Wednesday, January 20, 2016


This is your card reading for Wednesday, January 20th/16---a very special day, as it is my son-in-law, Eduardo's, birthday today!  Happy, happy Birthday, Genro!  Wishing you a multitude of blessings in the year ahead, with much love from your Canadian family!
Your card today propelled out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish (this has become my favorite deck lately---I just LOVE the high vibration it holds!).  Your card is 'Worthy', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
You are one of the loving spirits who has come to be in service to humanity this life time. This strong desire and need to give to your fellow man is embedded deep within your soul's blueprint.  You play an important role in the cosmic plan.  This card has come to you today as Spirit's way of giving you a much needed reminder---that you hold a great worth and value.
You can no longer question whether you are worthy or if you have value in this world.  We all look to our physical world for confirmation.  We question whether we are good enough, wanted, and needed.  We want the world to tell us that we are doing well and that it wants what we have to offer.  But your value and worth cannot come from anyone or anything outside of you.
Just as you are, right now in this moment---you are enough.  It is time for you to begin to understand your own worth and value.  Spirit is asking that you start now, to understand just how important you are.  Begin by asking yourself: How much would you value someone who was as kind to you, as you are to others?  If you met a person whose inner heart was as caring and loving as yours, would you value them in your life?  If someone gave to you, as you give to others, would you value it?  Of course you would.
You need to see yourself.  See just how valuable you really are.  Your worth does not come from what you do or how you behave.  Your worth comes from the fact that you are part of the God-Source. Once you fully realize this, you will play an invaluable role in helping others to discover their own value too."

My message for you today is this:
Hear me when I say..."YOU ARE WORTHY!"  Open yourself up to this knowing.  
I appreciate and am inspired to share with you what Oprah frequently expounds: "Just your being here, makes you worthy!" Oprah, who was born into life circumstances that left her feeling unwanted and unworthy---being born to a single mother, who was only 'with' Oprah's father on one occasion and then found herself to be pregnant---now has built her life around the understanding that she IS worthy of being here.  The sheer fact that she was conceived under such improbable circumstances speaks to the knowing that she was MEANT to be here. She speaks often of the unlikelihood of someone from her background now having the life of influence that she does today.  The Universe conspired to bring her to the monumental role of 'teacher' that she embodies today, regardless of (or perhaps, because of) her beginnings.  Yet to have the life of eminence that she now does required her to acknowledge on a Soul level that she was WORTHY of it.  Otherwise all of the beautiful contriving of the Universe could not have brought into being the expression that is now Oprah Winfrey.  Another life lesson that Oprah shares frequently is that the Divine dreams a bigger dream for you than you could ever dream for yourself---because in the eyes of Divine you are WORTHY of it!  Oprah declares that even once she came to understand her own potential and possibility, she could not have foreseen what her life has become.
To struggle with our worthiness at times is part of being human---no self-judgment about that. Just know that you are here on PURPOSE...not by accident.  You are here because you and only you could express what you are here to express.  So have your moments of self-doubt, but choose not to RESIDE there.  Trust in the intention of the Divine in your creation. Know that YOU are a unique expression of the Divine.  Let go of any propensity to compare or compete with others.  When you are in alignment with your worthiness, your life moves with ease and grace.  Surrender to this.  Say aloud: "I am worthy!" and then further ignite and lend energy to those words by FEELING them.  Believe those words with all of your heart.  The Universe is abundant and wishes to conspire in your favour!  We are being pushed to embrace our worthiness so that we can fully express all that we are in this year of 'creative courage'. 
Blessed be...

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