Monday, January 25, 2016

Transformation ~ Moldavite

This is your card reading for Monday, January 25th/16.  Were you able to witness the amazing Wolf Full Moon last night?  Early in the evening it was a gorgeous orangy-red color!  My dear friend in Florida saw the same beautiful hue as I did here in Alberta...radiant!
Your card pitched out of 'The Crystal Ally Cards' deck, authored by Naisha Ahsian. Your card is 'Transformation ~ Moldavite', and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"If you have drawn Moldavite as your ally, hold on! It's going to be an exciting ride for the next few months.  You may experience a 'falling away' of old relationships, jobs, securities, and situations.  Anything that does not serve your ultimate path may go spinning off into space, leaving you transformed.
Moldavite is not always an easy Ally, as its purgative effects can leave you feeling like you've been put through the ringer, but it is truly a stone that indicates change for the better. It has a beautiful, extremely powerful and high vibration which creates a resonance with Universal understanding and creation.
Expect an increase in psychic or 'coincidental' phenomenon.  It is time for you to begin the next phase of your spiritual learning, and Moldavite is a powerful teacher!
CHAKRA:  Will dissolve blockages in all chakras, but is most active on the Heart, Third Eye, Crown and etheric chakras.
AFFIRMATION:  I allow the power of Light to transform my life."

My message for you is this:
In the photo of your card today, you may notice my Moldavite ring, being worn as a 'crown' on the angel's head, and one of my pendants, made of raw Moldavite, draped over the card corner, laying in the hands of the image on the card.  I have made no secret of my love for crystals---I first began to learn about crystal energy when I was working with a shaman almost 2 decades ago---I had actually been 'collecting rocks' from various places all of my life, I just hadn't understood 'why' I was drawn to them!  The shaman introduced me to the understanding that 'everything is energy', including the 'rocks/crystals', trees, etc. 
My introduction to the crystal, Moldavite, was the beginning, it made me feel nauseous and light-headed, and 'scattered'.  I understand now, why.  I was undergoing huge changes in my life at that time---some of the change I was very resistant to, although in hindsight I understand that it was for my 'greater good'.  Often, we seek to hold on to what is 'familiar' to us, even as it no longer serves us!  It takes courage to actively embrace some of the changes that we are presented with, and to move forward from what we have come to think of as our 'safe place'.  For instance, I had become adept at 'shutting down' and 'denying' my psychic gifts and abilities; and when I was first introduced to Moldavite at my friend Melanie's crystal shop, I had had teachers and mentors present to me and I was learning how to acknowledge and develop those abilities.  Yet, fear was still very present within me, about opening myself up again and making myself 'vulnerable' in this way...and so the catalystic and transformative energies of Moldavite was 'intimidating' to me.  I now wear Moldavite when I am seeking to raise my vibration, or prepare myself for a known upcoming change that I want to come into alignment with.
It's no surprise that Moldavite presented for you today, considering the energies we are in!
We had the amazing Full Moon yesterday, which was ushering in elevated energy; and today/tomorrow (depending on where you are in the world) Mercury is going direct, after having been in retrograde.  So...we have done some sorting out of priorities and gone deep in ascertaining 'what' is truly important and in alignment with who we are authentically. Now, over the course of this next year, we will be pushed to express that.  The upcoming months we must lay the groundwork for that, which may require making some very real changes in various aspects of our lives.  The FIRST thing that comes to mind for you is what you need to focus on changing to begin with.  NO SELF-JUDGMENT HERE! This is about blessing and recognizing where you have been and how it served to bring you to this cusp of change. Be aware of the synchronicities and circumstances that present for you over the next while...and be courageous enough to 'take that leap' when your Soul urges you to...knowing that to do so may feel a little 'scary'!  Employ the energy of Moldavite to support you with it's high vibrational alignment to the Universal Knowing.  As my dear friend Jaden Sterling often says: "You've got this!"  And, I'm going to add to that:  "Now, go and get it!"
Blessed be...

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