Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Cultivating Prosperity

This is your card reading for Wednesday, January 27th/16.  Your card flipped out of the 'Gateway' oracle card deck, authored by Denise Linn.  Your card is 'Cultivating Prosperity' and Denise's message for the card is this:
"The abundance of the Universe is pouring into my life!
CARD MEANING:  A stream of abundance is ready to flow into your life, but you need to take action to receive it.  Believe that you deserve it.  Take steps forward by planting seeds for your future prosperity.
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW:  Right now you are moving toward receiving an outpouring of money, energy, time and love.  However, you must first know that you deserve it...and you do.  Take action in the direction of your dreams.  This is not the time to passively wait for prosperity to fall into your lap.  Give deeply and fully of who you are and what you have, for the more you truly give, the more you will receive.  It is a universal law.  As you focus on gratitude for what you already have, your abundance will grow in leaps and bounds."

My message for you today is this:
Prosperity does not just mean financial abundance.  Prosperity encompasses health, relationship, time, love, AND also financial abundance.  Culturally, in the past, we have equated financial abundance as the means thorough which we will experience happiness and well-being.  We have come to the understanding that financial abundance IS  a component that provides us with security and options for life choices; yet it is not the be-all and end-all of living a fulfilling life.  Today, you are being asked to look at all the areas in your life that are already abundant and prosperous.  Express gratitude for that prosperity that is already present.  Then look to where you desire to receive abundance from the Universe and allow yourself to dwell in the energy of having already received it.  Express gratitude for that.  Take guided action, even if it seems a little intimidating or outside your comfort zone, when the Universe presents you with opportunities to 'go for it' in reaching for your desires.  Truly contemplate and reflect upon what MATTERS to you.  Then focus upon sharing all that you are, in order to bring in all that you desire.  As 'woo woo' as it sounds, it is a very real principle in Universal Law.  It has been stated in so many ways over time, but the bottom line is: "As you give, so shall you receive."  How will you employ this as you move through your day today?  
I have been having one of those days (actually, a series of days) where I am feeling pulled in a multitude of directions and have spent my morning in a state of 'overwhelm' thinking about all of the 'plates I have spinning in the air at one time'.  I am being honest here...there IS a LOT going on in my life at the moment!  This message today has caused me to refocus my attention to, 'I have all the time that I need'.  Simply by redirecting how I perceive 'time', I can use it more effectively.  Rather than 'waste time' in agonizing over how I will get done what I need to, I can focus upon one thing at a time and complete the task in front of me. Do you see what I mean?  Focus upon the area in your life that you wish to draw in 'more'---and choose to act as if you already have it.  Take action that will move you toward what you desire.  
You reside in an abundant Universe!  Know this to be true, and act on that knowing!
Blessed be...

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