Friday, January 8, 2016


This is your card reading for Friday, January 8th/16.  My apologies for not posting was a flu day in bed for me!  Definitely taking on the cleansing and clearing theme for this month, but feeling much better today!  Your card today slid out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Co-create'.  I wanted to take a picture of the card against the beauty of the hoar frost on the trees, with my beautiful Xmas gift of angel wings silhouetted against nature's amazing backdrop; but the card wouldn't show up in that setting. So, I took an additional photo of it with my angel, so you can see the card clearly.  Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  Creativity; art; inspiration; fruition; manifestation.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  You may not consider yourself a creative person, but in fact you are creating your reality every moment of every day via your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intentions, and actions.  Yet you must consider that you do so in partnership with Spirit, Consciousness, God or whatever name you call your Higher Power.  You are a spark of this Intelligence that works through you, nudging you with inspired thought and intuitive guidance.  You are a paintbrush that co-creates a beautiful, unique expression of your own individuality blended with universal Spirit.  You are a product of Divine inspiration, and now you're aligned with it to create miracles.  When you view your life as art, and know YOU co-create it, only beauty and grace result.  Prepare to be amazed."

My message for you today is this:
Wow!  I am continually in awe with the way in which Spirit communicates with us!  This card falls beautifully into the theme of the messages this week and in validating and setting the tone for the upcoming year.  It is simply another way of advising you to step into this year of 'creative courage'---Colette explains here, in the message for this card, just what I was attempting to share as to what I meant by 'creative courage'. I particularly love and appreciate her message, "When you view your life as art, and know YOU co-create it, only beauty and grace result."  I implore you to embrace that understanding as you move through 2016!  I, personally, will be posting that very phrase where I will see it often, as a lovely reminder as to where my focus will lie this year.
It is true, that to be a conscious co-creator in the story of our lives, and to reach for that which is in our highest and best interest; we must strive to take excellent care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. That is why we are beginning this year by cleansing and clearing on a deep level, that which no longer serves us, in order that we may move forward from a place of clarity and vitality.  Of course, this process is not always 'comfortable'. Many of you may be experiencing flu-like symptoms, as I did yesterday. And, this is not to say that we are ever completely 'done' with purging, re-evaluating, and readjusting what 'currently' resonates with us.  As energetic Beings, we do not remain stagnant, but are ever-changing.  Yet the clearing and cleansing that we have been doing at the opening of this new year has been deeper and has been approached with the awareness that we are indeed stepping into a more empowered place.  Those who are determined to reside in 'victimhood' will find themselves very uncomfortable and in strong opposition to the upcoming energies.  And you will find yourself moving away from such people, not from a place of 'judgment', but rather because you can not align with them energetically.  They will literally 'repel' you, and it will be difficult to be in their presence. They will feel the same about you.  Bless those situations and people and all the learning that they have brought to your life---no one is ever in your life 'by accident'.  See these shifts and changes in relationships for what they are, shifts in vibration that are no longer in alignment.  It doesn't make anyone 'good' or 'bad' or 'better' or 'worse'---just no longer in alignment.  As the conscious co-creator of your own life, you have the responsibility of choosing to spend time with those who 'lift you up'---who see the Light in you, and encourage you to shine it.  Those very people may encourage and even lovingly 'push' you into circumstances that you may deem outside your comfort zone.  I know that this has been true in numerous instances with my husband---he sees the potential and possibility in me that I have been fearful in expressing, and has urged me to move forward with it.  Although I resented him 'urging' me to take certain risks initially, I was later grateful as he supported me through my original fear to the empowering place of accomplishment I felt through my authentic expression of self (it is he, for example, who 'strongly encouraged' me to create and teach my Akashic Records courses, which are absolutely aligned with my Soul purpose).  
I must close your message today by restating the powerful message that Colette shares with us for this card, that parallels what I have intuited for this year:
Blessed be...

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