of what your desires are.
How do you plant the seed of your desire? By first being very honest and specific with yourself about which seed you wish to plant. It is not very efficient to plant a handful of random seeds and hope that you'll be happy with something that grows! Rather, choose your seeds with INTENTION, and then tend to them in the way that you are guided to. I believe strongly in the POWER OF INTENTION---I personally define setting an intention as 'planting a seed', energetically. The more specific you are about the intention you set---the seed that you sow---the more true to your intention will be your result.
Understand that this whole 'growth thing' is a process! Once you plant the seed, you must have FAITH that that which you have planted will grow, even as you may not be able to bear witness to each phase of the growth. Some aspects are occurring in ways that we cannot 'see'...yet the growth is happening, all the same. This is where FAITH comes that things are progressing as they need to, underneath the soil, even though it's not a visible seedling yet. Your role is to reside in FAITH and to believe in the intention you have set.
I love the portion of Denise's message that states: ". . .be willing to pull the weeds along the way." This speaks to the understanding that, even intentions set in perfect alignment with our Soul's desire, are seldom manifested without having to tend to and sort through the 'weeds' that will appear. Also...metaphorically...while you can't control when it will rain, you CAN find an alternate water source, when necessary. Be resourceful in nurturing your dream. This requires a clear vision; the willingness to follow the guidance that is presented to you; and the motivation to do the work necessary in reaping the harvest.
Do not become intimidated or overwhelmed with feeling that you have to pay attention right now to ALL of the details of exactly how your seed will grow...understand that all you need focus upon now is the PLANTING. Perhaps this entails making a phone call that you have felt an urging to make; or contacting someone that you have been interested in taking a course from; or reading a book on a subject that will inspire/educate you in promoting yourself; or attending a conference that will enlighten you in ways that will serve you in moving forward on your Soulful path...there are a multitude of ways in which to 'plant the seed of your intention'. The message for you today is to consciously plant and tend to the seeds of your heart's (Soul's) desire... It is the season for doing so, and you are so supported energetically!
Blessed be...
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