Monday, January 4, 2016

Ixchel ~ Medicine Woman

This is your card reading for Monday, January 4th, 2016.  Your card today sailed out of the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Ixchel ~ Medicine Woman', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You are a channel for Divine healing power...
MESSAGE FROM IXCHEL:  Commanding power is not the same as demanding it. Demanding comes from a childlike place akin to a tantrum, based upon the fear that it might be withheld.  Commanding is based upon the sure and steady knowledge that you are part of the Great Spirit's grace and wisdom.  You're a lightning rod that can conduct the power. Simply connect to the the poser through unyielding clarity of your thought processes.  Don't waver for a moment in your sure and steady decision to be a conduit of the power that already resides within you.  Connect to the even bigger source, and allow it to amplify your natural power.  In this way, you're a steady connector of the Infinite, from the Infinite, and to the Infinite.  In other words, it's all Spirit; around you, and to whomever you're healing.
VARIOUS MEANINGS OF THIS CARD:  You're a healer. * You're being healed. * This situation and/or your loved one is being healed. * Honor your healing knowledge and abilities. * Learn about healing. * Teach the healing arts. * Start or continue your healing practice.
ABOUT IXCHEL:  (pronounced EE-Shell or Ish-Chell):  Ixchel has been revered since ancient times as the Mayan moon goddess, who with her husband the sun god, gave birth to all the other Mayan gods.  As the embodiment of the moon, Ixchel is intimately connected to the tides of the water.  She's believed to control rain flow and all aspects of water.  In fact, she's called 'Lady Rainbow,' as her essence is infused in the water droplet prisms that create rainbows.  As a mother goddess, Ixchel helps with fertility and childbirth.  She's also a powerful healer who remembers the origin of human life upon the planet.  She can connect you to your foundational roots as a spiritual healer."

My message for you today is this:
I was not consciously aware of Ixchel prior to this card revealing itself for your reading today; but her energies are MOST WELCOME!  Personally, I am in deep gratitude to Ixchel for presenting; as my daughter, daughter-in-law and myself began a 12 day cleanse today! The holidays were wonderful; but it is time to detox from overindulging! Last night, as I lay in bed, I prayed for support in this from my own personal spiritual 'team'; as well as any Ascended Masters, Archangels and other spiritual advisors who would serve me in striving to make these positive changes in honoring my physical body temple.  As my dear friend, Jaden Sterling so profoundly stated in a recent presentation: "If you don't take good care of your physical body, then where will YOU live?" 
Indeed---we are here in this physical body to partake in and enjoy all aspect of being human, but it is not in our best interests to take our body temple for granted, either. Everything in moderation---and when we slip into overindulgence as we occasionally do---then choose to fuel and move your body from a conscious place, in order to promote your optimum health.  Don't waste a moment of your time on guilt, which is a 'man-made' emotion---simply make the commitment to get back on track, and utilize the Spiritual support that is available to you to do so.  Mind---body---Spirit---we will likely never achieve CONSTANT balance, but we can strive for consistency in choosing to honour of physical body (sometimes that means enjoying overindulging in something occasionally, too!).
Also, as I was typing up Doreen's message for this card, it came to me that Ixchel's message for us today is that WE are in fact, the most powerful healing advocates for ourselves.  Ixchel is reminding us, today, of the goddess within each and every one of us and the healing power that we hold individually.  We are so willing to offer up our healing energy and abilities to others, but are often reticent in offering up the same for ourselves! 
Ixchel's affinity for water is a reminder of how healing the power of water is for us as humans---we are made up of approximately 60 to 75% water, after all!  So, utilize this healing power---drinking plenty of water is perfect for nourishing and detoxing the body; the sound of moving water is very soothing to many; a sea salt bath is cleansing and clearing; spending time by the ocean or lakeside---all of these are healing.  Utilize them!
I have spoken many times in my readings about moon energy and how it serves us---Ixchel reminds us of that, also. 
You are a powerful healer and noone else knows your body temple as you do---make the choice today to honour it and to be your own advocate and healer...
Blessed be...

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